Martial Inverse

Chapter 625 Revisiting the old place

Soon, Jiang Renhuang Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi arrived at the gate of the palace.

When he saw a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi standing at the gate of the palace with his hands behind his back, he looked a bit out of the ordinary, with an aloof demeanor that made it impossible to ignore his existence.

Such a person, even in the marketplace, is as dazzling as the light of the bright moon.

"Jiang Li, junior,

Jiang Zhi,

I have seen Senior Qing Emperor! "

Jiang Renhuang and Jiang Zhi bowed and saluted. In front of Emperor Qing, their mentality was slightly different from that when facing Feng Hao.

Facing Feng Hao, there is an indescribable sense of intimacy, and there is no pressure to get along with each other.

But in front of Emperor Qing, even though their mentality has been adjusted very well, they are still somewhat restrained.

Emperor Li Qing looked at Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi, and for a moment, there was a trace of pain in the eyes of the big man, but he quickly recovered, and smiled lightly: "The emperor Jiang Li, the king Jiang Zhi, right?"


yes! "

Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi nodded, and then Jiang Li said: "Qingdi is here from afar, please rest in the palace..."

"Okay! Thank you!"

Li Qingdi nodded with a smile, and then, led by Jiang Li and his wife, entered the palace.

Many guards and maids in the palace along the way couldn't help looking at Emperor Li Qing curiously.

In the past, there were a group of distinguished guests from Feng Hao, and His Majesty treated them like this, and now this middle-aged man is also the same, could it be that Master Feng Hao has the kind of power that can kill immortals?

Before Feng Hao almost left an immortal from the ancient heaven, they could see clearly in the palace, they were astonished.

I don't know if this new distinguished guest of His Majesty has such a skill?

Li Qingdi walked in front of the Emperor Jiang Li, and he was also looking at the layout of the palace along the way.

When he saw an ancient tree, Li Qingdi said with a smile: "I planted that tree back then.

I didn’t expect it to still be…”

Jiang Renhuang was stunned, that tree is hundreds of years old, the key seems to be planted by a grandma...

When did you become the one planted by Emperor Li Qing?

"haha, really?"

Jiang Renhuang laughed dryly twice.

Emperor Li Qing seemed to be very familiar with everything in the palace, Jiang Li should have taken him to the palace to rest.

In the end, he and Jiang Zhi followed Li Qingdi and went to many forbidden areas. They were responsible for making way for the guards...

In fact, there is nothing in these forbidden places, they are all abandoned palaces, fortunately, they are cleaned frequently, so they don't look dilapidated.

"Jiang Renhuang, you have a heart!"

Emperor Li Qing came out of a palace in a forbidden area, holding a puppet with some history in his hand, and nodded slightly towards Jiang Li.

Jiang Li didn't dare, but he was very confused now, what did he do that made Emperor Qing thank him.

An hour later, it was completely dark, and Emperor Li Qing seemed to have finished his shopping and said, "Jiang Renhuang and Jiang Renwang have worked hard, I haven't been to Daxia for hundreds of years, and I feel a little bit overwhelmed for a while. Made you laugh..."

Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were full of energy and said, "No, it's not hard!"

"Today, Emperor Mengqing came from a long distance and made the summer palace full of glory. It is a great honor... What's the trouble?"

Jiang Zhi smiled, accompanying Li Qingdi all the way, he also felt that Qingdi, who only knew his name but didn't know his name, was also an easy person to get along with.

Li Qingdi smiled without saying a word.

It's just that deep in the eyes, there is a touch of sadness.

Along the way, he went to many familiar places and found the little puppet he had when he was young.

Nothing had changed much, but that lovely person was no longer able to stay by his side.


Jiang Li looked at Li Qingdi in astonishment, and he actually showed a sad expression.


Is this still the Qingdi, the first person in ancient times who sealed the undead god king?

"I just remembered some people and things in the past, are you all okay, ancestors?"

Li Qingdi looked at Jiang Li, and should have gone to see them at this time.

Who knew that it would be dark after a stroll, so I had no choice but to stop for a while and say hello.

Visit again tomorrow.

At a glance, Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi knew that the relationship between Emperor Qing and the Jiang family was not simple.

Otherwise, these words would not be spoken.

And... the puppet in his hand obviously has a story.

"The ancestors are all fine, now that the Great Xia Dao has recovered, the ancestors are also in the tenth level emperor realm..." Jiang Zhi said.

Li Qingdi said with emotion: "The way of heaven has been silent for thousands of years, who would have thought that the way of heaven would be revived in Daxia today, but... this is the blessing of Daxia."

"Both of you are also in the tenth level emperor realm, have you ever thought about breaking through the sky and ascending?"

Li Qingdi suddenly asked again.

Jiang Li was slightly taken aback at the time, this question...he thought about it, but the problem is that Jiang Zhi is also in the Emperor Realm.

If he ascends, Jiang Zhi will definitely ascend too.

But in this way, how to arrange the position of Great Xia Renhuang? You can't let those abdicated ancestors continue to come on top, right?

This is against the rules.


If the people of Great Xia are willing to accept the empress, Jiang Meirou is a suitable candidate.

Li Qingdi looked at Jiang Li with a smile, he knew... Jiang Li already had a decision in his mind.

He doesn't care what the specific result is.

It’s just that it’s best for Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi to be able to break through the air and soar as Da Xia Dao recovers, and it’s better to continue pursuing Dao Dao, and they shouldn’t be entangled by these mundane things.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

But obviously the price of bear's paw is higher.

"Let's go, take me to meet the guest of your Great Xia who was retrograde and cut the immortal?"

Li Qingdi looked at Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi with a smile.

Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were a little confused: "Why don't the juniors tell me?"

Before Li Qingdi could speak, at this moment, a voice rang out in the forbidden area.

"There's no such thing as a retrograde killing of immortals. Immortals are also human beings, but they're just people with higher cultivation..."

Feng Hao came out from the void, and looked at Qing Di with his eyes.

No wonder he is the number one person in the ancient times with a cultivation base of eleventh level god general. This cultivation base can break through the sky and ascend to immortality long ago.

In the secular world, there is really no existence stronger than the Qing Emperor.

Li Qingdi was watched by Feng Hao, and at that moment, he felt as if all the secrets had been seen through.

He was startled.

Obviously, the cultivation base of the young man in front of him is a level higher than his.

However, Li Qingdi found that he couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation at all, as if the young man standing in front of him was just an ordinary person.

It is said that there is a sequence, and the one who has mastered is the teacher!

Without any hesitation, Emperor Li Qing clasped his hands and said, "I don't know how to address it? My name is Li Aman, I like to wear Tsing Yi, and I am named Emperor Qing."

Feng Hao had a good impression of Emperor Li Qing at the first sight. As the number one person in the ancient times, it was not easy to have such an attitude.

This is completely different from the two sword gods in the sword domain.

Sometimes it's really easy to feel the difference between the villain and the decent...

Li Aman is very decent at first glance.

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