Martial Inverse

Chapter 644 Terrible feeling

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms looked at Tang Qishiliu with a smile, of course he could hear the sour taste in his apprentice's heart.

It's just that he doesn't want to admit Feng Hao's qualifications!

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms is still very optimistic about Feng Hao, after all... this is the first person who ascended to the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm after tens of thousands of years.

It's normal to have something special.

But... What Tang Qishili said was not without reason.

There is still a very small chance for Da Luotian to win the ranking in the ranking competition.

Didn't Tang Seventy-six make an exception to make a name for the Nine Realms of Wonderland back then?

"Although there is a certain element of luck, after all, Feng Hao won the first place in the Da Luo Tian double list. You... It seems that you are the only one in the fairy pavilion. You two are in the same fairy pavilion!"

Nine Worlds Daojun was finalized at that time.


Tang Seventy-six was crying at that time, he vaguely felt that Feng Hao and Ju Yi had been together before, and they were both ominous people.

But now that Feng Hao is in the limelight, he does not dare to paint black.

At this moment, in the fairyland, a disciple was shouting almost hysterically: "This is terrible, Junior Brother Feng Hao won the first place in the double list in the ladder competition of Da Luotian... he is famous in Da Luotian!"

"Hehe, it's no longer a secret..."

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms was happy when he heard this, but after all, he already knew the result.

But what followed, the disciple's words made Daojun Nine Realms' scalp tingle, and his whole body was almost sluggish...

"Thirty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-nine..."

"The rank of promotion on the Great Heaven List is 67,801... The Immortal Demon Road is as stable as a dog..."


After Tang Qishili heard what this disciple said, he felt as if his head had been struck by lightning.


The whole person's scalp is numb.

" is it possible?"

Tang Qishili was dumbfounded. More than 30,000 people were nothing to him.

But the scary thing is...

Feng Hao is only a one-star Golden Immortal, and in the qualifying competition, more than 30,000 people were directly selected.

And it took him nearly 100,000 years to climb to the top of 10,000.

"It's not true..."

Tang Qishiliu couldn't believe it, nor did he want to believe it...

"This amazing!"

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and his beard kept shaking under his chin.


Feel elated!

"Tang Seventy-six, immediately make arrangements for Feng Hao to move to the Feiyu Immortal Pavilion outside the teacher's fairy hall... the teacher wants to accept him as a direct disciple!"

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was extremely excited.

From now on, I am afraid that everyone in Da Luo Jinxian Realm does not know his Nine Realms Fairyland and Nine Realms Daojun...

"Master, think twice..."

Tang Qishiliu was almost red-eyed with jealousy. He had worked for the fairyland for tens of thousands of years, and even in his dreams he wanted to become a direct disciple and move into the Feiyu Immortal Pavilion...

Because... the disciples who can move into the Feiyu Immortal Pavilion are to be cultivated as the successors of the Taoist Lord.


Overnight, the Feiyu Immortal Pavilion became known as the owner of the pavilion.

"Hurry up and make arrangements!"


The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms is quite dissatisfied with Tang Qishiliu.

He insisted on letting Tang Qiliu arrange it this time, just to test his heart...

If he is disappointed, then... Nine Worlds Wonderland will not be able to accommodate him.

Tang Qishiliu didn't know what the Daoist Lord of the Nine Realms was thinking, but he still silently changed into the fairy robe and stepped on the fairy bridge to Juyixian Pavilion.

"He is a little one-star golden fairy, how can he win the first place in the double list?"

Tang Qishiliu was very dissatisfied.

He feels that he is much stronger than Feng Hao, whether it is aptitude or strength, it is nothing more than good luck...

"There must be something wrong with his opponent..."

Tang Qishiliu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt as if he had found the reason.

I feel much more comfortable now.

"Let me uncover your fake number one ranking one by one..." Tang Qishiliu sneered.


However, for no reason...

Tang Qishili felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

Without even thinking about it, he immediately circulated his celestial power to protect his stomach, while his celestial consciousness penetrated into his abdomen...

There is no problem.

"How is this going?"

Tang Seventy-six was a little dazed. These are all Jinxian-level figures, and there is almost no stomach trouble...

He continued to walk towards Ju Yixiang Pavilion.



This time, Tang Qiliu not only had a stomachache, but more importantly... he also farted.

At that time, the scent on the fairy bridge was followed away.

"What the hell am I..."

Tang Qishili almost peed in fright, and now he has the urge to go to the latrine.

how can that be!

I am so golden fairy!

"It must be that bitch Ju Yi...Damn it, I forgot about her, an ominous person..."

Tang Qiliu felt that Ju Yi's bad luck had enveloped him...

And this bad luck...did not make Feng Hao bad luck, on the contrary...helped Feng Hao.

"Yes, yes, we must get Feng Hao away from this bitch Ju Yi... an evil door!"

Tang Qishiliu was a thoughtful person, so he immediately retreated a few hundred meters and knocked on the door of a fairy pavilion: "Junior Brother Ye, are you there?"

"Brother Tang?"

The person who opened the door was a young man in white clothes, Ye Bugui, ranked 106th.

"Junior Brother Ye, go to Juyi Junior Sister Xiange and call Feng Hao over..." Tang Qishiliu said.

Ye Bugui's eyes widened sharply: "What did senior brother just say?"

Tang Seventy-Six frowned, Ye Bugui is not deaf, but he still said: "Please, Junior Brother Ye, go to Ju Yi Junior Sister Immortal Pavilion, and send Feng Hao..."

"Not this sentence!"

Ye Bugui frowned.

"What else can I say besides that?"

Tang Seventy-six was almost angry at the time, but after thinking about it, he had to rely on others to do things... After thinking about it, he said, "Junior Brother Ye, are you there?"


Ye Bugui closed the gate of the Immortal Pavilion, and then a voice came from inside: "Not here!"


Tang Seventy-six felt that his toothache was unbearable at that time, and he was so angry that he was alive.

This leaf does not return to the true Nima ruthless!

He didn't even give him face.

Tang Qishiliu knocked on the doors of several other juniors, without exception, no one wanted to go to the fairy pavilion where Feng Hao was.


Just before Zhou Chen and the two senior brothers who sent things to the Fear Immortal Pavilion, one had a broken leg, the other knelt down... and was pulled a shit by the fairy bird.

Whoever goes to that unknown place is a sand sculpture.

Tang Seventy-six didn't dare to go deep, his stomach is still normal now, but as soon as he gets close to the fairy pavilion, his stomach starts to growl.

There is no way to go to that place.

I can only say...Ju Yi has become more and more powerful over the years.

If this person is released, the entire Daluo Jinxian world will collapse...

"What a useless thing!"

At this moment, the voice of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms rang in Tang Qishili's ears.

"Master, I..."

Tang Qishiliu wanted to explain, seemed unnecessary.

It is indeed useless.

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms has raised his self-cultivation to a higher level, and he can bless Ju Yi without fear of hardships.

With a flash, he appeared outside Feng Hao and Ju Yi's fairy pavilion.

"Feng Hao, follow me to Feiyu Fairy Pavilion..."

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms opened his mouth to speak, but just as he was about to knock on the door, he was horrified to find that... that terrible feeling came back!

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