Martial Inverse

Chapter 670: Three Realms Together


Seeing Ju Yi's excited look, Feng Hao couldn't help wishing to go to Xianmo Road as soon as possible.

Now he is worried that he can't find a way to contact Yang Jian, Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei.

There may be some chance in this fairy road, after all, it is related to the existence of the emperor weapon.

"Let's go to Daluotian... This time, the Immortal Demon Road is very unusual, and it is rare to meet once in thousands of years."

Ju Yi was originally a quiet person, but now she has become more outgoing and lively.

"Wait me a moment……"

Feng Hao entered Feiyu Fairy Pavilion with a smile, changed into a long robe, and appeared in front of Ju Yi again.

Ju Yi looked at Feng Hao who had a completely new look, and was suddenly stunned!

But at this moment, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms appeared outside the Feiyu Fairy Pavilion.

After Ju Yi came back to his senses, his face turned red, and he bowed to the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms: "Father..."

Feng Hao cupped his hands and said, "Dao-jun!"

"The opening of the Immortal Demon Road this time is a great opportunity that has been rare for thousands of years. This time, the Immortal Demon Road is opened by the three major fairy worlds...

Heavenly Immortal Realm, Golden Immortal Realm, and Mysterious Immortal Realm, that is to say, you will meet people from other immortal realms. It’s okay to meet people from the Celestial Immortal Realm, but if you’re in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, there’s a certain danger. Remember... Although the chance is good, But if life is lost, no matter how good the opportunity is, it will be empty..."

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms showed a worried expression.

Feng Hao's eyes lit up, thinking of Yang Jian, Sun Wukong and others, with their strength...

If one opens the Immortal Demon Path, one must be qualified to enter the Immortal Demon Path.

In this way, they can also meet on the Immortal Demon Road.

Ju Yi said seriously: "Father, don't worry, I will be fine with Feng Hao, and I will do what I can."

After Feng Hao came back to his senses, he subconsciously nodded and said, "I will take good care of Ju Yi."

Ju Yi blushed: "What nonsense..."

"Ha ha……"

The Daoist of the Nine Realms stroked his beard and laughed lightly,

There is a bit of complacency on his face.

If the son-in-law can't make it, I'm afraid the identity of the son-in-law has disappeared!


When Feng Hao and Ju Yi left the fairyland this time, they were no longer two people, but the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms led the team.

There are a total of sixty-four golden immortals in the Nine Realms Wonderland, who have the qualifications to go to the Immortal Demon Road.

Nineteen cranes, carrying the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms, Feng Hao, Ju Yi and other fairyland disciples, headed towards Da Luotian.

"Mr. Dao, is it Daluo Xianjun...or Zhenyang Immortal Emperor who opened the immortal road?"

When Feng Hao first came to the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms had introduced him to some things about the Immortal Realm.

For example, every fairy world has a fairy emperor.

And since the Immortal Emperor of Da Luotian is not an Immortal Emperor, then Immortal Emperor Zhenyang must be someone else.

And the pioneer of the Immortal Devil Road was Immortal Emperor Zhenyang, so who was the one who opened it...?

Feng Hao always felt that Da Luo Xianjun of Da Luo Tian had too much power.

The qualifications of the Immortal Demon Road all need to be determined by Da Luotian.

The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Feng Hao had not come to Da Luo Immortal Realm not long ago.

"The Immortal Demon Road was opened by the Immortal Emperor, but... Da Luo Xianjun holds the key to open it. Tell me... who opened the Immortal Demon Road?"

The Taoist Lord of Nine Realms smiled.

Feng Hao also understood when he heard the words, as if he is the Lord of the Great Thousand World now, but he is not in the Great Thousand World...

And the order of the Great Thousand World will also continue to function.


The Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms sent Feng Hao, Ju Yi and others to the entrance of Da Luo Tian, ​​and after admonishing them, he directly called the crane to return to the fairyland.

Later, Feng Hao also discovered that the Taoists of other fairylands were also the same. After sending the disciples here, they sent them to slap their butts and leave...

And Jin Xian, who was going to the Immortal Demon Road this time, did not need to enter Da Luotian.

Hundreds of people from the top ten fairylands and scattered immortals, as well as the top 100 immortals on the ladder list, are also waiting outside Da Luotian.

However, the appearance of Feng Hao and Ju Yi also attracted the attention of other golden immortals.

Especially Xianjiao, who is in the top 100 on the ladder list, looked at Feng Hao with complicated eyes.

They always feel that Feng Hao's strength is watery.

But Jun Moxiao from Da Luotian and Luo Zai from Chunyang Wonderland both lost to Feng Hao without any suspense...

If there is moisture, this is too unreasonable.

And as many golden immortals felt a little bit jealous and hostile towards Feng Hao and Ju Yi...

Goo! Goo!

For a moment, the voice that once made Da Luo Tian Jinxian's soul tremble, appeared again.


All the golden fairies turned pale, not only those who were hostile to Feng Hao and Ju Yi.

The other Golden Immortals, who were fed up with the poison of this smell, even had the urge to die.

The Golden Immortals whose fairy infants were showing signs of going crazy, panicked themselves.

They couldn't even figure out why the fairy baby started to go crazy for no reason.

"Let go of the resentment in your heart... everything will be over!"

But at this moment, a majestic voice resounded through Da Luotian, and then a figure slowly descended from the sky.

It was Immortal Lord Da Luo!

And the words of Immortal Lord Da Luo also made those golden immortals who had changed their fairy babies feel like the rain is coming after a long drought.

After letting go of the resentment in my heart, the overwhelming feeling in my stomach disappeared just like that.

Come fast, go fast!

Many Jinxian looked at Feng Hao and Ju Yi suspiciously...



The arrival of Da Luo Xianjun made all the golden immortals have no time to think about other things.

They knew that it was time for the fairy road to open.

Da Luo Xianjun smiled and looked at the group of golden immortals who were going to the Immortal Demon Road, and said loudly: "The opening of the Immortal Demon Road this time is different from usual. Then you will encounter greater dangers, but... there are also destined to be greater dangers." chance."

"Don't be afraid even in great danger!"

"That's right, nothing can stop us..."

Some golden immortals were full of fighting spirit at that time.

Immortal Da Luo said with a smile: "It's good to have such determination, but when facing the strong in the Xuanxian world, I suggest that you should avoid the edge for the time being..."


Immortal Da Luo's words made all the golden fairies start to tremble at that time.

"What did Xianjun just say?"

"Mysterious Immortal Realm?"

"The Xuanxian strong will also go to the Immortal Demon Road? Then if this happens, doesn't the chance have something to do with us?"

All the golden fairies were almost scared to pee.

They thought that the danger Da Luo Jinxian said came from the Immortal Demon Road itself.

Who turned out to be the Xuanxian Realm.


If you are unlucky, if you meet a Xuanxian casually, you will have to suffer on the spot.

This is the same concept as they face Daojun in the fairyland.

Don't say a trick!

Half a move is not enough to see...

Those golden fairies who said, "I'm not afraid of great danger!", "Nothing can stop us..." are shrinking their necks at this moment...

He looked at the sky in a daze, and then at the ground...

Almost scared silly!

When Feng Hao and Ju Yi left the fairyland, they heard the Taoist Lord of the Nine Realms mention it.

So it's pretty quiet at the moment.

But... even Feng Hao can't say that he is 100% sure about the danger of the Immortal Demon Road this time...

Unless, he can restore a higher level of cultivation in the fairy road.

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