Martial Inverse

Chapter 649: Sanxian Friends


Feng Hao nodded.

His ranking on the Great Heaven Ranking has risen by more than 60,000, and he is a must-go account on the immortal road.

There is absolutely no reason to refuse to accompany Ju Yi to watch her ladder match.

Anyway, they are also friends living under the same roof.

Of course...Feng Hao would not say, he was really worried about rejecting Ju Yi, whether this ominous atmosphere would tease him in turn.

Seeing that Feng Hao agreed so quickly, Ju Yi said with joy on her pretty face, "Then don't change clothes yet, let's start now..."

"In such a hurry?"

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment.

"You are definitely not in a hurry, but junior sister, I am in a hurry..."

Ju Yi couldn't help but want to cast a blank glance at Feng Hao, of course he is not in a hurry, the Datian list has risen by more than 60,000, and he is definitely number one.

With such a result, even if the golden immortals in the entire Da Luo Jinxian world were given ten years, it is unlikely that anyone could climb so high.

But I haven't been there since I participated in the ranking competition and was on the list of immortals, and there should be quite a few golden immortals like her.

This time, there are only 500 places in the Immortal Demon Road, plus the first 100 Golden Immortals, so the immortals must sharpen their heads and squeeze up?

"Okay... then wait for me..."

Feng Hao then went into the bedroom and changed into a set of fairy robes, and followed Ju Yi, who had been impatient for a long time, and left the Nine Realms Wonderland.

When I left, the place I passed by... could be described as not a single blade of grass grew.

All the fairyland disciples who slandered the two of them in their hearts all had stomach troubles.


Some fairy grasses and fairy trees on the mountain behind the fairyland seem to have received some great nourishment, growing extremely fertile...

Of course, this is something.


Fenghao is in Xianzhen,

It is found that the fairy town is already crowded with people, and all the golden fairies are lining up to go to the Fairy Bird Hall.

This scene is simply huge.

Feng Hao didn't need to think about it to know that Da Luotian is probably already full of immortals...

"Senior sister Ju Yi, why did you suddenly think of participating in the ladder competition?" Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi curiously.

"Because the current structure of the fairy world is about to change. The emperor's weapon is now in the world, and everyone has the possibility to become the immortal ancestor who controls the world. I and I have hope." Ju Yi whispered.


After hearing Ju Yi's words, Feng Hao couldn't help being stunned.

"Think about it, I'm an unknown person, and anyone who has bad intentions towards me will be in bad luck... So I'm sure, as long as I want to get an imperial weapon, whoever snatches it from me will be in bad luck... ..."

Ju Yi said confidently, but then added: "Of course, except for you..."

She then looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said: "Besides, you are the only person I have come into contact with who has not been cursed by the unknown, but you have also infected me with the curse of the unknown, heck..."

Ju Yi couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling.

From her point of view, Feng Hao was tainted with her ominous curse, and it was exciting to think about it.

Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi with a smile.

This girl has a really nice smile...

Although there were enough golden immortals in Xianzhen, it was Feng Hao and Ju Yi's turn soon. Since the fairy birds were tired and paralyzed, they had to drive two or four people at the same time.

Ju Yi handed over two celestial crystals, and planned to leave her and Feng Hao alone.

But who knows... There are actually two loose immortals who want to ride a fairy bird with them and rush to Daluotian to make a name for themselves.


Ju Yi didn't say much, just smiled.

However, with this smile, the two Sanxians almost drool all over the floor.

For this, Feng Hao could only mourn in silence for the two Sanxians.

Xianqin flew to Da Luotian's territory, and one of them, a golden fairy with a goatee, might have disliked Feng Hao for being too obtrusive, so he stood between him and the beauty Ju Yi.

At that time, he pointed his eyes to the Sanxian friends around him.

The Sanxian friend understood, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he talked to Feng Hao: "This fairy friend... I don't know if it is a Sanxian or a fairyland disciple?"

Feng Hao ignored his Sanxian friend, and was admiring the scenery of Da Luo Jinxian Realm.

The corner of the Sanxian friend's mouth twitched, feeling a little upset.

This guy is too shameless!

"This fairy friend, don't know how to call him?"

"Are you talking to me?"

Feng Hao looked at this Sanxian friend suspiciously. This Sanxian was wearing a Taoist robe and was slightly bald.

It is estimated that it is caused by the pressure of cultivating immortals.

The bald Sanxian was startled at the time, who the hell am I talking to if I don't talk to you?

Although he thought so in his heart, he said with a kind face on his face: "Is it convenient to take a step to talk?"

The bald loose fairy actually didn't have the heart to chat with Feng Hao, his purpose was to provide his brother with a chance to get close to that beautiful fairy.

Feng Hao thought for a while: "It's not convenient!"


The bald Sanxian was silent at that time, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly again, and then continued to laugh dryly: "Hehe, do you know who I am?"

Feng Hao frowned and said, "Who are you related to me?"


The bald Sanxian was stunned at the time, why didn't this kid play his cards according to the routine?

He made it so obvious that he was not an ordinary golden fairy.

Do you want to be so arrogant?

"I am a Sanxian with a rank of more than 60,000 in Daluotian, a real person who carries a lamp..."

The bald-headed Sanxian flipped over his palm, and a fairy lamp appeared in his palm.

The fairy lamp exudes a subtle light, and there is a lot of fairy energy ups and downs.

Ju Yi stared wide-eyed at the side, and said in amazement: "Feng Hao, it turns out to be a real person who picks up the lamp..."

Feng Hao was taken aback.

This bald Sanxian has a big background? So he looked at Ju Yi suspiciously and said, "Very powerful?"

The real person who picked up the lamp thought that Ju Yi knew his background, and he was a little bit proud at the moment.

I even feel...he should be allowed to contact Ju Yi.

But just when he was about to push away his Sanxian friends and approach Ju Yi, Ju Yi said blankly, "I've never heard of this name..."

The real person who picked up the lamp: "???"

Feng Hao: "..."

The real person who picked up the lamp was stunned for a while, his face turned into a pig liver color, what does this mean?

I have never heard of the name of the real person, so why are you surprised?

Feng Hao couldn't help but touch his forehead, he felt...had he unlocked some new skills of Ju Yi.

At this time, the Sanxian who was squeezed twice by the real person who picked up the lamp frowned and looked at the real person who picked up the lamp, and said: "Don't be shy, your name is known to people in our circle, these two fairy friends , it looks like a fairyland disciple..."

After the Sanxian finished speaking, he pressed Feng Hao's shoulder directly, and said in a serious voice: "I am a Sanxian, but many Taoist masters in the fairyland wanted to accept me as a disciple, but I was rejected by the Daoist..."

"Have you finished talking? What... do you mean?" Feng Hao said in a deep voice.

He frowned, and his face was already covered with a layer of frost.

If you have something to say, you can sit down and talk about it.

What is the meaning of patting him on the shoulder so hard?

Do you know each other well?

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