Martial Inverse

Chapter 646 Challenge Feng Hao

Although the Taoist Lord of Nine Realms didn't feel the urge to urinate, he still left Feiyu Fairy Pavilion after explaining some things to be on the safe side.

The Feiyu Immortal Pavilion is said to be an Immortal Pavilion, but it is actually similar to the Immortal Palace. There is not only a separate Immortal Cultivation Hall, but also alchemy rooms, bedrooms...

There is no comparison with the fairy pavilion under the fairy bridge.

"From now on, I will call you Brother Feng, or Brother Feng?"

Ju Yi looked at Feng Hao with a smile, and the corner of her mouth curled up.

Feng Hao actually doesn't know Ju Yi well, but what the other party does is obviously a kind-hearted person.

It can be seen from the fact that he possesses this ominous power, doesn't want to hurt others, and only works hard in the fairy pavilion.

And Feng Hao is also quite curious about Ju Yi's ability, after's something about luck.

Fate is elusive, almost no one can master it, but... in Ju Yi, Feng Hao discovered its magic.

"Just call me Fenghao..."

Feng Hao smiled.

Ju Yi thought about it for a while, and felt that this was pretty good. Although Feng Hao has become a big disciple now, they were still seniors, sisters and brothers a second ago.

She was not used to the sudden change.

"Then you should be busy first... I will also go back to my Immortal Cultivation Hall..."

This is the case with cultivating immortals. Almost every golden immortal will seize every opportunity to practice.

It's a shameful waste of time.

Ju Yi left Fenghao Immortal Hall and went to another Xiuxian Hall in the Immortal Hall.

Feng Hao smiled.

In fact, he doesn't need to cultivate deliberately, even if he walks and sleeps, his cultivation base is slowly recovering.

Of course, meditation will recover faster.

Afterwards, Feng Hao also entered a state of meditation, and he had to say... This Feiyu fairy pavilion is indeed owned by the great disciple of the fairyland, and the level of immortal power is not comparable to his previous fairy pavilion.

Here, the recovery speed of cultivation is faster!


Suddenly, Feng Hao felt a wave of energy flooding his limbs and bones, and his cultivation was immediately improved and breakthrough.

Two-star Golden Immortal.

Samsung Golden Fairy...

The cultivation base skyrocketed directly, without any bottleneck at all.


The cultivation base stopped at the three-star Golden Immortal, that is, the early stage of the fairyland, and the effect was good. Now Feng Hao can clearly feel that he is more skilled in controlling the power of the world.


With regard to Ju Yi's unpredictable luck, the feeling is also clearer.

It was gray strands of thin threads, like silk, it seemed that as long as he had a thought, the silk would immediately entangle the opponent, and the opponent would be hit.

No one can avoid it.

However, the thin gray thread couldn't wrap around him, Feng Hao couldn't help crying and laughing.

My own luck is also very bad, anyone who gets close to Ju Yi will be entangled by this thin gray thread.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched it, this thin gray line that represented unknown could be used by him.


At the same time, when the veteran disciples in the fairyland learned that the newcomers Feng Hao and Ju Yi had become the first disciples of the fairyland, everyone exploded...

They all asked to meet the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms.

This is completely against the rules.

Even if Feng Hao won the first place in the Da Luo Tian double list, he couldn't open the back door like this...

Moreover, Feng Hao is the ranking of the qualifying competition, which is not considered real strength at all.

"Master, I refuse to accept!"

The top ten disciples in the Nine Realms of Immortal Realm are all eighty-nine-star peak golden immortals. At this moment, ten of them are standing outside the fairy hall of the Nine Realms Sanren, their aura is like a rainbow.

"Are you trying to rebel?"


The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms stepped out of the fairy mist, staring at the ten disciples majesticly.

Those ten were scared at that moment...they all lowered their heads.

Mo Qingchen, who was ranked first, bowed and said, "Master, I have a question."


"The disciple just came out of retreat, and learned that the fairyland has recruited a new disciple. This disciple participated in the Da Luotian grading competition and won the first place in the double list. Then the master gave him the Feiyu Immortal Pavilion and named him a big disciple?"

Mo Qingchen said neither humble nor overbearing.

As one of the top group of golden immortals in Da Luotian, he is absolutely... qualified to ask this question.


He ranks fifteenth in the Da Luo Heavenly Ladder, but... this strength is considered to be the best in the entire Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm.

Even if you go to visit other fairylands, you will definitely be treated as a distinguished guest.

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms nodded and said, "That's right, what then?"

Mo Qingchen's breathing stagnated, and he was stunned for a moment, what's next?

First place in the double list of a qualifying match is nothing at all.

"Feng Hao is only a qualifying match, and his cultivation is even a one-star Golden Immortal. What can he do?"

Mo Qingchen was very unwilling.

The Feiyu Immortal Pavilion was originally in his pocket, but he never expected... At this juncture, the rookie Feng Hao took the lead.

"Ha ha!"

The Daoist of the Nine Realms still admires himself as the number one disciple in the fairyland.

It is rare to dare to question his words.

The Daoist of the Nine Realms chuckled and said: "As a teacher, I am optimistic about Feng Hao's future, so it is not wrong to give him the Feiyu Pavilion. In addition...Feng Hao won the first place in the double list this time, breaking the record of Da Luotian, and the one in the Nine Realms of Wonderland. The name will surely shake the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm, as a reward... Feng Hao deserves it."

"His cultivation is only one star, how can he take on such a big responsibility?" Mo Qingchen frowned.

He could see that the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was determined to push Feng Hao to the position of the eldest disciple.

Mo Qingchen was very angry.

He wanted to leave the Nine Realms Wonderland.

He is so powerful that he stayed in the Nine Realms Wonderland just to go to the Feiyu Fairy Pavilion.

After all... In the future when the Taoist Lords of the Nine Realms leave the Golden Immortal Realm, the Lord of the Feiyu Immortal Pavilion will be the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

The temptation is too great!

But he didn't dare to say this openly to threaten the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, because his cultivation was bestowed by the Nine Realms Wonderland.

Deprive all cultivation bases.

When the disciples saw that Senior Brother Mo Qingchen's words were about to be suppressed, the others hurriedly said: "Master, the disciples are not convinced, unless... Junior Brother Feng Hao can defeat Senior Brother Mo Qingchen."

Mo Qingchen's eyes lit up: "That's right..."

He looked at the junior appreciatively, this was the result he wanted.

Saying this sentence by yourself is a bit of a bully, but when it is said by others, the effect is completely different.

And what he said immediately made other disciples echo him.

"Unless Junior Brother Feng Hao can defeat Senior Brother Mo Qingchen, otherwise, we will not accept..."

All the disciples spoke.

Daoist Nine Realms frowned slightly, and said softly, "It's fine to challenge Feng Hao, but... are you sure you want to do it?"

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was panicking to death.

From his point of view, Feng Hao is now also possessed by an ominous force, and even he is almost overwhelmed.

Could it be... Mo Qingchen wants to lose face among the fairyland disciples?

Mo Qingchen burst out with a high-spirited fighting spirit, and said seriously: "That's right..."

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms thought about it, although Feng Hao has ominous power, but his own cultivation base is too weak.

Need to give him some time to practice...

"Ten years later, you will fight again!"

Nine Realms Taoist said softly.

For the Golden Immortals, ten years... is just the difference between opening and closing their eyes...

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