Martial Inverse

Chapter 629: Patriarch Wrath

"That's natural!"

Li Qingdi's answer was very sloppy, which shocked Jiang Renhuang at the side.

Is Emperor Li Qing really under the spell of Meirou?

I go!

Feng Hao smiled slightly, and he knew that Emperor Li Qing must have answered this way. As the number one person in the ancient times, he might not make a decision, but as long as he made a decision, he would never regret it.

To this day, it is still quite reliable.

Feng Hao looked at Jiang Renhuang and said: "Jiang Renhuang, you have heard what Emperor Qing said, what do you think?"

Jiang Renhuang didn't answer Feng Hao's words immediately, after pondering for a while, he made a decision, nodded and said: "I've decided, Fu Meirou ascends the throne..."


Li Qingdi on the side was stunned.

Feelings are going to become Daxia's thugs now? However, this big summer is really messy enough now.

The recovery of the Heavenly Dao is a devil, tempting the masters of practice in the mainland. Although everyone has the qualifications to pursue the Heavenly Dao, it would be out of line to make people lose their lives.

Such a person, living is the source of disaster.

Feng Hao glanced at Jiang Renhuang approvingly, he always felt that... Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi are not suitable for the position of the king of a country.

They yearn for heaven more.

On the contrary, Jiang Meirou was not very interested in cultivation, so she would come to complain to him these days.

Said that the father Jiang reviewed the memorials every day, just to complete the task and hand over the full power to the cabinet ministers of the imperial court.

After reviewing, I ran to practice.

In order to prevent being found by Jiang Meirou, she changed the place every day, otherwise, when Emperor Li Qing was there a few days ago, she would not have found it by chance...

So ever since Emperor Li Qing entrusted his guilt and longing for Yan'er to Jiang Meirou, Feng Hao felt would be better to leave Daxia to Jiang Meirou.

With Emperor Li Qing sitting in town,

As long as he does not ascend for a day, the entire ancient continent will be centered on Huaxia.

All nations come to Korea.

And those strong men who came to revive the heavenly way, what they want to do depends on whether Emperor Li Qing is willing or not.

So... Li Qingdi's statement made Feng Hao immediately think that you, Jiang Renhuang, should step down immediately!

In fact, this is a little selfishness of Feng Hao. It is precisely because of the kindness that the Jiang family brothers have treated him and Sun Wukong and others during this period of time, which makes him feel that since he has accepted the Jiang family's love, then... this Favors must be repaid.

Since Jiang Li and Jiang Zhizhi are not here, then simply push the boat along and return the favor.

This is Feng Hao's purpose.


When Jiang Renhuang decided to abdicate to Jiang Meirou, he immediately discussed and communicated with Jiang Zhi and the ancestors of the Jiang family.

Jiang Zhi knew what his brother was like, and although he supported him, he still felt that his niece Jiang Meirou was still too young.

Afraid of losing control of the situation.

The ancestor of the Jiang family was so headache to his two descendants of the Jiang family that it exploded. He did not know how many times he took out the golden mace, but he refused to change it.

If it weren't for the four old men sitting in the palace, the Jiang family's royal family would have been overthrown by those veterans to the family.

In the past, they could hold Jiang Li and Jiang Zhi down, but they didn't dare to jump too aggressively.

but now……

When the ancestors of the Jiang family heard that Jiang Li was about to abdicate to the little girl Jiang Meirou, one of the ancestors vomited blood.

Shout out to you!

followed by a violent cough.

" come out of my Jiang family a rebellious son like you!"

The ancestor coughed up blood and cursed, and the other three ancestors beside him all had dark faces.

Now that the Dao of Heaven is recovering, Great Xia is already in chaos. If they hadn't been sitting in Great Xia, the chaos would have reached the Imperial City of Zhongzhou long ago.

Fortunately, Jiang Li saw that there were too many memorials, and he didn't have much time to practice, so he rebelled so much that he wanted to give way to Jiang Meirou, who was not yet twenty years old.



The four ancestors of the Jiang family trembled slightly. If they were not worried that they would die of anger and Da Xia would be finished, they would have been unable to suppress the mania in their hearts, and the thunder was enraged.

"You'd better get rid of this idiotic idea now, or... poof!"

Another ancestor vomited blood angrily.

His body trembled non-stop, as if he was having an epileptic seizure.

The Emperor Jiang Li rubbed his eyebrows, Feng Hao's proposal made him feel that the future is so bright.

But seeing the Jiang family patriarch coughing up blood madly, he couldn't bear it, as if he had never done anything important since he became a queen, showing a bit of incompetence.

When he was blaming himself, his eyes lit up.

Although I am stupid, if I follow Feng Hao's proposal now and push my daughter Jiang Meirou to the position of Emperor, Daxia will definitely become better.

In this way, the most brilliant moment for him to become the Human Emperor was to push Jiang Meirou to the position of Human Emperor against all opinions.

When he flies up to the ancient heaven with Feng Hao, the descendants of the royal family will definitely sigh with emotion how wise and powerful his decision is.

The emperor with the most vision and strategic deployment in history!

Seeing Jiang Li's brows stretched, the other two Jiang family patriarchs thought he had let go of this idea, and they were secretly relieved.

It's still something a child can teach!

But who knows...

Jiang Li looked up at them, and said seriously: "I have already decided, let Jiang Meirou become the Emperor of Great Xia, and she will definitely become the eternal Empress of Great Xia!"

"Brother Huang, you..."

Jiang Zhi's scalp was numb, and the hand pointing at Jiang Li couldn't help but tremble.

He subconsciously looked at the four ancestors of the Jiang family.


Sure enough, as he expected, now the four patriarchs are coughing up blood from anger, and their hearts are hurting.

It's over!

"Nizi, kill us, and you can pursue your way of heaven..."

"Why did my Jiang family give birth to a rebellious son like you? Ah...cough..."

The ancestor of the Jiang family was so angry that his throat felt sweet for a while, and he felt like he was dead...

I don't even have the face to meet the ancestors of the Jiang family.

However, at this moment, Human Emperor Jiang Li said: "The reason why I let Jiang Meirou become the Empress of Great Xia is because...the Qing Emperor, the first person in ancient times, gave up his ascension, and is willing to assist Meirou for the rest of his life, so that the country can be settled in peace!"

"Ni...huh? What did you just say? Emperor Qing?"

An ancestor of the Jiang family didn't want to hear anything, but suddenly... Hearing the word Qingdi, he quickly pulled himself together.

The other ancestors of the Jiang family heard it clearly, and their heads were a little confused, so they had to confirm...

Jiang Zhi blinked...

Emperor Li Qing promised to protect Yan'er for the rest of his life, but... it seems that he didn't say that he wanted to establish a country for Great Xia Anbang...

Could it be!

Li Qingdi has come and promised to do this?


Jiang Zhi felt his head buzzing at that time, if Emperor Li Qing really sat in Daxia and never ascended.

This is the first country in the ancient times, it will undoubtedly be the Great Xia, and when the time comes, the Great Xia will be peaceful forever...


My brother has such a brain, how can I arrange it like this? Impossible...

Jiang Li saw that the move out of the Qing Emperor had such great power, so that the ancestors stopped coughing up blood at that time, so he said sternly: "That's right, as long as Mei Rou becomes the Empress, Great Xia and all kingdoms will come to court, just around the corner..."

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