Martial Inverse

Chapter 648 Restoration of cultivation

After Dai Muchun heard Mo Qingchen's words, he raised his eyebrows and fell into deep thought.


He felt that what Mo Qingchen said made sense.

Someone is messing with him!

But how exactly...

"Senior Brother Mo... Then who is messing with us? It can't be the master, right?" Dai Muchun said via voice transmission.


But at this time, Dai Muchun couldn't hold back for a while, and then he plummeted.


"Who's there?"

The other disciples gathered together in the grove became vigilant one by one.

At the same time, there were also a few golden fairy disciples with panicked faces.

If the news about their convenience in the grove is spread like this, they will be ashamed to face others in the Nine Realms Wonderland in the future.

"it's me!"

Mo Qingchen glared at Dai Muchun, obviously blaming him for not controlling himself.

Dai Muchun's face turned red.

Did not speak.

Mo Qingchen was helpless, and then said in a rather majestic tone: "It's me! Mo Qingchen!"

"Ah! Big...big brother!"

"Eldest brother, you...why are you here?"

The disciples panicked at that moment... their voices trembled.

After all, they are also the core disciples of the Nine Realms Wonderland, if the elder brother finds out about these things...

That's really embarrassing to stay in Daluojin Immortal Realm.

Such a thing would happen to a dignified Eight Star Golden Immortal.

"Brother and Brother Dai just saw the night,

Then he came out to absorb the great Luo Ziqi and hit a new level. Why are the juniors here? "

Mo Qingchen's face was neither red nor heartbeat.

Several disciples felt uncomfortable and didn't know how to answer.

One of them still bite the bullet and said: "Haha, it's the same with me and all the juniors..."

Several other golden fairy disciples: "..."

"It's really shameless..."

Mo Qingchen was scornful in his heart, but he said kindly: "Well, that's right... Immortal cultivation is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat..."

"Thank you, big brother, for your advice!"

Several disciples hurriedly thanked him.

Afterwards, Mo Qingchen and Dai Muchun finally got rid of the accumulated depression, and then hurriedly tore off the fairy robe, and then turned into a streamer and flew away from the back mountain.


"It's dangerous, I was almost caught by my brother!"

"Yes, there is no danger!"

"It's just confusing why we are so unlucky to encounter such a thing..."

Several fairyland core disciples looked at each other, then pinched their noses, and it was all done...

It was the appointment to keep a secret, and then left the back mountain in a hurry...

At this time, there was no one in the back mountain, only a few small mounds on the ground.


In Fei Yu Xian Pavilion, Feng Hao's cultivation base is constantly recovering, from three stars to four stars, for him, it is just a blink of an eye.

Time passed quietly, Da Luotian ranked in the double list, Feng Hao's name was like a bright star in the sky, dazzling.

The name of Fenghao has already spread in Da Luotian, and everyone knows that the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms has accepted a good disciple.

When the new round of candidates for the Da Luo Tian Ladder Competition is about to be released.

A piece of heavy news immediately swept through the entire Great Luo Jin Immortal Realm.

The Haotian Tower of Emperor Haotian in the Celestial Immortal Realm returns, the order of the Immortal Realm is about to be restarted, and the other nine Emperor Weapons will gradually be born...

And the Haotian Tower is the key that opens up the prosperity of the fairy world.

The emperor weapon is born, the higher the cultivation level of the immortal, the more chance to get it...

At the same time, the Immortal Emperor of Daluo Jinxian Realm finally decided to open the Immortal Demon Road ahead of time, in preparation for the next appearance of the Emperor Artifact.

The fairy road is open!

But only take the top 500 disciples in the Great Heaven List.

That is to say, during this period of time, the Golden Immortal who challenged the ladder competition with the most upgrades will be selected to go to the Immortal Demon Road.

However, this time, a group of candidates has been added, that is, the top 100 top golden immortals in the ladder competition, who will also be eligible to go to the immortal road this time.

As soon as this news was released by the Great Luo Tianxian Emperor, the entire Da Luo Jinxian world immediately boiled.


In the fairyland of the Nine Realms, Feng Hao is meditating to restore his cultivation, and he has no idea how long the outside world has passed.

And Ju Yi also seized this rare opportunity, and her cultivation level rose steadily.

At this moment, the majestic voice of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms suddenly sounded from every corner of the Nine Realms Wonderland.

"All disciples obey the order, and within three days, seize the opportunity to sprint for the Da Luo Tian Ladder Competition. Three days later, the Da Luo Tian supervisor will count the top 500 golden immortals in the promotion ladder, and the top 100 golden immortals in the ladder competition, go to Fairy Road!

The emperor's weapon is now in the world, commanding the immortal world, there is no one who dares not to obey..."

These words echoed in the fairyland of the Nine Realms, and all the disciples, no matter whether they were in retreat or not, all left the retreat at this moment.

"The Emperor's Artifact is here!"

"The great era of the fairy world has finally come, I don't know how many thousands of years have passed..."

"We have been waiting for this day for too long. Mastering the Emperor Artifact, you will be in charge of an Immortal Realm, comprehend the way of the Immortal Lord, and eventually become the ancestor of all Immortals!"

Almost all the fairyland Taoist monarchs in Da Luo Jinxianjie urged their disciples to seize the opportunity almost immediately.


In the Feiyu Fairy Pavilion, Feng Hao opened his eyes, and then slightly closed them.

After comprehending his own cultivation, Feng Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Eight-star Golden Immortal... the late stage of the Fairy Spirit Realm!"

Feng Hao is very satisfied with the result. Sure enough, meditating and cultivating in this plane, the speed of recovery is also incredible.

"Feng Master... Feng Hao!"

Ju Yi's voice sounded outside the practice hall.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister Ju Yi?"

Feng Hao walked out of the hall and looked at Ju Yi with a smile on his face. The latter couldn't help being stunned when he saw Feng Hao's appearance.

She has a special feeling.

It's like the current Fenghao... is completely different from the previous Fenghao.

Mainly the difference in temperament.

"Feng Hao, have you made a breakthrough?" Ju Yi asked.


Feng Hao was stunned, he was recovering his cultivation, he didn't know if it was a breakthrough or not.

Let's do the math!

Therefore, Feng Hao nodded and said: "If you are not careful, you will become an Eight-Star Golden Immortal..."


When Ju Yi heard Feng Hao's unintentional words, she was as if struck by lightning.

She stared at Feng Hao dumbfounded, and the entire Feiyu Fairy Pavilion fell into deathly silence.


Feng Hao couldn't help crying and laughing, he didn't want to hide anything from Ju Yi, so he said so.

Who ignored it...Ju Yi didn't know that he was the Lord of the Great Thousand, and now his cultivation base has all been restored.

It's not from hard work.

"How did you do it? It's impossible..."

Ju Yi felt that Feng Hao had turned her worldview upside down.

Feng Hao shrugged.

This question is very complicated, even if it is said, Ju Yi may not believe it.

"That's how I did it. I don't know what's wrong with Senior Sister Ju Yi?" Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi with a smile.

Ju Yi also knew that Feng Hao didn't plan to say anything, and he didn't force it. Instead, a smile appeared on his face, and he said: "I plan to participate in the ladder competition, and within three days... I will rush to the top 500 in the big sky list, and you will accompany me." Shall I go together?"

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