Martial Inverse

Chapter 669: Immortal Demon Road Opens

Taoist Chunyang took Luo Zai away from the Nine Realms Wonderland.

At this time, on a fairy mountain outside the Nine Realms, there are only Feng Hao, Ju Yi, the Nine Realms Taoist and Mo Qingchen.

The refreshing wind in the mountains brushed against the cheeks of the Daoist Lord of the Nine Realms, his gray hair fluttered, and his eyes were a little confused.

When he saw Feng Hao and Ju Yi from the corner of his eye, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms' eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Kneel down!"

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms turned his back on Feng Hao, Ju Yi and Mo Qingchen.

This scolding immediately shocked Feng Hao and Ju Yi, and Mo Qingchen was also shocked.

But Feng Hao and Ju Yi did not kneel.

But what shocked Feng Hao was... Mo Qingchen was so slow-witted that he didn't have the slightest bit of awareness to kneel down.

Instead, she looked at him and Ju Yi in a daze.


The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms was also taken aback for a moment.

He frowned.

Mo Qingchen thought that the Taoist Lord of Nine Realms asked Feng Hao to kneel with Ju Yi and him.

After all, it was Feng Hao who exposed his deception just now, which caused his mentor to lose face in front of Taoist Chunyang.

But Feng Hao didn't know how to kneel down.

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms turned around abruptly, seeing that Mo Qingchen was still looking at Feng Hao, he was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped him.


A few teeth burst out of Mo Qingchen's mouth, and he knelt down on the ground after being beaten.

"The teacher told you to kneel down, why are you looking at Feng Hao? Do you think that the teacher will blame Feng Hao?"

The more the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms looked at Mo Qingchen, the more disgusted he felt.

Such a person almost became the first disciple of the Nine Realms Wonderland, which is simply too terrifying.

Thinking about it makes people shudder.

"The disciple dare not!"

Mo Qingchen prostrated herself on the ground,

His body was trembling, and under the premise that his teeth were leaking, his speech also began to become awkward.

"Don't you dare?"

The Daoist of the Nine Realms sneered: "You dare to frame Luo Zai in front of your teacher, what else are you afraid of? And you are still in front of the Daoist Chunyang, if you do this, that is Hitting Teacher in the face..."

Boom! Boom!

Mo Qingchen hurriedly kowtowed on the ground, his head banging loudly...

Feng Hao couldn't bear it when he heard the voice from the side.

But at this moment, Ju Yi said, "It doesn't seem to hurt at all..."

Saying that, Ju Yi directly picked up a stone and touched it to her forehead.

With a click, the stone was directly crushed into lime.


Feng Hao stared blankly at Ju Yi, do you want to be so tough?

You are a fairy!

Mo Qingchen, who kowtowed, saw this scene, and couldn't help but stop, and at the same time looked at Ju Yi resentfully.

However, it's good that Mo Qingchen doesn't resent.

this resentment.

The retribution will come immediately...


Mo Qingchen felt that something was wrong with the fairy baby again, and the whole person was not well at that time.

The face of the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms became even more ugly at this moment.

He is so aware of Mo Qingchen's symptoms, obviously, Mo Qingchen is resenting Ju Yi or Feng Hao...

"Naughty animal!"

The Daoist of the Nine Realms felt that Mo Qingchen was hopeless, and he didn't know how to repent at this time.

Instead, he still resents Feng Hao and Ju Yi.

What is the use of such a person staying in Wonderland?

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms shot directly at that time, and pressed his palm directly on Mo Qingchen's head.


Mo Qingchen felt that something spewed out from the chrysanthemum, and the fairy baby quickly withered away, and at the same time, the fairy power went away quickly...

"Master! Teacher..."

Only then did Mo Qingchen realize that the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was going to abolish him, so he quickly hugged the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms' leg and howled and begged for mercy.

But the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms still pressed his hand on Mo Qingchen's head, and said indifferently: "For you and me, I will abolish your immortal foundation and demote you to the mortal world... Is it a beast or a teacher?" Humanity, leave everything to God's will... go!"

Daoist Nine Realms then swiped his right hand in the air, and immediately a gray mist swept over behind Mo Qingchen.

Mo Qingchen was swallowed up in an instant...

"Do not……"

Mo Qingchen's miserable howling sound came out from the mist, but with the disappearance of the mist, Mo Qingchen's voice and the whole person disappeared...

Feng Hao looked at this scene with some surprise, he didn't expect the Taoist Lord of Nine Realms to have such a method.

It can directly demote the golden immortal into the mortal reincarnation.

Feng Hao reckoned that there must be something tricky in it, for example...there is any connection between the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm and the Daoist Lords.

Otherwise, Feng Hao felt that with his current cultivation base, he could already compete with the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms.

But he doesn't have the ability to make a golden fairy look like a mortal.

After demoting Mo Qingchen to the mortal world, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms looked at Feng Hao and Ju Yi and said, "You two should also take this as a warning, don't do things that would shame the fairyland and your teacher..."


Jui nodded.

Seeing that Feng Hao didn't seem to listen to his words at all, Taoist Lord Nine Realms couldn't help the toothache.

But thinking of Feng Hao's cultivation and temperament, he still sighed.

What can I do?

The old man is also very helpless!


The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, Feng Hao and Ju Yi returned to the Nine Realms Wonderland.

Then the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms made an announcement in the fairyland of the Nine Realms about Mo Qingchen being treated like a mortal.

At that time, all the golden fairy disciples in the fairyland of the Nine Realms broke out in a cold sweat...

Especially Dai Muchun and those few disciples who have a good relationship with Mo Qingchen, they almost took the initiative to go to Daojun Xiandian to explain the past criminal facts...

In the following time, the disciples of the Nine Realms Wonderland were very peaceful.

At the same time, the quota for going to the Immortal Demon Road was also announced on one of the days.

This time, the quota for Xianmo Road was finally set to 600, including the top 100 on the ladder list.

And the Nine Realms Wonderland is not bad, this time the quota also accounted for more than 60.

Compared with the top ten fairylands in Luojin Immortal World and a large number of Loose Immortals, the number of more than 60 places is simply not too strong.

Feng Hao and Ju Yi are naturally also among the places to go to Xianmo Road.


Time soon came to the day when the Immortal Demon Road was opened.

When Feng Hao was meditating in the Feiyu Fairy Pavilion, his identity token trembled and buzzed.

The tremor at this frequency was somewhat similar to Da Luotian's announcement, but it was a little different.

Feng Hao sensed his spiritual sense, and immediately raised his eyebrows...

This is the Order of the Immortal Monarch!

The content was that Immortal Lord Da Luo announced that those who were qualified to embark on the road of immortality and demons would all rush to Da Luotian within three hours.

Don't wait for the time.

Immediately cancel the qualification to go to Xianmo Road.

"Immortal Demon Road, it really makes people look forward to it..."

Feng Hao knew from Ju Yi that the Immortal Demon Road was related to the Emperor's Artifact, and Feng Hao had seen the Emperor's Artifact of the Haotian Tower in Daxia Zishan.

It was an existence almost comparable to the Pangu God Axe.

And seems that there are similar clues to the emperor's weapon in the Immortal Demon Road, Feng Hao has no reason not to go.

Just when Feng Hao left Feiyu Fairy Pavilion, Ju Yi had already galloped over.

A flush appeared on her face, she looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said, "The Immortal Demon Road is about to open!"

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