Martial Inverse

Chapter 494: Female Evil Cultivator

? The young man who claimed to be the emperor was Feng Hao who descended from the Nantian Gate.

In the beginning, Lin Yu couldn't pass through the lower bound of the time-space formation of Samsara Lake, because Feng Hao was too powerful.

The space-time formation is a formation, not the power of heaven, so Feng Hao cannot be transmitted at all.

Fortunately, through the efforts of Taishang Laojun and others, they consulted countless ancient fairy books, and finally borrowed the power of heaven from the heavens to let Feng Hao go down smoothly.

Originally, Feng Hao thought that he would continue to appear in the Samsara Lake under the name of the Long Group, but he came to the city where Zhao Yang was.

At the beginning, Feng Hao asked Zhao Yang to investigate some people infected by Chi You's essence and blood, and at the same time collected information for him.

It's just that with the recovery of spiritual energy, Feng Hao didn't ask Zhao Yang to collect information any more.

Instead, monitor all the movements of the people for him, and at the same time arrest those practitioners who bully ordinary people as much as possible.

A bit similar to the Chinese version of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Feng Hao descended to the realm, he noticed that the city had changed. It was empty at night, as if he had arrived in a ghost town.

There are only some female practitioners who wander the streets and practice the art of carnival...

"General Zhao, you have worked hard!"

Feng Hao looked at Zhao Yang with a smile. To be honest, Feng Hao admired the soldier dispatched to him by the high-level Huaxia.

Because Zhao Yang is meticulous in his work, he will always give a satisfactory answer.

But human power is limited after all, Feng Hao did not blame Zhao Yang for the strangeness of this city.

"It's not hard work, it's just that Emperor Feng was disappointed..." Zhao Yang looked downcast.

He tried.

But the evil cultivator who was causing trouble in this city was too powerful, and he sacrificed more than 20 brothers for it.

They are all at the level of a soldier king.

He was well-trained and made great achievements in battle, but he didn't expect to end up like this, Zhao Yang was heartbroken.

Feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

So during this time, whenever night fell, he blocked the base.

Even though many brothers wanted to go out and suppress all those evil female cultivators, Zhao Yang didn't dare to take the risk.

He had lost enough brothers and didn't want to lose any more.

In the base, Feng Hao sat on the sofa and listened quietly to Zhao Yang about the changes in the city.

And Feng Hao also figured it out, about half a month ago, an evil cultivator came to this city.

She does not belong to any ancient clan of cultivation, and there is no record of this evil cultivator in the Records of China's Strange Records.

It seemed to appear out of nowhere.

At first, Zhao Yang just sent people to watch her secretly, everything was normal, but as soon as night came, that evil cultivator showed her true colors.

Wearing pajamas, she turned into a lonely woman who was injured and ran away from home, standing on the side of the street.

Kind of like a street girl.

But she never took the initiative to seduce anyone, she simply stood there with a heartbroken face.

However, as long as a man takes the initiative to lean over and say something, she will lean on the man.

Then he offered not to go home, hoping to be taken in.

Due to the extremely beautiful and slender female evil, and her temperament is even more noble, many people do not have the courage to approach her.

But anyone who gets close will successfully take her away.

Then I will choose a relatively high-end hotel, and some indescribable things will happen...

It's just that when the hair fades, the next morning, no matter who it is, it's already a cold corpse.

He died peacefully, without any pain, as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

Nor was there any trace of homicide.

In the beginning, such a thing was just regarded as a simple suicide incident, and it was not taken seriously until such incidents happened continuously.

This is certainly not an accidental suicide, but a serial murder case.

The scary thing is...

It's like ghosts committing crimes, because all the dead men entered the hotel alone, but their postures were supported.

It was like helping a little girl who was injured.

But in the surveillance video, no one can be seen...

Therefore, this matter was submitted to Zhao Yang's base, and Zhao Yang also launched an investigation into this matter.

It was finally determined that the person who committed the crime was the evil cultivator who suddenly appeared in this city.

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that there are more and more evil cultivators like this, and they all have one thing in common.

Haunts at night, dressed in very different styles, with Shamat style, COS two-dimensional style, maids, nurses, policewomen...etc.

At the beginning, they were just looking for men who approached them proactively, but later... when they saw a man they liked, they jumped on them, asking for roommates and other teasing words.

Few men can resist these temptations.

If there is, it is the slender and ugly female evil that he hooked up with...

The authorities mobilized their forces at first, but they couldn't suppress them at all, and many people were captured.

So ordinary people like the official can only withdraw and hand it over to Zhao Yang and his organization.

Because of this, Zhao Yang also lost more than 20 brothers, but only a small number of female evil cultivators were eradicated.

In the end, a curfew had to be enforced.

As long as no one appears outside the house, these female evil cultivators have nothing to do.

Seems like lost aim, wandering around, muttering for men...


After Feng Hao listened, he was a little dazed.

This seems to be the welfare of a single dog, but it is obviously not worth the cost of life.

"Show me the picture of that female evil cultivator..." Feng Hao said.

"No way, I can have photos of other ordinary female evil cultivators, but I can't take photos of her, she is really like a ghost..."

Zhao Yang shook his head. Even though the advanced equipment they developed and modified could find Chi You's essence and blood, they couldn't find the location of the female evil cultivator, and they couldn't even take photos.

"Emperor Feng... if the female evil cultivator is not eliminated, this city will fall sooner or later..." Zhao Yang worried.

"Ok, I know!"

Feng Hao nodded, he also understood the seriousness of the matter.

This is the reason why he proposed the Dragon Soul Alliance at home in the first place, just to hope... to separate practitioners from ordinary people.

To avoid such troublesome things from happening.

The strength of a monk, no matter how powerful an ordinary person is, they can only wait for death.

"I'll go out and meet her for a while..."

Feng Hao stood up from the sofa, Zhao Yang's instrument couldn't find the female evil cultivator, but...he was able to find it.

Whether it's a ghost or something... can't escape from his palm.

"Do you need me to send someone?"

Zhao Yang knew that Feng Hao definitely didn't need anyone, but he subconsciously said it out.

Feng Hao smiled and shook his head, then accompanied by Zhao Yang, he left the base.

Those base soldiers were so excited, this is a god walking in the mortal world.

It is already a great blessing to be able to witness it with my own eyes.

They are envious of Zhao Yang, they can talk happily with Feng Hao, but...they are also honored.

Because Zhao Yang treats them all as brothers...

At the same time, in a villa in a high-end community in the city, a naked woman looked at the young man who was so comfortable to death on the bed, and said in a sweet but indifferent voice: "It's still too weak..."

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