Martial Inverse

Chapter 643: No Surprise

Ju Yi stared at Feng Hao in shock and froze.

Qualifying competition, thirty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-nine...

These few words, like the sun, stabbed him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.


"No, Junior Brother Feng, you are only a one-star Golden Immortal. Since Du Ziteng has more than 30,000 people, the minimum is a four-star Golden Immortal and"

Ju Yi hesitated to speak, she felt that Feng Hao was teasing her.

Unless... Feng Hao's unknown ability is more terrifying than her...

It doesn't make sense either.

This ability belongs to her innately, at most Feng Hao has some characteristics, how could it be more terrifying than her?

Feng Hao smiled wryly and said, "Maybe Senior Sister Ju Yi's ability is a bit strong..."

Ju Yi sighed: "It seems that you have also been attacked by an unknown force, you should go..."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment.

"I didn't even move my hand, and the opponent gave up. I was very could it be affected?"

Feng Hao smiled.

"It seems to be lucky, but you have to know that your own strength is not high. Now that you have defeated the four-star Golden Immortal, from now on... the challenges of the Great Luotian will come like snowflakes... There will be no peace... ..."

Juyi said seriously.

She has been through so much.

Feng Hao seems to be very lucky, and he can also make the opponent unknown, but...while he made the opponent unknown, her ability also affected Feng Hao.

In fact, this is a butterfly effect.

Feng Hao's victory was momentarily refreshing, but if he was not careful, he would be doomed.

"Since Senior Sister Ju Yi's ability can bring bad luck to others, no matter how many people challenge me, they will only end up losing...There is nothing to worry about."

Feng Hao has nothing to worry about.

Although there are many strong men in the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm, he may not be able to beat the rubbing man at the top at the moment.

But with Feng Zhou, he is almost immortal.

Moreover, he really didn't take the ordinary little golden fairy to heart, and besides, his cultivation base recovery speed, in the big Luo golden fairy world, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is not an exaggeration.

Afterwards, Feng Hao changed the subject and said: "By the way, since Senior Sister Ju Yi has such a powerful ability, why didn't she go to the ladder competition?"

This is also what Feng Hao is curious about.

With this ability, there is no need to worry about the opponent being undefeated.

"not interested……"

Ju Yi didn't seem to want to discuss this topic, and turned around to work on this fairy grass.

Ju Yi had nothing to do in the fairyland of the Nine Realms, so he reclaimed a piece of spiritual land behind the fairy pavilion.

Feng Hao was very helpless.

But it's not easy to get to the bottom of it, after all... the relationship between him and Ju Yi is not close enough for Ju Yi to confide in him.

Feng Hao returned to the room and continued to meditate.


And at this time, the news about Feng Hao's name on the Xiaotian list and the first place in the Datian list in Da Luotian also spread like wildfire in the Nine Realms Wonderland.

For a moment, this news caused an uproar in the entire Nine Realms Wonderland.

Three disciples went directly to the highest point of the fairy mountain in the Nine Realms of Wonderland, seeking to see the Taoist master.

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was originally meditating and practicing. For him, closing his eyes and opening his eyes, no matter how many days passed by the outside world, it was just a moment of effort.

"What's up?"

In the Immortal Palace, the voice of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms came out.

The three disciples kneeling outside the Immortal Palace hurriedly said in unison: "Congratulations to Master, congratulations to Master, my Nine Realms Immortal Realm disciple, today I am honored to occupy the first place in both the Small Heaven Ranking and the Great Heaven Ranking in Da Luotian... ..."


Immortal palace suddenly fell silent.


A moment later, the door of the Immortal Palace opened, and the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, who was just like a child, came out in a black robe.

His face was rosy, and he was overjoyed by the good news just now.

"Wonderful, wonderful...Which disciple has such talent, this Dao Lord will reward..."

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms now feels elated.

When excited, Dao heart trembles.


Being number one on the Big Heaven list means that his disciple, in this month's ladder competition, has been promoted to a ranking that surpasses the entire Golden Immortal of the Great Luotian.


One of the disciples said: "That junior brother is named Feng Hao... I heard that he is a new apprentice, so he will participate in the qualifying competition!"

The Daoist of the Nine Realms was stunned for a moment, then stroked his beard and chuckled lightly, feeling as if he had found a treasure: "Yes, Feng Hao has just ascended to the Golden Immortal Realm, and no one has participated except him in the grading competition... "

As soon as the words fell, three small fairy crystals flew out of the sleeve robe of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms.

The three disciples looked overjoyed, and respectfully said: "Thank you, Master!"

This is the benefit of the Annunciation!


But when the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was about to go to the fairy pavilion where Feng Hao was, he suddenly froze for a moment...

It seems that they don't know which fairy pavilion Fenghao is in...

However, this is not a problem.

Nine Worlds Daojun Xiannian covered, and immediately found Feng Hao, but immediately his face changed drastically.

It's like swallowing thousands of piles of fly droppings.

Can't afford it!

It's actually in Ju Yixiange, which is in a state of calamity, my god...

"Tang Seventy-Six!"

In a flash, the Daoist Lord of the Nine Realms sent a sound transmission to Tang Qishiliu directly.

Tang Qishiliu, who was looking for the treasure bag of heaven and earth in the fairy pavilion, rushed out immediately after receiving the sound transmission from the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms.

Immediately, he saw that the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms had arrived at his fairy pavilion.

"Meet Master!"

Tang Seventy-Six knelt down and saluted.

The Lord of the Nine Realms was so angry that he glared at Tang Qishiliu and said, "As a teacher, I asked you to settle down with Junior Brother Feng Hao, how did you do it?"


It was related to Feng Hao again... Tang Qishili felt his head buzzing at that time.

It was as if he had been hammered a few times.

"The Celestial Pavilion in the Immortal Realm is already full...Only the Celestial Pavilion of Junior Sister Ju Yi can still accommodate people...and Junior Brother Feng Hao's cultivation is too weak, so this disciple..."

Tang Qishili was very wronged.

He once achieved great glory in Da Luotian for the Nine Realms of Wonderland, and during that time, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms had infinite glory...

But after such a long time, after everything faded away, the master actually spoke harsh words to Feng Hao because of him.

It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes!


The Daoist of the Nine Realms said in a deep voice: "Immediately arrange the first-class fairy pavilion for Feng Hao. He won the first place in the Xiaotian ranking and the Datian ranking in the Da Luotian grading competition today, shaking Da Luotian. Outsiders say that we neglect the favored son of the immortal..."


After Tang Qishili heard the words of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, he felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and his head was buzzing...

how is this possible!

Double top?

This is an unprecedented event in the Daluo Jinxian world...

"Junior Feng is lucky. It's only the beginning of the month, and everyone generally hasn't challenged too many ladders. There is a great hope of getting into more than 90,000 in the junior ranking competition. It's normal to be number one in the double list... Haha!"

Tang Seventy-six knows the rules of the ladder competition too well, and it has many benefits for the new golden immortals in the qualifying competition.

Because... a new Golden Immortal is graded from the 100,000th place.

If you challenge the 90,000th Golden Immortal, then... as long as you win, you will be ranked 90,000.

Challenged 10,000 people in one leap, which is definitely able to occupy the first position in the Great Heaven Ranking.

Not surprising.

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