Martial Inverse

Six hundred and seventieth chapters fight

Immortal Zhenlong led a group of golden immortals, and just walked not far away, she seemed to notice the strangeness of Feng Hao and Ju Yi, stopped in her tracks, and frowned slightly.

But when he turned around, he had a benevolent expression on his face, and said with a light smile, "You two friends, don't you want to enter the magic dragon labyrinth to seek opportunities?"

Feng Hao said: "Don't bother Xianzun..."

Zhenlong Xianzun smiled, nodded and said: "Alright!"

However, at the moment Zhenlong Xianzun's voice fell, his figure was like lightning, and he turned around to grab Xiang Fenghao with his big hands.

At that moment, the monstrous celestial power came, and all the golden immortals felt that their souls were dying.

"Sure enough, I'm not at ease..."

And Feng Hao had already been prepared in his heart, almost at the moment Zhenlong Xianzun turned his face, he was already blessed by the power of the world, and pushed Ju Yi away.

At the same time, under the blessing of the power of the Fengzhou world, the unknown power directly entangled the fairy baby of Zhenlong Immortal Venerable.


The moment Feng Hao made a move, Zhenlong Immortal Venerable couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise, and his eyes flickered, full of inconceivable color.

Zhenlong Immortal Venerable naturally saw the thin gray line, and also felt the power of the world on Feng Hao.

At the moment when he was about to confront Feng Hao head-on, Zhenlong Immortal Venerable immediately burst into 100% cultivation...


The unicorn arm collided with Zhenlong Xianzun's big fairy hand, and a loud noise resounded for thousands of miles around...

And the black scorched earth under the feet of the two was shaken out of a huge deep pit by a powerful force.

Feng Hao took two steps back, while Zhenlong Xianzun only took one step back.

It looks like Feng Hao has lost half of his move!


This scene fell in the eyes of Jinxian, Immortal Yuxu and other powerful Xuanxians who were watching, and there was a dead silence outside the magic dragon labyrinth.

It's so quiet!


The golden fairies were all dumbfounded,

She was dumbfounded, and looked at Feng Hao and Zhenlong Xianzun with a look of shock.

At this moment, they feel like their world view has collapsed.

Jinxian actually has the power to contend with Xuanxian.

Zhenlong Immortal Venerable ascended to the Xuanxian Realm tens of thousands of years ago, and is a legendary existence.

However, facing Jinxian Fenghao now, it was almost a tie.

It's literally tingling.

Those Xuanxians also felt that this was too fake. If Zhenlong Xianzun just underestimated the enemy and only showed a small part of his strength, it is understandable to cause such a situation...

But they really felt that Zhenlong Xianzun used 100% of his strength.

At this time, the way they looked at Feng Hao changed...

Of course, it is not the kind of contempt before, but as an object of recognition.

A Golden Immortal contending against a Xuan Immortal, if this news gets out, the three worlds will probably be shaken.

In fact, everyone is a fairy, and most of them will not suffer or hate each other on issues that do not involve interests.

They even help each other out.

Just like now, everyone has not met the opportunity of the Dragon's Misty Cave, and the strengths of each other are similar, so it is the best chance to go to the end by watching and helping each other.

For the time being, everyone has no conflict of interest and lives in harmony.

"Zhenlong Xianzun, you can stop now... It seems that this little friend is also a Xuanxian... But he didn't ascend! They are all immortals in the world, and it is completely unnecessary to fight over such a trivial matter. what……"

Immortal Yuxu stood up as a peacemaker at this time, and everyone recognized Feng Hao's strength.

One more powerful helper enters the magic dragon's maze, so that we can take care of each other when the time comes.

After all, the imperial weapon in the Dragon Labyrinth is rumored to be used to suppress a dragon.

think about it……

A magic dragon needs an imperial weapon to suppress it, one can imagine how terrifying this magic dragon is.

Daoist Changding, who was wearing a soaring crown, also said: "The so-called no acquaintance, Zhenlong Xianzun, you are an elder...why make it difficult for a junior?"

Xianzun Zhenlong's expression changed, and when he saw Feng Hao's expression of not flinching, he frowned at that moment.

This is a formidable opponent.

But soon, a gratified smile appeared on Zhenlong Xianzun's face, and said: "There is a successor in the Da Luo Jin Immortal Realm! It's really great..."

Speaking of which, Zhenlong Immortal Venerable looked at Feng Hao and asked, "I don't know what to call my little friend?"

When Feng Hao saw the smile of Zhenlong Immortal Venerable, no matter how he looked at it, he felt like a superficial smile.

Such a person is a tiger with a smiling face. It looks harmless to humans and animals, but when it gets ruthless, it kills people...

Feng Hao was not interested in partnering with these mysterious immortals, so he glanced at Zhenlong Xianzun and said, "Feng Hao!"

"Good name! Haoran Zhengqi..."

Zhenlong Xianzun stroked his beard and laughed lightly, then cupped his hands and said: "How about this, how about exploring the Magic Dragon Labyrinth together with me and a few Xuanxians? There is... an imperial weapon!"


"Oh my God……"

"Emperor...Emperor Weapon! Zhenlong Immortal Venerable is really a living Bodhisattva, such a chance is thinking about us..."

"Feng Hao, Immortal Zhenlong is just testing your cultivation, don't worry about it!"

As soon as those golden fairies heard that there was an imperial weapon in the Dragon Misty Cave, they are now on the way to get the imperial weapon.

All of them were so excited that they were about to die.

It was as if Emperor Qi had opened his arms to them...

Zhenlong Xianzun smiled slightly.

The fate of these little people can really be manipulated at will!

However, Feng Hao's existence made him a little bit unsatisfactory.

Feng Hao looked at those strong golden immortals and said: "The emperor's weapon has nothing to do with you, why bother to go to this muddy water? And if the emperor's weapon is so easy to obtain, do you think... this Zhenlong Xianzun will kindly take it you?"

Murderous intent flashed across Zhenlong Xianzun's brows, but he quickly recovered, and said with a smile: "Fenghao Xianzun, maybe you have misunderstood this Xianzun. , wanting to share this opportunity with them, what's wrong? Don't judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain..."

When the other golden immortals heard Zhenlong's affectionate words, they were so moved that they trembled.

"Immortal Venerable, I will follow you to the death..."

All the golden fairies quickly swore allegiance, they were so touched... Good man!

But at this time, all the golden immortals' original respect for Feng Hao's first place on the ladder list also disappeared without a trace.

They all accused Feng Hao of being a villain.

on this...

Feng Hao had nothing to say, he took Ju Yi and appeared beside Immortal Yuxu and other Xuanxians.

"I'm supposed to be a part of this magic dragon labyrinth, right?" Feng Hao looked at Immortal Yuxu.

Immortal Yuxu nodded and smiled: "Of course, you have proved yourself just now..."

Master Changding smiled and said: "Don't worry too much, Immortal Zhenlong's character is just like this, so don't take it to heart, friend Fenghao..."

The other Xuanxians expressed their favor one after another, one more friend is better than one more enemy.

Especially for things like entering the magic dragon maze, I'm afraid of being stabbed in the back...

If you are not careful, you will be exhausted!

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