Martial Inverse

Chapter 491 Just kidding

? "For... why is this happening?"

Donghuang Taiyi was a little weak at the time, but...he didn't believe that Lin Yu was the demon emperor.

If it was the demon emperor, why would he protect Cheng Cheng, the empress of the heavens?

Totally unreasonable thing.

"He is not the demon emperor, this is not the demon emperor in my mind, I want him to die..."

Donghuangtai was dazzled by anger early in the morning, and now she only wants Feng Hao to die immediately.

"You are presumptuous!"

The middle-aged man condensed with demonic energy scolded angrily, but he seemed unable to stop it.

It can only be turned into a group of monster clouds.

Constantly revolving around Donghuang Taiyi, trying to slow down Donghuang Taiyi's forward pace.

"Don't work in vain. How can you gain the upper hand when you merge with this emperor in a sealed state? Today, just watch me kill this person. Even if he is a demon emperor, he will die..."

Donghuang Taiyi is now full of self-confidence, and has a kind of invincible belief.

He laughed and swooped down from the demon cloud, the huge dragon head opened its bloody mouth, trying to swallow Feng Hao.

At that moment, the Immortal Island trembled by the strong wind of demonic aura, and the monstrous demonic aura permeated the fairyland.

And Feng Hao was swallowed in one gulp.

"Wow haha……"

After Donghuang Taiyi swallowed Feng Hao in one gulp, he immediately activated the demon breath, preparing to refine Feng Hao.

The evil spirit is very corrosive, and the strong in the evil way rely on devouring to strengthen themselves.

It is said that nothing cannot be refined...

"How... yes, is this the Demon Emperor?"

The man in black who was trying to stop Donghuang Taiyi turned into a human again and looked at Donghuang Taiyi in shock.

This is not the demon emperor.

The demon emperor cannot be so weak,

How could it be devoured and refined by Donghuang Taiyi?

But he couldn't figure out why someone would look the same as the Demon Emperor...

"Feng Hao!"

Cheng Cheng shouted heartbreakingly, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Feng Hao, who was invincible in her heart, was swallowed up by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi...

At this moment, the pain in her mind was extremely painful, and suddenly, pictures appeared in her mind like a slideshow.

She remembered!

She is the Empress of the Heaven Realm, she was willing to be thrown into reincarnation because she was tired of the life in the Heaven Realm.

Taste the joys and sorrows of all ages.

He used to be a peasant woman, a queen, a princess, and a talented woman. After trying all kinds of things in the world, he finally returned.

She was completely enlightened, her eyes were filled with the radiance of divinity, and the power of heaven turned into an imperial crown and radiant wings, instantly clearing away the evil spirit within a radius of one hundred feet.


When the Master of the Immortal Pavilion saw that Cheng Cheng had regained his empress body, he knelt down excitedly on the ground, tears streaming down his face...

Cang Tian and Huang Tian were also moved, their bodies trembling, and then lowered their noble heads.

When Wan Xian saw the Empress under the only light in the dark sky, they also knelt down on one knee to worship.

At the same time, seeing this scene, Donghuang Taiyi was not only not frightened at all, but salivated.

"Swallow, and then swallow you, this emperor will be the master of the universe..."

Donghuang Taiyi was so excited that he was about to die.

He felt that he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life.

It turns out that wanting to reach the peak is really a very simple matter, as long as you fall into the demon way.

What is the use of practicing? How can it be so fast to devour other people's cultivation base.

However... just when Donghuang Taiyi was about to attack the empress Cheng Cheng, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his abdomen hidden in the demon cloud.


He looked down, and didn't know when a hole was broken in his stomach.

Then he felt all the strength in his body draining away.

"what happened?"

Donghuang Taiyi was stunned at the time, his cultivation was passing by so fast, he couldn't stop it!

The black-robed man also noticed the strangeness, and quickly turned into balls of monster energy, trying to stomach the huge gap in Donghuang Taiyi's abdomen.

But as soon as the black-robed man approached, he was directly sent flying by a strong force.

The demonic aura disperses directly.

Then... everyone saw Feng Hao walking out from the gap, his body was spotless, and he was holding a beating heart in his hand.


Cang Tian and Huang Tian's eyeballs almost popped out at that moment.

Whose heart is that?

Still dancing...


Donghuang Taiyi roared angrily when he saw the heart in Feng Hao's hand.

That's his heart.

It is the source of his strength!

No wonder he felt that his strength and cultivation were fading just now, and he couldn't stop it. It turned out that his heart was actually picked off by Feng Hao.


Only then did Donghuang Taiyi realize what would happen without a heart... Then the huge dragon body trembled violently.

Endless demonic energy leaked from the opening in his abdomen, and Dong Huangtai was so frightened that his whole body went limp.

Is he dying?

He couldn't figure it out at all, how could this happen?

Hasn't Feng Hao been swallowed into it for refining? Why did the other party take his heart off...



That heart was still beating vigorously, and Donghuang Taiyi did not die immediately.

Because the law is sustaining his life.

But if the heart is crushed by Feng Hao, then... Donghuang Taiyi will die immediately.

"Demon Emperor?"

The middle-aged man in black robe started to go crazy, and at this moment, he thought Feng Hao was the demon emperor.

Feng Hao looked at him, shook his head indifferently and said, "This emperor is not a demon emperor...but this emperor and him are old enemies..."

Fenghao's power of the world merged with the power of heaven's way of heaven, above the void, condensed into a huge axe, it was the Pangu ax purely condensed by the power of the world.

The moment the Pangu Ax appeared, the entire space of the Immortal Domain seemed to collapse.

Spatial cracks grow, like little black snakes, wandering in the void...

Wan Xian was terrified, wanting to die in horror!


When the ax struck down, the sun, the moon, and the stars dimmed, and the man in black robe and his evil spirit were directly burned into air.

Seeing this scene, Donghuang Taiyi was even more feces and urine.

Let's be stunned!

What kind of strange power is this... It actually has the feeling of destroying the world, but also opening up the world...

Cang Tian and Huang Tian were shocked.

They just found out...

In front of Feng Hao, his so-called Zu Tiandi is really just an ant-like existence.

From the very beginning, Feng Hao never put them in his eyes, never looked at them squarely.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that this Pangu ax is just the manifestation of the power of heaven.

If he used the main body of the Pangu ax to bless the power of the world... then it would definitely not be what happened just now.

It is possible for the heavens to be split in half.

Because... this heaven is not considered a very high plane, but with his current strength, he can indeed do it with the Pangu Divine Axe.

The Empress Cheng Cheng was extremely angry and vowed to kill Donghuang Taiyi in the Celestial Realm.

But who knew that Feng Hao was fine, and even... controlled the power of heaven in the heaven, turned into a magic axe, and directly wiped out a demon general into scum.

No, none of the dross remained.

Donghuang Taiyi was terrified and wanted to die, his cultivation was passing by quickly, his heart was pinched by Feng Hao, and he no longer had the prestige he had just now.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, I... I was just joking with the emperor... why don't you treat me like a fart and let me go?"

The Eastern Emperor Tai laughed dryly.

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