Martial Inverse

Chapter 495: He is really Fengdi

"The days of early autumn, the cold night, the memory is full of memories, true love is like fallen leaves, why do we have to separate..."

Feng Hao walked in the quiet and uninhabited street, wearing earplugs, listening to an old song, taking a light breath, the air was slightly cool.


Just like the mood of this song...

The night was very dark, the street lights flickered, and most of the high-rise buildings in the distance were turned off.

To be precise, most of the former residents chose to move out of the city.

The city that never sleeps has already reached such a point in just half a month.

This is the power of monks.

If you don't experience it yourself, you won't be able to appreciate what it's like to have a cultivator who controls other people's life and death at will in ordinary society, and the officials can't do anything about it.

Right now is a good example.

Feng Hao couldn't help thinking, if he ignored life and absorbed the essence of others to improve his own cultivation, would he follow this path like this female monk?

Then Feng Hao thought about it.

He can't do it.

This is the gap between people, the same powerful monk, he is guarding this country.

However... some people satisfy their selfish desires and ruthlessly destroy this kingdom.

Feng Hao's divine sense spread out, looking for anyone suspicious.

On the streets at night, there are still many single women, they seem to follow some rules and move within a specific range.

Some are holding mobile phones, some are wearing suspender pajamas, showing coveted white thighs.

All the time, there is the ultimate temptation.

However, to Feng Hao, these are just pink skeletons. Although they are still human, they have practiced evil attack, leaving only instinct, similar to walking dead.

Just like those doomsday zombie movies.

Of course, they are not zombies, but still people with flesh and blood.

It's just... They will absorb people's energy through intercourse to strengthen themselves.

Suddenly, in Feng Hao's divine sense, he felt a special fluctuation in a five-star restaurant five kilometers away.

It was a powerful wave of energy, definitely not weaker than the existence of ancient creatures.

A strong man in the realm of God.

That energy fluctuation appeared for a moment, and then disappeared immediately.

But no matter how fast he hid, he was still captured by Feng Hao.


Feng Hao stepped forward, and his figure disappeared into the silent street.

In the blink of an eye.

Feng Hao appeared at the source of the energy, the five-star hotel.

Looking up, Feng Hao locked the eighteenth floor of the restaurant, and went straight into the hotel lobby.

"Hi sir, may I help you..."

A male waiter in a vest and a bow tie greets the service desk in the hotel lobby.

"No thanks!"

Feng Hao nodded with a smile, and went straight to the elevator.

When the elevator door just opened, Feng Hao looked back at the waiter and said, "Call the police, a murder has occurred on the eighteenth floor..."


The waiter was stunned for a moment, then said with a dry smile, "Sir, I'm just joking..."

"You can choose to trust me..."

Feng Hao took out his mobile phone, entered a few commands, and then a report about his deeds appeared on the huge LED screen in the hotel lobby.

They're all made up of short videos.

However, when the waiter saw the person on the screen, his eyes almost popped out.

In China today, no one knows who is in the video.

At the very beginning, the waiter thought Feng Hao looked very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it.

He didn't realize until he saw the video at this time...

This is Feng Hao!

He came to this hotel.

Talked to myself.

The attendant was trembling with excitement at that moment, and watched the elevator door close with dumbfounded eyes.

Then he quickly picked up the phone, dialed the police number, and said anxiously: "It seems that a murder has occurred here...the address is..."

"Suspicious? Reporting a false alarm is legal responsibility..."

The tone of the police officer on the other end of the phone was a little unhappy.

During this period of time, there have been thousands of such police calls every day, and the whole person is in a state of mental tension.

Some people call to joke, waste their time, and keep people who really need it from getting help.

For this, they hate these short-circuited people very much.

"Yes... Emperor Feng told me..."

The waiter was also a little scared. Ordinary people must be very panicked when they hear that they are legally responsible, and he didn't witness it with their own eyes.


The officer who received the police was stunned for a moment. The whole of China has such a title. It seems to be the leader of the Dragon Soul Organization, the god who walks on the earth...


"No... that's right! I can guarantee this with my personality..."

The waiter said rightly.

"What kind of personality do you have, wait a moment... I will arrange for the nearby police officers to go there..."

Shortly after the call was hung up, police officers who happened to be patrolling near the hotel rushed over.


At the same time, Feng Hao has already arrived at the 18th floor of the hotel, but due to some taboo issues, the floor code here is 17th floor A.

It is Room 1708 where the fluctuation occurs.


Feng Hao knocked on the door of the room, and after a while, a long-haired woman in a white nightgown opened the door.

The moment the woman saw Feng Hao, she subconsciously opened the door more than half.

The long-haired woman is beautiful and has a noble temperament, just like those royal princesses in the West.

The delicate face, the skin that can be broken by blowing, and the fullness of the bathrobe propped up on the chest, are full of a strong temptation from top to bottom.

"What's the matter? Little brother?"

The woman didn't show any abnormality, but her throat squirmed, as if she was swallowing saliva.

Feng Hao smiled slightly and said, "If it's convenient, come with me..."


At that time, the woman covered her mouth and laughed softly, looked at Feng Hao with all sorts of charms and said: "There is no such direct person as you, why should I go with you?"

"Because I want to take you home..." Feng Hao chuckled.

He's determined.

This woman is not a strong outsider, she... is an ancient creature awakened from a deep sleep.

The aura on his body couldn't fool Feng Hao's perception.

The woman frowned.

If she hadn't seen that Feng Hao was an ordinary person, she would have been alert for a long time, and calmly said: "Sorry, I don't know you..."

Ding dong!

At the same time, the elevator door opened at this time, and two police officers in police uniforms walked towards Feng Hao under the leadership of the waiter.

The waiter felt that his legs were stiff, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

The two police officers had heard the waiter tell it just now, but they didn't believe it at first.

When they saw Feng Hao, the two of them almost fainted from fright.

What a god!

It is really Fengdi!

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