Martial Inverse

Chapter 647 Curse?

"ten years?"

Mo Qingchen's expression brightened, he has practiced for a long time, ten years is just the blink of an eye for him.

Without any objection, he nodded and said, "Yes, Master!"

Seeing that Mo Qingchen had agreed, the other Jinxian disciples said nothing more, and then the group dispersed.


Mo Qingchen, who returned to the fairy pavilion, stood on the fairy bridge outside the fairy pavilion, looked up at the sword pavilion where Feiyu stood on the top of the fairy mountain, and a sharp sword intent shot out of his eyes.

He... Sword Immortal!

However, what Mo Qingchen couldn't see at this moment was that a thin gray thread was flying out from the Feiyu Fairy Pavilion, wrapping around his neck directly.


Feng Hao, who was meditating in the Feiyu fairy pavilion, suddenly opened his eyes, and he saw a thin thread extending from the fairy pavilion.

"Which unlucky fellow is this?"

Feng Hao had doubts, got up and left the practice hall, following the thin gray line, he saw the other end of the gray line, which was connected to a fairy pavilion.

Feng Hao didn't know who the fairy pavilion belonged to.

But judging from the location of the fairy pavilion, it is obviously the most outstanding fairy pavilion in the Nine Worlds Wonderland.

"It seems that some people have already developed hostility after moving to Feiyu Fairy Pavilion!"

Feng Hao was a little worried.

This golden fairy disciple who is hostile to him may be in trouble in the future.

But at this moment, Feng Hao suddenly saw that there was also a thin gray line in the practice hall where Ju Yi was located, which was also directly connected to the fairy pavilion.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao couldn't help but change his face at that moment.

This guy……

I'm afraid it's going to be bad luck!


at this very moment,

Mo Qingchen, who was thinking in the fairy pavilion, how to abolish Feng Hao and Ju Yi who moved into the Feiyu fairy pavilion after ten years, suddenly frowned.


He felt a little sick to his stomach.

The inside is overwhelming.

Even the chrysanthemums are swollen and painful.

"what happened?"

Mo Qingchen's eyeballs bulged like light bulbs, and he was almost scared to death.

"I am the Nine Star Golden Immortal, an immortal body, how could this happen?"

Mo Qingchen quickly looked inside, and saw that the fairy baby in Dantian Immortal Mansion seemed to have been harmed by something, but there was a trace of pain on the originally sacred face at this moment.

And this pain directly caused Mo Qingchen's stomach discomfort.

Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the fairy pavilion, Mo Qingchen glanced and found that it was Dai Muchun, the second-ranked junior.

"Brother Dai, come in!"

With a wave of Mo Qingchen's hand, the door of the fairy pavilion opened, and Dai Muchun, who was dressed in a purple robe and fairy clothes, walked in.

As soon as Dai Muchun entered the Immortal Pavilion, he saw Mo Qingchen sweating profusely on his forehead, covering his stomach with his hands, with a slightly painful expression on his face, he stepped forward and asked with concern: "What happened, brother?"

Mo Qingchen shook his head and said: "I don't know, it's very evil, my fairy baby seems to be in some trouble, and even my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."


Dai Muchun was startled and suspicious at that time, and said: "Is it convenient for me to take a look at it?"


Mo Qingchen has a very good relationship with Dai Muchun, although it is extremely dangerous to let others see him as a fairy baby rashly.

But he believed that Dai Muchun would not take advantage of others' danger.

Dai Muchun put his palm on Mo Qingchen's abdomen, closed his eyes, his sense of immortality was like his eyes, submerging into Mo Qingchen's immortal mansion.

He saw that Mo Qingchen's Immortal Mansion was shrouded in nine stars, implicated with each other.

And a young man sitting cross-legged in the center of the Immortal Mansion was almost the same as Mo Qingchen.

It's just that the fairy baby at this moment doesn't have any peaceful look, and has a painful expression on his face.


Dai Muchun took a closer look, and vaguely saw a gray line strangling Mo Qingchen's neck.

Dai Muchun was just about to cut off that gray line, suddenly... that gray line seemed to have sensed something, and immediately shrouded his immortal consciousness.

"What the hell?"


Dai Muchun's immortal consciousness directly retreated from Mo Qingchen's immortal mansion.


Without warning, Dai Muchun suddenly felt a pain in his stomach.

Chrysanthemum also began to swell and ache, as if... to go to the convenience.


Afterwards, Mo Qingchen couldn't control it, and suddenly let out a fairy fart, and immediately the whole practice hall was filled with an indescribable smell.

Just like a mouse that has been dead for a long time.

The smell is disgusting!

"Eldest brother, you..."

Dai Muchun resisted the pain from his stomach, and when he smelled Mo Qingchen's fart, he couldn't bear it anymore.



Two fairy farts filled Mo Qingchen's practice hall, so sour...

"Junior brother, you..."

Mo Qingchen also looked dull, what's going on?

Is it possible...

There is a problem inside the Nine Realms Wonderland. Is this fairy energy rotten?

Dai Muchun knew that this situation must be related to the gray line that strangled the fairy baby in Mo Qingchen's fairy mansion.

"Senior brother, you are cursed...even my junior brother!" Dai Muchun said with a blank face.

What a terrible curse!

Even the Nine Star Golden Immortal can curse, this strength is at least at the Xuanxian level.


Mo Qingchen turned pale and said: "I haven't left the fairyland for many years, and I don't have anything on me to use as a medium for curses, how could I be cursed?"

Dai Muchun said seriously: "There will be no mistakes."


Suddenly, Dai Muchun screamed in horror, Mo Qingchen who was at the side almost couldn't help but collapsed, and said weakly: "What's wrong, Junior Brother Dai?"

"Is there a toilet?"

Dai Muchun's face turned red...

Mo Qingchen was stunned at that time, he knew... Dai Muchun was just like him, he was a fucking loser.

"There is no toilet in the fairyland, the back mountain..."


Dai Muchun didn't say anything, and rushed out in the direction of the back mountain.

When Mo Qingchen saw that there was a jar of filth where Dai Muchun was standing, his hairs stood on end.

"I'm damn!"

After all, Mo Qingchen's cultivation was a little higher, but he couldn't stand it now.

Immediately rushed out...


In the small forest in the back mountain, Mo Qingchen and Dai Muchun were about ten meters apart, and the two squatted on the ground.

At this moment, he no longer has the temperament and appearance of Senior Brother Jinxian.

The two used their strength from time to time.

From time to time, there are moans...

That kind of hearty feeling is about to make them reach orgasm.

But at this moment, there was a rustling sound in the woods, and then there were seven or eight breaths approaching here.

The chrysanthemums of the two of them tightened at that time, and they felt bad.

But just when Mo Qingchen and Dai Muchun were feeling ashamed, they heard... the seven or eight figures in the grove seemed to be the same as them...


The sound is endless.

"What's going on here?"

Mo Qingchen felt his scalp tingling, he had already sensed the owner of those breaths.

Isn't it the brother who was with them before and asked to see the master?

"Someone is messing with us!"

Mo Qingchen gritted his teeth and said...

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