Martial Inverse

Chapter 496 The main body of wickedness

? The long-haired woman noticed that the expressions of the waiter and the policeman were not right, and then...

A huge crisis emerged in my heart for no reason.

call out!

The woman directly retracted her body into the room, trying to close the door, but Feng Hao's hand was on the door, and as soon as the woman pushed hard, the door instantly turned into dust.

"You are a practitioner!"

The long-haired woman's lips immediately turned purple, her eyes were red, and she seemed to have transformed into an evil spirit at this moment, with a sinister aura...

As soon as Feng Hao thought, the power of the world in his body circulated, grabbed the hand of the long-haired woman, and disappeared directly on the spot.

"People... where did people go?"

The two police officers stared at each other, and they were all dumbfounded.

Although he knew that Feng Hao was a god-like existence, seeing a person disappear before his eyes, the shock in his heart was still very strong.

The waiter entered the room to check, then screamed and ran out scrambling.

"what happened?"

The policeman helped the waiter up.

The waiter's pants were wet with fear, and he was obviously incontinent. His face was extremely pale, and his voice trembled: "Damn... really dead..."


The two police officers left the waiter outside, rushed in, and saw the dead handsome young man on the bed.

After some investigation, it was confirmed that the young man was dead, and then he made a phone report the situation here.

Since Feng Hao was involved in this matter, the official conveniently sealed up the case file...

At the same time, everyone let out a long breath.

Even Feng Hao has been involved in this matter, that female evil cultivator who has committed countless crimes in the city, is there still a way out?


"Where is this place?"

On a field full of grass,

In the distant mountains and flowing waters, a long-haired woman in a nightgown had a look of horror in her beautiful eyes.

She has already determined that this is not a hallucination, nor is she hypnotized.

This is the real world.

However, she found that she was no different from ordinary people, and her powerful cultivation had all disappeared.

"Feng Zhou..."

Feng Hao's voice sounded, and then his figure appeared in front of the long-haired woman.

"Who are you? Why do you meddle in my affairs?" the woman said in a deep voice.


Feng Hao looked at the woman with a sneer and said, "What you have done is enough to kill you thousands of times..."

The woman fell silent.

Then he suddenly laughed and said, "If you don't kill me, do you... have your eye on me?"

The woman began to scratch her head and pose.

Even if she becomes an ordinary person, she is still so coquettish, with her buttocks twisting, and there is a different kind of style all over her body.

If it were any normal man, he would probably have died a long time ago.

But Fenghao...

I don't have any interest, even... I feel disgusted by this female evil cultivator.

Feng Hao had a thought, and the woman's body was directly imprisoned in the air, and sneered: "You really think of yourself, this emperor is not not killing you... but giving you a way to survive, collecting the marks on those women, this emperor I can let you live."

The woman looked at Feng Hao affectionately, licked her lips with her scarlet tongue, and said charmingly: "What is this little brother doing? Are you going to force him? I'm so scared..."

Feng Hao sighed, there is really no need to talk nonsense with this kind of person who is so coquettish to the bone.

If you don't worry about female evil cultivators, what means will they use to control those women to do what they do.

He didn't need to bring her to Fengzhou at all.


As soon as Feng Hao's thought moved, the arm of the female evil cultivator was directly twisted into a strange arc.


The female evil cultivator let out a cry of pain, and the expression that was originally agitated to the bone was suddenly replaced by resentment.

"Damn, what did you do to me, how did you do it?"

Beads of sweat dripped down the female evil cultivator's forehead. She thought that with the recovery of time, her cultivation base should recover.

It was like she woke up from the spiritual place.

But she later discovered that not only her cultivation was gone, her physical body also became fragile...

Even for no reason, the arm was twisted by an invisible force.

"Here, the emperor is the master... I will ask you for the last time, will you accept it or not!" Feng Hao's eyes showed no emotion.

He has no mercy for this kind of evil cultivator who kills people like hemp and destroys a city.

The female evil cultivator finally realized that her talent could not affect Feng Hao at all, and the so-called stunning beauty could not shake Feng Hao's heart.

"If you accept it, you will let me go?" The female evil cultivator looked at Feng Hao.


Feng Hao nodded, of course he can let her go, a snake that has lost its fangs, what kind of storm can it cause.

"it is good!"

The female evil cultivator nodded.

With a blank expression on his face, Feng Hao took the female Xiexiu out of Feng Zhou.

At this time, they happened to be on the roof of the five-star restaurant.

Feng Hao said: "Take it! This is your last chance..."

The female evil cultivator glanced at Feng Hao.

After slowly getting used to it, she discovered that all her cultivation bases had returned, and her broken arm recovered with great strength.

"Ha ha……"

The female evil cultivator suddenly sneered, and her figure turned into a cloud of black mist, floating in the sky and the earth...

"Little man, just wait, sooner or later, I will eat you..."

The voice of the female cultivator resounded in the void.

Feng Hao stood on the top of the building, with the majestic wind blowing on his face, looking in a certain direction, he murmured in a low voice: "Why do you have to seek death..."

Feng Hao shook his head, and with a flick of his body, he rushed out.

Ten miles away!

Feng Hao appeared from the void, and pinched his right hand directly towards the void. In an instant, the body of the female evil cultivator appeared, and her neck was being strangled by Feng Hao.

"My lord, please forgive me..."

At this moment, the female evil cultivator was truly terrified.

She hides in the void and walks forward, no one in the world can find her trace, he is considered a part of the world.

However, Feng Hao was able to separate him from the world in an instant, which was simply terrifying.

"It's too are already dispensable...this emperor already knows your real body..."

Feng Hao said indifferently.

Just when he was chasing down the female evil cultivator just now, he found that...the direction of the female evil cultivator's escape is often the place where people have "sexual" thoughts.

In other words... this evil cultivator is not a human being, he is the embodiment of desire.

It is very similar to some plots in the movie, becoming powerful by devouring fear.

But female evil cultivators rely on sex.

Therefore, the figure of the female evil cultivator can be directly turned into nothingness, and she directly breeds in people's desires, sneaking all the way.

Unfortunately, in front of Feng Hao's world power, she has nothing to hide.

Feng Hao also understood this.

Wanting to restore those women to normal, the body of the female evil cultivator in front of him is shattered, and everything will disappear...

Therefore, at the moment Feng Hao's voice fell, the power of the world directly invaded the woman's body.

"No...don't, forgive me, I was wrong...I will be your slave, a cow and a horse..."

The female evil cultivator panicked suddenly, and then her face twisted, and various male faces appeared on her body.

That was the soul she had devoured.


With a slight sound, the body of the female evil cultivator burst directly, and was directly disintegrated by the power of Feng Hao's world.

If we compare the female evil cultivator's desire ontology to a system, Feng Hao's world power is a super virus, which can instantly collapse the system...

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