Martial Inverse

Chapter 658 Who are you?

Feng Hao frowned slightly, and suddenly the young inspector's heart jumped, and he quickly apologized: "I'm talking too fast, don't mind if I still look at Brother Feng..."

The young inspector also knew that what he said just now was very inappropriate, even if he felt that Feng Hao was abnormal in his heart, he should not have said it.

Feng Hao didn't say much, but simply said: "Let's arrange it!"

"Brother Feng, are you sure you want to challenge Lord Grim?" the young supervisor reconfirmed.

Feng Hao said: "Could it be that there is a rule that the number one is not allowed to challenge? If there is such a rule, then I will be more determined to win this position..."


The young inspector looked at Feng Hao in a daze, what a confident person he was.

After that, he didn't continue to dissuade him, but directly registered for this challenge, and used the formation to contact Jun Moxiao, who was at the top of the ladder.

About ten breaths later, the young inspector received a response, his expression changed slightly, then he looked up at Feng Hao and said, "Brother Lord Grim agreed to your challenge, but before that, I'd like to remind you that before Lord Grim There is no victory or defeat, only life and death...the Golden Immortal will also perish."

"okay, I get it!"

Feng Hao nodded, then left the Immortal Palace directly and headed for the round platform of the ladder.

At this time, other supervisors of the Immortal Palace also gathered around and asked the young supervisor, who was Feng Hao challenging...

When all the Immortal Palaces inspected and made it known that Fenghao was challenging Senior Brother Jun Moxiao, all the eyeballs popped out, bulging like light bulbs.

"Is he floating? He dared to challenge the elder brother..."


But at this moment, the Golden Immortals who were paying attention to the ladder competition suddenly saw a strange phenomenon.

That is, Jun Mo Xiao, who has been resting with his legs crossed and eyes closed all this time, actually stood up at this time, as if he was waiting for something...

At the same time, all the golden immortals also saw the scene of Feng Hao flying into the air. When they found that the direction Feng Hao was flying away was Jun Moxiao, the disciple of Immortal Emperor Da Luo, they were almost scared to pee...

"My God, that Feng Hao rejected the challenge of hundreds of people, but now he wants to challenge Jun Moxiao, who is number one on the ladder list?"

"Jun Moxiao didn't win or lose,

Only life and death... If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be challenged by anyone..."

"What is Feng Hao thinking? Is this going to hit a rock with an egg?"

Seeing this scene, many golden immortals were shocked, some couldn't, and they also sighed.

Feng Hao ignored the opinions of the immortals, and leaped to the round platform of the first ladder in the air, facing the stalwart Lord Grim.

Jun Moxiao had black hair hanging loose, a stern face, stars seemed to be disillusioned in his deep eyes, he just stared at Feng Hao without showing any emotion.

After Lord Grim looked at Feng Hao for a while, he said indifferently: "You are Feng Hao..."

Feng Hao nodded and said, "It's me!"

Lord Grim smiled and said: "I'm very surprised. When I first met you, you were still in the grading match. I didn't expect how long it had passed, and you actually wanted to challenge me... I have to say that I admire you very much, but now you challenge me , there is only one outcome, either life or death, although I don't want you to die like this, but dying by my hands is also the greatest respect for you..."


After Feng Hao heard Lord Grim's words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. This guy...

Shouldn't he become mentally handicapped through cultivation?

It's a bit too middle school.

However, being underestimated by others made Feng Hao feel a little annoyed for a while, and said with a sneer, "It depends on Brother Jun, whether he has the ability..."


Lord Grim couldn't help laughing, then shook his head and said, "You're really too self-righteous..."

After a short silence, Lord Grim clasped his hands behind his back and continued: "Well, I'll let you use your hands, whatever supernatural powers you have, just use them..."

"You are really crazy!"

Feng Hao couldn't help swearing for a while, this Lord Grim looked like a lonely expert, but in fact...

That's it.

The Nine Star Golden Immortal can already look down on the other immortals, and blow up the sky?

At that moment, Feng Hao mobilized his entire body of immortal power and merged with the power of the world. He didn't even bother to use supernatural powers and ominous powers. A strange red light appeared on his right hand. This red light emitted scorching heat, and even the space was distorted. ...

"Then you take my punch and talk..."

Feng Hao's unicorn arm has already transformed, and now when he uses it like this, the immortal robe on his body will burst directly.

That fist seemed to be a round of scorching sun, directly blasting at Senior Brother Jun Moxiao.



Seeing Feng Hao's terrifying punch, Lord Grim couldn't help jumping wildly.


Lord Grim's eyes almost popped out, there's something wrong with this shit...

If he resisted this punch, his head would probably be blown off.

Right now Lord Grim couldn't care less about putting Feng Hao's hands on the air.

Immediately, the hands were filled with fairy light, and they were directly put together, and the fairy power turned into a fairy gang, trying to block Feng Hao's fist.


Feng Hao's unicorn arm hit Jun Moxiao's arms directly, and a circle of fiery red ripples suddenly appeared in the sky of Daluotian.

A powerful coercion swept across the entire Da Luotian.


There was a slight bone breaking sound, although it was very slight, but the immortals heard it clearly, and the immortals couldn't help but jump in their hearts.

who lost?


Suddenly, a heart-piercing howl came out of the red light, and then the immortals saw Lord Grim flying upside down from the round platform of the ladder.

Mouth and nose spray blood, swaying in the air.



"Yes... it's Lord Grim, he... he vomited blood from the beating?"

"How many moves did Feng Hao use just now? It seems to be a punch..."

"My God, I just realized why he rejected our challenge. He was afraid of killing us..."

The hearts of all the immortals were beating wildly, and after the uproar, the entire Great Luotian fell into deathly silence.

Lord Grim stopped abruptly in mid-air, staring at Feng Hao, his murderous intent was brewing, and then rushed towards Feng Hao unwilling to admit defeat.


However, Lord Grim had just rushed in front of Feng Hao, when there was a loud noise, Lord Grim was sent flying again, and he spun dozens of times in the air before standing still...

"You are too weak!"

Feng Hao couldn't help but shook his head, Lord Grim had been pretending for too long, and he almost lost his fighting instinct.

So what if there is a vigorous fairy power in the air?

This is at best a human shield, because no matter how strong Lord Grim's celestial power is, in Feng Hao's view, it is not as powerful as his world power.

Moreover, with his full strength, Feng Hao thought that even the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms might not be able to bear it perfectly. This Lord Mo Xiao... is even worse!

"who are you?"

Lord Grim's eyeballs bulged like light bulbs, and they were all the kind of light bulbs that were about to burst, he roared hysterically.

Feng Hao shrugged and said: "Who else can I be, Feng Hao is my name..."

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