Martial Inverse

Chapter 662: A New Challenge

"A lot of moisture?"

In a fairy mountain pavilion in Chunyang Wonderland, Luo Zai, who is said to be expected to rank among the top three in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, was a little dazed after receiving the news from Mo Qingchen...

What is a lot of moisture?

At that time, Feng Hao and Lord Grim fought, he could see clearly from the cave of Daluo Tianxian Pavilion.

That Jun Moxiao was invincible in the Golden Immortal Realm, but in front of Feng Hao, he didn't even complete a single move and was directly defeated.

At the very beginning, Lord Grim kept saying that there is no winning or losing in his battle, only life and death...

But in the end, Lord Grim was so shameless that he directly surrendered and threatened that Feng Hao must be the reincarnation of a powerful person, so he took the initiative to admit defeat...

Intuit shameless.

But no matter what, Feng Hao's strength and cultivation have already surpassed the level of the Nine-Star Golden Immortal, but Mo Qingchen, who was in the same trap as Feng Hao, said that the battle between Feng Hao and Lord Grim was very important. Moisture?

Is there a mistake?

Luo Zai sent a message: "Brother Mo was there at that time?"

The corners of Mo Qingchen's mouth curled up, and he sent a message: "Although I'm not here, I know everything about Fenghao, junior brother..."

Luo Zai from Chunyang Wonderland was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded: "I wish to hear the details..."

Mo Qingchen then told Mo Qingchen that Feng Hao entered and exited the Nine Realms Wonderland a few months ago and was only a one-star Golden Immortal.

At the same time, the reason why Feng Hao defeated Du Ziteng was that Du Ziteng had to admit defeat because of the bombing of the alchemy furnace, and he also told all about it...

After Luo Zai received Mo Qingchen's message, he was stunned...

From a one-star golden immortal to a nine-star golden immortal in a few months?

This is a bit illogical.

At this time, news from Mo Qingchen continued to come in: "So, Senior Brother Luo, is there a lot of moisture in the fact that Fenghao became the number one on the ladder list? How could a normal immortal be able to do so in such a short period of time?" , to achieve this step? Among them... I am afraid there is some ulterior secret..."

Luo Zai felt that what Mo Qingchen said was somewhat reasonable, and then sent a message: "If you have time to come to Chunyang Wonderland as a guest, I will entertain you..."

Until then, the contact between Mo Qingchen and Luo Zai ended, and a smile appeared on Mo Qingchen's face.

Feng Hao is a guy who pretends to be a tiger, sooner or later someone will expose his disguise.

It's just luck.

What qualifications do you have to own the Feiyu Fairy Pavilion and become their senior brother?


At the same time, in Chunyang Wonderland, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Nine Realms Wonderland, Luo Zai, who ranked third, left the fairyland again and threatened to challenge Feng Hao, who was number one on the ladder list.

Those words shocked the entire Chunyang Wonderland at that time.

Even Taoist Chunyang was so frightened that he quickly caught up and stopped Luo Zai before he reached Xianzhen.

Taoist Chunyang is a bald old man, not tall, but kind-hearted. He looked at his lover Luo Zai, and said solemnly: "Don't do anything stupid, that Feng Hao's cultivation is so high that even Lord Grim surrendered Now, Da Luo Immortal Venerable bowed down to accept apprentices, which shows that this person’s strength has not really shown, you did not hear his advice, if you challenge him, if you fail... then you will be lost!"

Becoming the third child of ten thousand years in Chunyang Wonderland, and the ninth child of ten thousand years in the ladder list, this made Luo Zai, who has always been proud and arrogant, feel angry.

So this time Fenghao defeated Jun Moxiao in Da Luotian and became famous in one fell swoop.

He then remembered that a younger brother who went to the immortals and demons together in the past was exactly the Nine Realms Immortal Realm who came from the same school as Feng Hao.

So I changed my mind to find out.

But he didn't expect... In such a short communication, he discovered a big secret.

That is the cost of Fenghao's strength.

No matter how insanely talented a Golden Immortal is, it is absolutely impossible for him to cultivate to the peak of the Nine Stars in a few months, let alone when he left Da Luotian, he could perform the teleportation that only a Dao Lord can do. Think about it carefully ...There must be something strange here.


Perhaps as Mo Qingchen said, there is some kind of ulterior secret in it.

If this is the case, it is easy to explain why Lord Grim, who has been invincible for thousands of years, can't even catch Feng Hao's move.

That's because Lord Grim did it on purpose.

Feng Hao's teleportation must have used the Immortal Talisman.

Luo Zai was very excited. He felt that the number one on the ladder list should be replaced soon...

Therefore, Luo Zai just shook his head lightly in response to the persuasion of Taoist Chunyang, "I have enough confidence to step on Feng Hao under my feet and revive my reputation in Chunyang Wonderland..."

Master Chunyang caressed his chest and said: "Don't mess around, that Feng Hao condescends even Da Luo Immortal Venerable to accept disciples, it can be seen that he is unparalleled in immortality, if you want to challenge Feng Hao, you will never agree as a teacher..."

Luo Zai turned around and left without looking back, "The disciple has made up his mind, so don't be persuaded by the mentor, let the disciple return triumphantly, and then confess his mistake to the master..."


Luo Zai went directly to Xian Town outside Xian, and took the fairy bird to Da Luotian.

"Stupid child... that Feng Hao's cultivation base, even the teacher was shocked when he saw it, why can't you understand?"

Chunyang Immortal Venerable looked worried, and then he seemed to think of something, and quickly took out a transparent fairy crystal, and moved the void with his right hand, and then the fairyland changed into a circular void mirror.

Then the figure of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms appeared inside.

"Chunyang, what's the situation? You actually used this method of exhausting energy to see me?"

In front of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms in the Nine Realms Wonderland, there is also a mirror of the void floating in front of the Chunyang Immortal Venerable.

The Immortal Chunyang in the mirror of the void said: "There is something I want to get rid of you..."

"Haha, what's the matter? I'm curious, what is worthy of your serious treatment..."

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said, "Is it related to some of your direct disciples?"

Taoist Chunyang nodded and said: "My ineffective disciple Luo Zai is going to challenge Feng Hao under your sect..."


The Daoist Nine Realms couldn't help shaking his body at that time, and exclaimed: "Is Luo Zai this guy crazy? Has he gone mad because of his practice? How powerful my Fenghao is, to tell you the truth, I was a little panicked ..."

"So fierce..."

Taoist Chunyang shook his body involuntarily, and then said with a very solemn expression: "This is why I came to you, I hope you can find Feng Hao immediately and tell him... If Luo Zai challenges him, just give him a little punishment , don't hurt his life and bones..."

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms nodded and said, "Of course it's no problem, but..."

Taoist Chunyang's face changed: "Up to three top-grade elixir..."

"I want to teach my righteous daughter to control the divine body, I don't have time..." The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms frowned.

"...Old traitor!"

Taoist Chunyang said with an extremely painful expression: "Four pieces, plus a favor owed to you... not too many!"

"make a deal!"

A bright smile appeared on the face of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, and then he waved his hand to close the mirror of the void, and left the Immortal Palace with his hands behind his back...

really interesting.

The more people challenge Feng Hao, the more famous he will be in this fairyland of the Nine Realms... It's a pity that Feng Hao is not his adopted son.


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