Martial Inverse

Chapter 628 Empress of Great Xia?

Jiang Li was still a little relieved.

Although he accepted Jiang Zhi's point of view, but only for his daughter Meirou, he even...for her sake... he didn't have to ascend to the ancient heaven.

Qing Emperor Li Aman's appearance was simply here to snatch his daughter, so how could he rest assured.

At this moment, Feng Hao also said: "Jiang Renhuang, although I don't understand Li Qingdi, but I have intuition... He has no other ideas about Meirou... Everyone has something they want to protect, probably... ...The only thing Li Qingdi wants to protect now is her!"

Feng Hao looked at Jiang Meirou.

This little girl's chances are so good.

Just because Yan'er looks like Li Aman, she will be loved by thousands of people.

Sure enough, the appearance can be eaten.


In the end, Jiang Li compromised, no, to be precise, it should be said that he accepted his fate.

Even if he was not happy, Emperor Li Qing had already gone back to arrange the affairs behind him.

This is determined to stay in Daxia and protect his daughter.

It's just... Jiang Meirou on the side has a confused face, she has no idea what Feng Hao is talking about with her father and uncle.

She has already worshiped Emperor Qing as her teacher, but her father still looks like a mourning concubine.

don't know!


In the next few days, everything was peaceful, and everyone in the palace fell into penance with a tacit understanding.

Ever since breaking through the tenth-layer emperor realm one by one, everyone has been waiting for Feng Hao's words: Ascension...

But Feng Hao seems to have forgotten everyone's cultivation base, in fact, they already meet the conditions for ascension.

Not a word was mentioned.


On this day, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu went out of the customs, and the sky above the Imperial City of Daxia in Zhongzhou was filled with lightning and thunder, and amidst the dark clouds,

It can be seen that a phantom of a black dragon is hovering...

Many people trembled when they saw the phantom of the black dragon, and the children were distressed and could not be quiet.

There is also a phantom that cannot see the specific outline clearly, like a god, it is extremely scary.

This day is destined to be unusual.

Even the ancestors of the Jiang family and Jiang Li, who were strong in the imperial realm, were panicked to death when they saw the two phantoms hovering over the palace.

Now that the Daxia Road is recovering, the benefits are obtained, but it also adds a lot of unknowns.

Only Feng Hao, Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King knew what was going on...

Obviously, the Dao Yun of the two sword gods killed by Tianxian Gu Chenfeng a few days ago was successfully absorbed by Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu.

When Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu left the level, Feng Hao and Sun Wukong were there.

When he saw Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu coming out, they walked out with steps that their relatives would not recognize, extremely arrogant.

"Not bad! Everyone's cultivation can be improved."

Xiao Qiuqiu looked like pointing Jiangshan.

Xiao Hei nodded and said: "However, although your cultivation has improved rapidly, there is still a big gap between me and your Lord Beast God. Therefore, you have no choice but to work hard!"



Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian and others nodded repeatedly, while Xiaotian Dog crawled on the ground, wagging its tail...

However, Feng Hao saw the appearance of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, so he couldn't help but go up and kick their feet.

Fortunately...he knew that Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu did this on purpose.

Their realm has been stagnant for too long, and now they have recovered to the Twelve Immortal Realm. If they don't have a good time, it will be too boring.


At the same time, Zhongzhou Daxia ushered in the revival of heaven, and just as Emperor Li Qing worried, more and more hermits, strong men and monsters had accidents...

For a while, except for the folks, Zhongzhou Daxia was in disarray.

The strong and the monsters, each occupying the mountain as the king, fought fiercely for spiritual cultivation.

Landslides and ground cracks, seas dry up and rocks rot...

And an urgent report also spread from all over the Great Xia to the imperial study of Emperor Jiang Li.

Jiang Renhuang, who had finally rested, felt his scalp tingling when he saw the mountain of urgent reports from the imperial study, feeling hopeless.

When Feng Hao, Xiao Hei and the others were discussing when to ascend, the Emperor Jiang Li walked in cursingly: "These guys who kill thousands of knives are not people from the Great Xia, and they are not my demons from the Great Xia. The miasma caused by Da Xia makes me so angry... If I can't leave the palace, I really want to kill these personalities myself..."

Feng Hao said with a smile: "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight... You are the emperor, who will you turn to if there is any chaos in the Great Xia? If you feel tired, quickly give the seat to Yan'er..."

"Her name is Jiang Meirou!"


Jiang Renhuang felt that Feng Hao was deliberately angry with him, and his daughter was about to become someone else's, and this big summer became a mess again.

No matter how strong the Great Xia army is, it has nothing to do with those strong men who can change places with one shot.

Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

The way of heaven has recovered, and these monks are simply crazy in order to become immortals.

Jiang Renhuang suddenly remembered what Feng Hao said just now, and said, "Emperor Feng said just now... let Mei Rou ascend the throne?"

"What's the problem?" Feng Hao said.

China has Wu Zetian ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor, why can't Jiang Meirou? With so many ministers present, the emperor actually reviewed the memorial.

If you really want to intervene in something, those ministers will definitely try their best to stop it under the balance of all kinds of calculations.

Although Daxia respects martial arts here, if Jiang Meirou is really protected by Emperor Li Qing.


If Jiang Meirou has an idea in the future, it is not impossible to unify the mainland and become the eternal empress.

Isn't Cheng Cheng also the Empress of Heaven?

At this time, Feng Hao suddenly felt a familiar breath, and said with a smile: "No, Emperor Li Qing has come to Daxia, you can let go now, try to let Jiang Meirou review the memorial, and According to her way of thinking, whether it is conservative or aggressive, the effect will be seen soon."

"The Emperor Qing is here?"

Jiang Renhuang was startled, and the moment his words fell, Li Qingdi had already appeared in the hall.

Li Qingdi was still dressed in blue robes, with a shawl in his hair, giving him the aura of a great emperor.

"Jiang Li Qingdi!"

Jiang Renhuang bowed his hands and saluted.

Li Qingdi smiled, cupped his hands towards Feng Hao and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Fengdi's aura is more refined and restrained."

Feng Hao also had long hair hanging loose, sitting cross-legged on the futon, wearing a white robe, and he did have a bit of a dusty posture.

He smiled, and changed the subject: "Qing Emperor is opening just right now, Jiang Renhuang intends to pass the position of Renhuang to Yan'er, what do you think?"

Emperor Li Qing said: "I am Yan'er's master, these matters... Jiang Renhuang should be the master."

Feng Hao continued: "If Yan'er doesn't want Da Xia to be so turbulent and people are displaced, and worry about it, are you willing to share her worries and problems?"

"That's natural!"

Li Qingdi didn't even think about it, he thought a lot when he went back this time, Yan'er was no longer there.

But now... because of Yan'er, he came back, but he never wanted to meet Jiang Meirou. He knew that his whole life was destined to fight for her.

Just like what he once promised Yan'er, I will protect you forever...

Ps: It feels like you guys don't love me anymore... Wronged!

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