Martial Inverse

Chapter 492: Feng Hao, God Emperor of Heaven?

? Donghuang Taiyi was still calling himself the Great Emperor one second ago, and immediately faltered the next second, saying that he was just joking with Feng Hao.

"This joke is not funny..."

Feng Hao shook his head indifferently, and squeezed his five fingers a little harder!


Donghuang Taiyi screamed at that moment, obviously in extreme pain.

He knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Fengdi, let me go as a fart, okay? Let me be reincarnated, I swear, be a good man..."

Donghuang Taiyi didn't want to die.

If you reincarnate, you still have a chance to return to the heaven, but if you die, you have no future at all.


Feng Hao didn't give Donghuang Taiyi a chance to continue talking, and directly crushed Donghuang Taiyi's heart.

Feng Hao would not kill indiscriminately, and he planned to hand over the three ancestors to Cheng Cheng for disposal.

However, it is impossible for Donghuang Taiyi, who devoted himself to the demon way, to forgive.

He also swallowed Feng Hao just now, and tried to swallow Cheng Cheng as well. There is no need to give him a way out for such a person.

If he is reincarnated, he will definitely come back in the future, so it is better to kill him directly.

" don't have a good death, you don't have a good death...uh..."

Seeing Feng Hao crushing his heart, Donghuang Taiyi's vitality quickly disappeared, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

But soon, his expression froze, his pupils became dilated, and he transformed into a withered dragon, falling from the sky.

So far, the ancestor of the Eastern Celestial Realm, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, has fallen!

Wan Xian was silent, looking in the direction of the falling dragon for a long time without saying a word.

Cang Tian and Huang Tian were also shocked and couldn't close their mouths. Donghuang Taiyi, who had fallen into the demon way, could be regarded as having integrated all the cultivation bases of the strong demon clan, and he was still not an enemy of Feng Hao's one move.

They thought of the ax that Feng Hao condensed just now, and they were convinced.


They knelt down in the void.

Just now they just bowed their heads to the Empress Cheng Cheng, but now facing Feng Hao, they knelt down.

It is conceivable that Feng Hao's position in their hearts is higher than that of the Empress.

The fall of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the powerhouses of the monster clan, the light flooded the earth, and the surrender of the heaven and Huang Tian also silenced the immortals in the fairyland.

The two heavenly emperors surrendered, and there is no doubt that the heavens will change hands.

However, it is a good thing that there is a strong man like Feng Hao in the heavens who is the emperor.

Feng Hao looked at Cang Tian and Huang Tian who were kneeling, and said indifferently: "You kneel down to the wrong person...the one you want to kneel is her..."

Feng Hao pointed at Cheng Cheng.

The Empress of the Celestial Realm fell into reincarnation, which was caused by Cang Tian, ​​Huang Tian and Qing Tian working together.

This matter had nothing to do with Feng Hao, but he was Cheng Cheng's friend after all, if he didn't chase after him to the heaven, Cheng Cheng's fate... would definitely be beyond redemption.

Now that Feng Hao has earned a great reputation in the heavens, he doesn't want to be some kind of god emperor of the heavens.

He was simply building momentum for Cheng Cheng.

The Empress of Heaven can only be Cheng Cheng.

Cang Tian and Huang Tian looked at each other, they didn't quite understand...Feng Hao could obviously become the God Emperor of the Heaven Realm, why...he wanted to become Cheng Cheng.

Is it because of what mortals call love?


Cang Tian and Huang Tian knew that the general situation was over, since Feng Hao still pushed out the empress, if they didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, they could only choose to be loyal.

Cheng Cheng, wearing the imperial crown, appeared beside Feng Hao. Faced with the obedience of Cang Tian and Huang Tian, ​​she shook her head and said, "From now on, you will still be your Heavenly Emperors. This Emperor will go to Yaochi Holy Realm. But ask the heavens... but the servant of the emperor... the emperor needs to take it away!"

