Martial Inverse

Chapter 503: Walking the World

? Faced with the help from the former powerful country, Feng Hao originally planned to go and return, but then...

The last video in the folder forced him to change his plans.

The last video was filmed by a high-ranking Huaxia official sitting in his office.

Roughly speaking, country M hopes that Feng Hao can live there for a while.

In order to prevent the domestic people from losing confidence in the authorities, I hope Feng Hao or his team can act covertly.

After all, it is a shame in the era after the recovery of the global aura to ask for help from the strong in other countries.

Why is there a lot of powerhouses in other countries when the spiritual energy is revived? Country M, which was once regarded as the hegemony in the world, has no strong people who can take it...

It's just embarrassing.

So they hope that when Feng Hao passes by, he can go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. to report...

Follow their Security Bureau members and act together.

"There are so many requests..."

Feng Hao shook his head, he could completely refuse, but... since the Huaxia official came forward in person.

He had no choice but to go to country M to see the situation.

As for foreign countries, Feng Hao has never been there, and he can only find out the specific situation there through the Internet.

In addition, he was particularly concerned about the fog that appeared abroad.

On Huaxia's side, people from Earth are going to another world.

However, in foreign countries, they have become powerful people from other worlds. Obviously, the people abroad are really living in dire straits...

Feng Hao couldn't help but think like this.

Although there is no strong outsider coming, everything looks peaceful, but Feng Hao knows the demon emperor's plan...

It's just the calm before the storm!

In addition, there are many worlds in the mist, and Feng Hao is not sure whether there is only one creature that controls thunder and lightning in the foreign country.

Feng Hao then edited the text message,

Sent to a special number.

Not long after, a text message came, the content was that a special plane had been prepared and could leave at any time.

Even Feng Hao's passport and visa... have already been processed.

"This work efficiency..."

Feng Hao was stunned, it seemed that this matter was urgent.

Feng Hao left the palace and found Yuanshi Tianzun again.

"Fengdi, what's the matter?"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Feng Hao.

He could feel that Feng Hao seemed to have important things to do.

It's a gut feeling.

After all, if there is no urgent matter for Huaxia's official high-level officials, they will definitely not be so anxious to find Feng Hao.

Feng Hao nodded and said: "Well, I'm going to go abroad..."

"Go abroad?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was stunned for a moment.

Going abroad is not a big deal, after all... Feng Hao has even been to heaven and other worlds.

Just going to a foreign country is nothing at all.

"I'm not sure how long I will stay abroad this time, so you need to worry about all the affairs of the dojo, including the organization of the Dragon Soul Alliance..." Feng Hao said.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded and said: "I will do my best..."

Feng Hao was very pleased.

Yuan Shitian is honored as the patriarch of the Sanqing, but he is willing to stay in the dojo, worrying about big and small affairs.

Feng Hao was quite moved by this heart.

Fenghao was originally transformed by a strand of Pangu's primordial spirit, and Sanqing was also transformed by Pangu's essence.

The two seem to have the same origin.

It's just...Feng Hao's cultivation attainment is far above Yuanshi Tianzun...

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun had suspicion and respect for Feng Hao deep in his heart.

Back then, he had seen Feng Hao's sky-opening giant axe, which made him know Feng Hao's true identity.

It's Pangu!

So...for all the arrangements of Feng Hao, he tried his best to do it.

And run the dojo well.

This time going abroad, Feng Hao went alone without calling anyone, but just transmitted voice to Monkey King Bull Demon King and others, telling them that he was leaving Huaxia.

Protect the disciples in the dojo.

After Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King received the sound transmission, they rushed out of the Immortal Palace at that time.

Went to Feng Hao's palace.

But nothing.

After finding Yuanshi Tianzun, they learned that Feng Hao had already set off, and the two stomped their feet in anger.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu enjoy a nourishing life.

When he heard the sound transmission of Feng Hao leaving the dojo, he just laughed it off.

go Go!

Not to mention how comfortable it is here, anyway...they don't want to leave now, they catch a few ancient creatures from time to time, and treat them as pets...

This is much more comfortable than going abroad with Feng Hao.


After Feng Hao went to the Imperial Capital Airport, several men in black personally escorted Feng Hao to board the plane.

Countless people who eat melons looked at this side in shock.

But Feng Hao wears sunglasses and has long hair, so he rarely appears in the public eye, so no one recognizes his identity.

However, the news about the mysterious long-haired man being escorted by men in black at the Imperial Capital Airport still broke out on the Internet.

Many people are investigating the identity of the mysterious long-haired man and are very curious.

Because those men in black... are members of the Huaxia Dragon Group.

This is China's official trump card.

However, Huaxia's official trump card escorted a long-haired man. This is simply a shocking anecdote.


When many people were guessing who the long-haired man was, someone said, "Could it be Feng Hao?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar in various post bars and forums.

Everyone started comparing photos.

But because of the strict security at that time, no one took a clear picture of the mysterious man's appearance.

Just relying on his physique, more and more people think that this person is Feng Hao.

"Fengdi is back..."


"Fengdi, long time no see...Thank you for your help in Linzhou..."

The leader of the dragon group, Long Bufan, was wearing a black suit and looked at Feng Hao gratefully.

He cultivated into a saint in Lin Zhou, and now he is the official trump card of China, and is highly valued by the country.

Long Bufan knew very well that all of this was brought to him by Feng Hao.

Feng Hao smiled, patted Long Bufan on the shoulder, and said: "This is the result of your own hard work, but...the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, protect China...the years are quiet, you still have to bear the burden Forward……"

Long Bufan's eyes were slightly red, he nodded heavily and said: "Yes, disciple understands!"

Feng Hao smiled wryly twice.

Long Bufan's address sounds a bit familiar, but speaking of it, he is also the suzerain of the Martial God Sect.

And Long Bufan is a disciple of Martial God Sect.

There is no problem with this title.

"Fengdi, when you go to country M this time, there will be a member of the dragon team in charge of your daily life. Here is her information..."

Long Bufan then took out the top-secret document from the file bag and handed it to Feng Hao.

He took a look at the information in his hand, then put it in and handed it to Long Bufan.


Long Bufan was stunned.

Could it be that Emperor Feng was dissatisfied with someone taking care of his daily life?

Feng Hao looked at Long Bufan and said with a light smile, "I've already memorized all her information... There is no need to bring these documents..."

Long Bufan suddenly understood.

Afterwards, the information was directly destroyed in the hands. In any case, the information of the members of the Dragon Group abroad must be kept strictly confidential and must not be revealed in the slightest.

Otherwise...there may be a catastrophe.

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