Martial Inverse

Chapter 604: Unsolvable Iron Armored Rhinoceros

"Yang Jian, he's talented..."

Feng Hao felt Yang Jian's burst of breath, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Compared with a few days ago, Yang Jian has completely transformed after undergoing the baptism of blood in the Colosseum.

If we say that Yang Jian a few days ago was just a baby boy waiting to be fed, but now he is already a young man who can bear a sword.

"Hey, I don't know if Yang Jian has a teacher, if possible... the four of us want to accept him as a closed disciple..."

A strong ancient being looked at Feng Hao with a smile.

Feng Hao glanced at the four ancient creatures around him, and thought of Yuanshi Tianzun Emperor's cultivation base...

These guys, where did they have the courage to compete with Yuanshi Tianzun for disciples.

"Yang Jian doesn't have a teacher for the time being, but the one who guides him in his practice is an emperor-level powerhouse equivalent to the ancient land..."

Feng Hao said softly.


"I'm rough..."

"Retreat, retreat..."

The four ancient creatures couldn't help wiping their sweat at that time, it was so frightening.

Is the imperial realm still going up?

They almost lost their lives in the face of the undead god king at the peak of the nine realms, so what qualifications do they have to compete with the emperor realm powerhouse for disciples?

Feng Hao didn't talk to the four ancient creatures anymore, and his eyes fell on Yang Jian in the Colosseum.

Like everyone else, Feng Hao is looking forward to the next battle.

Today's Yang Jian's true cultivation should be in the realm of the great emperor, which is around the eighth level.

But compared with the race of monsters, it must be inferior.

Monsters are born to fight.

in addition……

When I first came to the ancient land,

Feng Hao saw that those monks had the ability to master the Dao.

I used to think that at least it was the cultivation of the Great Emperor, that is, the eighth level.

It wasn't until later that I learned about the cultivation level of the Immemorial Land that I suddenly realized that there are many ways to master the Dao...

There is a triple realm with a grasp of the fur.

A stronger quadruple realm...

But in terms of cultivation level and combat power level, the ordinary monks that Feng Hao saw in Wuming City should all be around the fourth level, that is, the Martial Emperor powerhouse.

But... that is, in the ancient land.

Leaving the ancient land and going to the outside world, without the ability to master the Dao, it is estimated that he will not be so fierce.

Feng Hao combined the realm of the Great Thousand World with the ancient land, and it can be regarded as the Martial Emperor of the Fourth Realm, the Mortal Saint of the Fifth Stage, the Great Saint of the Sixth Stage, the Half-Step Emperor of the Seventh Stage, the Great Emperor of the Eighth Stage, and the God Lord of the Ninth Stage. , Tenth Realm Supreme (Emperor Realm), Eleventh Realm Divine General, Twelve Realm Fairy, Thirteenth Realm Ancient God, and Fourteenth Realm Dao Ancestor.

But now, Feng Hao's cultivation level is restored to the level of the ancient gods.

That is, the thirteenth realm of the ancient land.

As for the tenth emperor realm, one can ascend to the sky... It is conceivable that Feng Hao's current ability is basically no problem in ruling the entire immemorial land.

But...his eyes cannot be placed on the ancient land, but on the ancient heaven.

That Haotian Pagoda is at least an existence that can only be controlled by a strong person in the Immortal Spiritual Realm of the Twelve-Level Realm.

Otherwise, Feng Hao wouldn't have to use the Pan Gu ax to break through Tianzi Mountain.

The noise in his ear became more and more intense, Feng Hao came back to his senses, just in time to see the monster exuding a terrifying aura, coming out of the bronze door.

The body is tens of meters high and 100 meters long, covered with scales like black black iron.

This is a monster similar to a rhinoceros, and its aura is particularly terrifying.

In the Colosseum, Yang Jian held a three-pointed two-edged knife, opened one eye abruptly between his brows, and displayed his celestial vision.

Obviously at this time, Yang Jian had planned to go all out.

After all, the aura of this monster, even if Yang Jian is the emperor of the eighth level realm, he can't easily contend with it.

And the first time to use the celestial eye, can let Yang Jian capture the movement trajectory of the huge monster, and slow it down infinitely in the eyes.

Just like a cat, the snake moves very fast, but to the cat, it looks like it is facing a caterpillar.

Yang Jian has already developed a good fighting experience in the Colosseum. Obviously, he has suffered a lot before, so he knows how to open the sky eye at the first time to prevent the sudden attack of cunning monsters.


The Iron Armored Rhino raised its head and roared, and then showed a vigorous posture that was completely inconsistent with its size.

As light as a civet cat, it pounced on Yang Jian, its claws were like a millstone, it would kill whoever it hit...

"So fast..."

Yang Jian was startled, the actions of the armored rhinoceros were simply terrifying, almost beyond the reaction range of his heavenly eyes.

"Dahei, wandering away, attacking violently..."

After Yang Jian ordered the big black dog, he held Fang Tian's painted halberd to avoid the attack of the Iron Armored Rhino, and the three-pointed two-edged knife immediately slashed towards the giant horn of the Iron Armored Rhino...


The sound of metal and iron clashing resounded throughout the Colosseum, and countless spectators in the stands covered their ears in a hurry, their expressions shocked...

Everyone knows the power of Yang Jian's three-pointed and two-edged knife. Not to mention cutting iron like mud, killing seven-level monsters is like killing chickens, with incomparable sharpness.

but now……

The three-pointed and two-edged knives almost rolled their blades.

It is conceivable how terrifying the defensive power of this Iron Armored Rhino is.


The big black dog was also startled, it swam to a suitable position, and its big paws went directly to the armored wild rhino's ass.

After all, this is the weakness of most monsters.


With this claw, Iron Armored Rhino's ass was fine, and its claws broke at the root.


There was a deathly silence in the Colosseum.

No solution!

Iron Armored Rhinoceros is simply an unsolvable existence.

"This monster is really perverted..."

The ancient creature felt a toothache at that time, but this time, Yang Jian basically had nothing to do.

Because... the defensive power of the Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros is so amazing that the big black dog's paws were broken with just its butt.

If it hit the Iron Armored Crazy Rhino with its head, it is estimated that the skull would be directly shattered.

"Iron Armored Rhinoceros, an ancient beast, it is rumored that it was born with a cultivation base of Lv 8, and when it is an adult, it can't even be defeated by an imperial weapon..."

The person in charge of the Colosseum said loudly.


There was an uproar in the crowd, is there such a scary thing?

How did they catch it?

The person in charge of the Colosseum continued: "We are also a coincidence. In the abyss of the spiritual land, we picked up an egg and hatched it... The Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros is extremely crazy, and it will never stop until it is stained with blood..."


There was a gasp in the crowd.

Iron Armored Rhino faced Yang Jian, who was just the size of a fly in its eyes, and was vulnerable to a single blow.

If it weren't for the Colosseum, it only saw Yang Jian and the big black dog, otherwise, it would never have shot at such a weak existence.


The Iron Armored Rhino attacked again, directly forcing Yang Jian to the corner of the Colosseum, and then a red light appeared in his eyes... he slammed into it directly with his body sideways.

The huge body directly blocked all of Yang Jian's escape routes.

This collision...Yang Jian must be smashed to pieces.


The big black dog secretly thought that something was wrong, and rushed towards Yang Jian quickly. This time... it will definitely be more ominous than ominous.

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