Cang Tian and Huang Tian's bodies trembled violently, there is such a good thing?

They were actually able to take control of the heavens again, and even... the Qingtian Immortal Territory would come under their jurisdiction.

This is the rhythm of not falling but rising.

"Is the empress no longer thinking about it?"

Cang Tian and Huang Tian said in trembling voices, they couldn't believe everything in front of them.

Cheng Cheng said softly: "No need..."

When Cheng Cheng regained her throne and cultivation level, everything about Wanshi appeared in her mind, and her mentality has long since changed.

It's good to stay in the holy world of Yaochi, you don't have to worry about anything in the heavenly world, even... if you want to go to the lower world to find Feng Hao, there is no problem.

Feng Hao looked at Cheng Cheng with a wry smile. After doing so much, Cheng Cheng didn't want to become an empress in the end.

But Feng Hao still supports any decision Cheng Cheng makes.

In addition, he also cast Cang Tian and Huang Tian's shadows. From now on, even if the two of them are in charge of the Heaven Realm, they absolutely dare not show any disrespect to Cheng Cheng.

Even counting... Cheng Cheng is still their empress.


Heavenly Wonderland!

This is a beautiful place full of fairy spirit, and it is also a holy place with pleasant scenery.

Empress Cheng Cheng brought his former servants to build the Imperial Palace in Yaochi and moved the Hualin Fairy Pavilion here.

And Feng Hao also stayed in the heaven for a few days at Cheng Cheng's request, and went to many places in the heaven with Cheng Cheng.

On this day, Feng Hao proposed the idea of ​​returning to Earth.

The longer he stayed in the heaven, the more he worried about the ever-changing situation on the earth every day.

The Dragon Soul Alliance has not yet been fully established, and there are still hundreds of ancient beings in the God Master Realm, which will be a terrible disaster for the cultivation world on Earth.

"I know you always want to go back,'s hard to keep you anymore. If you need the power of the heavens in the future, you can use it to tell me...I will do my best to help you..."

Cheng Cheng took off a sapphire god ring from his left ring finger and handed it to Feng Hao.

Is it a token of love?

Feng Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, and accepted Cheng Cheng's divine ring. No matter what, he will definitely need the power of the heavens in the future...

After all, the Demon Emperor was never alone.

Any one of the demon commanders under his command is a super world lord existence, conquering all worlds in the universe.

This is something that Feng Hao knows from the middle-aged man transformed by evil spirit.

"Okay, I'll take the ring. If you get tired of staying in Yaochi one day, you can go down and find me..."

Feng Hao looked at Cheng Cheng with a smile, and felt embarrassed for a moment, the little girl at the front desk outside the ancient Huashan tribe, who knew that she was the reincarnation of the Empress of Heaven.

Cheng Chengjumei's face was flushed, and she said softly, "It's not a token of love..."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and said, "I didn't say it was a token of love...haha!"

After saying these words, Feng Hao took off into the air and headed to the Nantian Gate of the Heavenly Court.

"Next time we meet, I will change into a different form and approach you, to see if you recognize me..."

Cheng Cheng looked at Feng Hao's leaving back and murmured in a low voice.


Feng Hao found the rejuvenated Cangtian in Cangtian Immortal Domain, and arrived at the heaven of Qingtian Immortal Domain through the time and space formation of Huangxian Pavilion.

Now the Emperor Haotian in the Heavenly Court of Heaven has been reduced to a destitute fairy. The Queen Mother who had taken care of him left the Heavenly Court directly after learning the news of Qingtian Emperor Donghuangtai's body charm.

Emperor Haotian became the Bi Mawen of the Heavenly Court, and lived by raising horses.

There is no master in the heaven, and several veteran immortals such as Taishang Laojun are in charge of the overall situation.

On this day, Feng Hao arrived at the Heavenly Court and went to the Nantian Gate, and the Taishang Laojun and others personally saw him off.

They have already heard about the Celestial Immortal Realm, and they are completely convinced by Feng Hao...

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