Martial Inverse

Chapter 626 The Gentle Years

"Emperor should have nothing to do with Donghuang Taiyi, right?"

Feng Hao still remembers that when he chased Empress Cheng Cheng to the fairyland, that Emperor Qing seemed to be called Donghuang Taiyi.

Feng Hao then seemed to have forgotten to introduce himself, so he said, "Feng Hao, but some people like to call me Fengdi..."

"Fortunate to meet Fengdi!"

Emperor Li Qing cupped his hands.

Feng Hao didn't expect that Li Aman would be so polite, and he felt that he was too late to catch up.

Although he is indeed worthy of Qing Emperor's words of Fengdi, but now he does not have the cultivation level of the Great Thousand Lord.


Feng Hao returned the gift.

Emperor Li Qing also had a good impression of Feng Hao, and then he said about Feng Hao's question: "The name Donghuang Taiyi is the surname of the ancestors in ancient times. My surname is Li, so naturally it has nothing to do with it..."

"That's good!"

Feng Hao smiled, thinking about it, the system on the Immortal Realm should be different from that on the Taikoo.

Because... the cultivation base in the fairy world is too low.

On the contrary, the celestial beings in the ancient heavenly court here are much stronger... Just now, the celestial being Gu Chenfeng was at around the twelfth level of the fairy spirit realm.

This is just an ordinary fairy.

In this ancient heavenly court, there may still be an existence of the level of ancient gods.

However, although Feng Hao and Tian Xian Gu Chenfeng had a festival, there was nothing to worry about.

Even if Gu Chenfeng is backed by the ancient gods, Feng Hao will not hesitate at all, this is a state of mind.

How can you climb the road of heaven and walk on the song if you are afraid of the first and the last?

Li Qingdi didn't know anything about Feng Hao, although he really wanted to know, but after all, Feng Hao's cultivation level was stronger than his.

And prying into privacy is not a glamorous thing.

Don't ask about the past,

Don't ask about the future, just take the present...

"Emperor Feng, Emperor Qing, the moon is hanging high at this time, and the moonlight is just right, why don't you have a drink?"

Jiang Renhuang proposed at this time.

Li Qingdi's eyes lit up and said: "Very good, Daxia Gentle Years Wine, it is really the best in the world..."

"Gentle years?"

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched, the name of this wine is really capricious, full of modern style.

Seeing that Emperor Li Qing and Jiang Renhuang were both interested, Feng Hao also nodded.

A group of people went to a hall in the palace.



Jiang Li slapped his hands, and a court lady came out to wait, and at the same time, all the snacks and wine were arranged.

Soon, pastries and snacks, as well as fine wine, were presented.

Although Feng Hao's cultivation has reached the level where they can do nothing without eating whole grains.

But the yearning for delicious food has never changed, and there is no way to refuse the delicious food.

The four of them sat down, the court ladies poured wine, and the dancers danced gracefully.

Li Qingdi drank a glass of wine, and subconsciously looked at the dancers, thinking that the wine he drank was the gentle years...

For a moment, it was difficult to suppress the longing in his heart, and he murmured in a low voice: "Yan'er..."

Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were respecting Fenghao and didn't notice Li Qingdi's emotions, but Fenghao felt the fluctuations in Li Qingdi's body, and looked out of the corner of his eye...

Can't help but stunned.

Li Qingdi was missing someone.

Feng Hao put down his wine glass, and subconsciously looked at the dancing girls. It is more than impossible for the majestic Qing Emperor to be tempted by these dancing girls.

To be able to cultivate to this point, how strong the state of mind is, it is impossible to have such a situation of love at first sight.

Then there is only another situation, when Li Qingdi saw the dance, he thought of the person he cared about.


Lin Yu was then shocked to find that there was something wrong with the gentle years. How could the taste and taste feel like drinking Moutai?

And the name is also full of modern style.

Could it be that there were traversers before this Great Xia?

"Qingdi, who are you missing?"

Feng Hao woke up Li Qingdi from his memory, picked up the wine glass, and motioned for Li Qingdi to join him.

Then he took a small sip and asked, "Does Emperor Li Qing have any old friends in this Great Xia?"

Li Qingdi took a sip, smiled, and said without any concealment: "Well, it's been hundreds of years..."

Seeing that Emperor Li Qing was about to start recalling the past, Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi were in high spirits.

Put down your glass and listen carefully.

"At that time, I was still a teenager. I was originally a small hunter in the countryside. I accidentally met Miss Jiang's family from Qiushou..."

The story was revealed when Li Qingdi was half-drunk and half-awake...

When he was hunting, he strayed into Miss Jiang's team and was seriously injured by an arrow, unconscious and dying.

It was the young lady of the Jiang family, Jiang He, who brought her into the palace and took good care of her.

The two are about the same age and love each other.

you are the wind I am the sand……

However, Miss Jiang's family was born noble after all, and she is a well-matched person if she wants to marry.

At that time, a pavilion master of Beizhou Jianyu came to propose marriage.

Miss Jiang's family was forced to marry the heir of the pavilion master, but Miss Jiang's family had long wanted to belong, so she dragged Li Qingdi out of the palace.

But how did the two of them escape the Jiang family's Tongtian eyeliner? On the day they were captured...

Faced with the threat of the heirs of the Jiange Pavilion master, the stubborn Jiange family lady Li Qingdi both died in love on the edge of the cliff.

However, Miss Jiang's confidante did not survive, and Emperor Li Qing accidentally got a copy of the inheritance of the ancient clan, not only survived, but also practiced supernatural powers.

He buried his beloved at the bottom of the cliff, and also at the bottom of his heart. After leaving the bottom of the cliff...

He once defeated the Jiang family with his own strength, left the Jiang family, and never heard from him again.

But before she died, Miss Jiang had told Emperor Li Qing that she would never regret falling in love with him in this life.

I also hope that one day in the future, when the Jiang family is in trouble, no matter how the Jiang family treats them, they must help...

Just like that...Emperor Li Qing really took action when the Jiang family was exterminated, and allowed the Jiang family to stabilize the dynasty in Zhongzhou.


After the story was finished, Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi looked very dignified. They respected Emperor Qing in their hearts, but they also felt guilty for the wrong decision made by their ancestors.

It's just...if you don't do that, it seems that Emperor Qing won't get the chance again.

But in any case, it is a great pity in life that lovers cannot get married in the end.

Feng Hao toasted Emperor Li Qing with a glass of wine, without saying anything.

"Father, Uncle Emperor, Senior Fengdi, so you are here..."

At this moment, a youthful Jiang Meirou entered the hall with a smile on her face.

When she saw a new face suddenly appeared, she was a little puzzled.

But Li Qingdi put down his wine glass, just in time to see Jiang Meirou's puzzled expression.

It was exactly the same as Yan'er's expression when she wondered why he appeared in the forest.

Even...the face is surprisingly similar, as if carved out of the same mold.


Li Qingdi stood up, staring at Jiang Meirou without blinking, feeling a little out of control.


When the Emperor Jiang Li saw this scene, his expression turned ugly.

This is his daughter Jiang Meirou, not Yan'er in your story...

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