Martial Inverse

Chapter 605: Surprise 4 Seats

"Erlang God... Finally, he is no longer God!"

"The Roaring Dog... can only bark at the sky!"


In the stands of the Colosseum, many people shook their heads and sighed. Erlang God, who had brought them so much enthusiasm, finally fell down...

Just like other monks who signed life and death certificates in the Colosseum, dying in the belly of monsters is their eternal destination.

It is also an irreversible fate.

"Where are the people in the Colosseum? If the **** Erlang God is gone, I will never set foot here in the future..."

"Yes, save Erlang God!"

"Save Erlang God!"

Seeing that both Yang Jian and the big black dog were about to die in the hands of Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, those audiences who liked to watch Erlang come back, full of blood and fighting spirit, started to crusade against the person in charge of the Colosseum.

"We...we can't do anything..."

The person in charge of the Colosseum, whose face turned green with fright, said in a trembling voice: "The Iron Armored Rhinoceros can only be quiet when it kills the opponent and smells the blood, and then we can suppress it. From the moment it is released, unless Someone killed it..."


The audience in the auditorium looked pale and hopeless...

Erlang God can't be saved!

At this time, Iron Armored Rhino completely blocked every possible escape route for Yang Jian.

"Is this where I belong?"

Yang Jian held a three-pointed two-edged knife, eyes on his forehead kept blinking, and the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu was running to the extreme...

There is no way out.

Then Yang Jian saw the big black dog rushing madly, and said, "Go, leave me alone..."

As Yang Jian's roar fell, the huge body of the iron armored wild rhino finally bumped into it.


The silent stands of the Colosseum,

A slight bone shattering sound, like thunder, resounded throughout the Colosseum.


The big black dog roared up to the sky, as if he had lost all his faith, and fell limp on the ground...

The audience in the stands couldn't help closing their eyes.

The legend of the Colosseum, with one person and one dog at the beginning, has infinite scenery, but finally fell into the hands of monsters.


The ancient creatures originally planned to attack, but Iron Armored Kuangxi moved too fast. When they turned their heads to look at Feng Hao, they were shocked...

Feng Hao is gone!

The four subconsciously looked at where Yang Jian was in the Colosseum, their eyes lit up...

"God Erlang is not dead..."

The ancient god howled excitedly, and his words spread throughout the Colosseum by the way.


Immediately, the audience who shook their heads and sighed, their eyes fell on Yang Jian's position.

There, a young man in a white robe was pointing his right index finger at the side ribs of the Armored Crazy Rhino. The huge body of the Iron Armored Crazy Rhino was abruptly blocked...

Iron Armored Rhinoceros: "???"

Iron Armored Wild Rhino blinked, and the eyeballs looked to the side, but the expected blood did not appear...

Instead, another little fly, a finger, actually resisted the impact of his body.

The corner of Iron Armored Rhino's mouth twitched...

What the hell?

Could it be that the bone shattering sound just now was fake?


Suddenly, Iron Armored Crazy Rhinoceros felt a tearing pain from one of its ribs, and its eyeballs suddenly widened...


It turned out that his ribs were smashed, this...

The body of the iron armored wild rhinoceros, even Erlang God's invincible three-pointed two-edged knife, almost curled its blade.

Now, the young man in white who was rescued by Yang Jian broke a rib with one finger.

"This... this... what's going on here?"

"who is he……"

"My God, what did I see, a finger, more terrifying than Erlang Shen's three-pointed two-edged sword, and Xiaotiangou's diamond claw?"


In the silent stands, there was a sudden explosion of thunder, which was shocking, uproarious, unbelievable, and hysterical...


The person in charge of the Colosseum was also dazed after seeing this scene. What kind of player is this?

The invincible Iron Armored Rhinoceros in the Colosseum, with a body that could not be broken even by a god king, unexpectedly... had a rib broken by the finger of the young man in white.

Oh my God!

Feng Hao flicked Iron Armored Kuangxi's finger away, looked at Yang Jian and said, "You have made great progress, but unfortunately there is one thing that you haven't done well, that is, you didn't have any understanding and analysis of your enemy before going on the field..."

Yang Jian lowered his head in shame, and said, "Disciple knows his mistake!"

At this time, the big black dog also came over wagging its tail, rubbed against Feng Hao's trouser legs, and then came to Yang Jian's side.

Feng Hao smiled, and said to Yang Jian: "You are very talented, and you can reach this level in just a few days, which has already impressed me... Go down and rest, leave it to me here!"


Yang Jian took the big black dog and walked directly to the side exit.

At this time, the formation masters of the Colosseum quickly let go of a gap.

After all, Yang Jian's identity is very important, he is the guest of His Majesty the Emperor, just now they thought Yang Jian was dead, they almost spit out shit.

Fortunately, the young man in white appeared.


What shocked and inconceivable the formation masters was that they did not notice the slightest fluctuation of the formation.

So... how did this young man in white get into the Colosseum?

No solution!

Another unresolved existence.

"Huh... Huchi, Huchi..."

The Iron Armored Rhino's eyes were red and purple, and Yang Jian's body was stained with the blood of countless monsters, and he was the target he wanted to hunt.

But...the other party escaped.

And now, there is another fly in front of it, and the key point is that this fly is particularly domineering.

Broken one of his ribs!

very scary!

But... In the blood lineage of the proud Iron Armored Rhino Clan, there is never a word of backing down.

The wild rhino never gives up!


Iron Armored Rhinoceros just roared, but before he could make a move, the sound of a broken bone sounded again.

what happened?

Who shot again?

Then Iron Armored Crazy Rhino raised its head and saw Feng Hao in the void, but then, its eyeballs saw the huge horn on its forehead, and it broke off!




The Iron Armored Rhino suddenly went berserk, no wonder the sound was unusually clear, it turned out to be the sound of a horn breaking.


Iron Armored Rhino roared again, and the price Feng Hao gave it was to kick Iron Armored Rhino in the face again.

At that time, three huge rock-like big yellow teeth fell to the ground.


Iron Armored Rhinoceros was in a daze at the time, who the hell did he meet? Is there such a bullying person?

Do you dare to make it clearer?

Do you dare to go slower?

Can the force be a little lighter?

in addition……

Do you dare not to slap your face...


After Feng Hao flicked tens of thousands of tons of armored mad rhino's flesh away, the stands fell into deathly silence.

Their expressions were frozen, and they remained dumbfounded...

Is this the power that humans can possess?

Or... is this a fake Iron Armored Rhinoceros?

What level of player is this buddy... Many people slapped themselves in the face.

Doubt that I am dreaming!

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