Martial Inverse

Chapter 504: Dark Thunder God

Accompanied by members of the Dragon Team, Feng Hao boarded the Huaxia No. 1 special plane and flew directly to a certain country on the other side of the ocean.

At the same time, Huaxia also has the most advanced fighter escort.

And Fenghao's itinerary was also learned by the officials of a certain country, and the security bureau also got in touch with the military to receive the strong people from China with high standards.

At that time, six fighter planes from a certain country took off to escort the special plane.

At the airport on the ground, the official leader who picked up the plane and the person in charge of the safety zone were also arranged.

A handsome middle-aged man with fair skin.

He is not tall, but he has an aura that makes people feel close.

He is the current director of the M National Security Bureau, Coulson.

When the special plane arrived in country M, the time here was still displayed as yesterday's China time.

In other words, Huaxia is more than ten hours earlier than the time here.

The plane lands.

The moment Feng Hao got off the plane, he was also attracted by the crowd wearing military uniforms and suits and ties

There is no flower-presenting session of schoolchildren on TV.

After all, there is always a fig leaf for asking for help.

But there were so many high-ranking officials at the scene, Feng Hao still felt that the country had already shown the sincerity it should have.

"Hello, is this Mr. Feng Hao? I am Coulson, director of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau of the M National Security Bureau. I am very happy to meet you..."

Feng Hao frowned involuntarily.

This title is probably too long...

Also, isn't that the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the movie? Coincidentally, the Supreme Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. also happens to be named Coulson.

In addition... the bureau chief Coulson's broken Chinese language made Feng Hao's ears extremely uncomfortable.

So...he said in a very fluent foreign language: "How happy?"




The high-ranking officials of M country who picked up the plane fell silent.

"Just kidding, hello... I'm Feng Hao, just tell me where the creature that walked out of the mist is..."

Feng Hao said rightly.

"Please follow us to the Security Bureau. At that time... there will be detailed information and plans... Please, Mr. Feng Hao..."

Coulson's voice trembled a little.

no way!


This is a god that is recognized on the earth and walks in the world.

Originally... he applied to the government, hoping to get assistance from the powerful Chinese...

But I didn't expect... to invite this great god.

Even buy Karma!

Feng Hao got on the Chevrolet Saaban off-road vehicle and went to the National Security Bureau of M. Along the way, Coulson also gave birth to Jin, and reported to Feng Hao for more detailed information.

The blond spirit was named Dark Thor by them.

Combat strength is X-level, which is an unknown value.

The danger level is the highest seven stars.

He is good at means, which is to control the thunder and defend against the unknown... because all cutting-edge weapons that come close to him will be reduced to powder under the thunder.

This is a super powerful enemy that has never been seen before.

There is no one in country M.

That's why this is China, where there are many strong people for help... In the era of spiritual energy recovery, the whole world has a consensus.

This is an era belonging to the Huaxia Kingdom with a profound history.


In the Intelligence Department of the Security Bureau, Feng Hao, led by Coulson, directly entered the command room.

On the holographic screen, it is the picture captured by the cutting-edge drone.

The Dark Thor appeared in a small town in Los Angeles, and he was killing creatures.

It seems that without killing a single creature, his ability to control lightning has become stronger.

Now his combat effectiveness has been improving.

It's getting more and more scary!

He is like a devil walking in the world, terrifying to the extreme...

"Mr. Fenghao, his strength is beyond our imagination... Are you sure?"

Coulson asked tentatively.

In their view, Feng Hao's combat power is also X-level, and this holy spirit is also called Thor.

It also has the strength to straddle the two worlds.

Feng Hao looked at Coulson with a smile and said, "What do you think?"

"Of course we believe in Feng Hao's apparent strength, but just to be on the safe side, we will have members of the Security Bureau go to Los Angeles with you, and at the same time... capture him before he enters the city..."

Coulson said seriously.

Feng Hao feels that people from abroad still don't understand Huaxia's humor.

He asked this, of course because he thought how could Coulson ask such an idiotic question?

This creature is obviously less than half the cultivation level of Promejes of the Shura God Clan.

At the beginning, he fought Promejes at the Jade Emperor Peak of Mount Tai, and there are also video materials abroad.

Can't you see this?

"No, I'm enough alone..." Feng Hao said seriously, and then planned to go directly to the small town of Luocheng.

Coulson was stunned.

so crazy?

What can be seen in the picture taken by the drone?

When Feng Hao left the Security Bureau, Coulson immediately called and summoned several of his members.

When Feng Hao appeared outside the security bureau, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Why is this handsome boy wearing star-striped clothes and holding a shield so familiar?

"team leader?"

Feng Hao couldn't help asking.

And next to him was a boy who looked like a high school student, and a middle-aged man who looked a bit like a doctor...

The three stood in front of him, looking at him.

The young man with the shield looked at Feng Hao and said, "Feng Hao? The god of China?"

Feng Hao smiled.

It seems... Country M has used this revival of aura, plus the genes of extraterritorial creatures, to create the 'hero' characters in the film and television dramas.

Because... why is this combination so familiar.

It made Feng Hao feel like entering a Marvel comic.

"Steve, Peter, Banner...Where's Tony?"

Coulson chased him out from the Security Bureau with a puzzled look on his face.

call out!

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and then a steel man landed straight from the sky.

The moment it landed, a deep hole was smashed into the ground, and then the armor on Iron Man's body shrank a little bit, and finally became a steel box.

"iron Man……"

Feng Hao was dumbfounded at the time.

He wondered... When he came here by special plane, did he come to another plane.

Coulson looked at Iron Man, frowned and said, "The next time you come out, can you not destroy this place, for this reason, the Security Bureau has repaired it more than ten times..."

"Sorry, pay attention next time!"

Iron Man said in embarrassment.

Coulson said immediately: "They are members of the Security Bureau. This will go to Los Angeles with them to subdue the Dark Thor..."

Feng Hao doesn't have that kind of thought now, he just wants to the people in the comics appear in reality.

"What do the characters in the film and television dramas have to do with them?" Feng Hao asked.

Coulson seemed to have expected Feng Hao to ask such a question, and said with a light smile: "Mr. Feng Hao, comics... are also adapted from real people and real events, but... the memories of many people have been erased... Now that the spirit energy has recovered, There is no need to hide anymore,'s time to stand up for our country and become our heroes..."

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