Martial Inverse

Chapter 676: The Labyrinth Opens

Feng Hao and Ju Yi joined the ranks of Xuanxian powerhouses, making all the golden immortals who followed Zhenlong Xianzun jealous.

Originally, they thought that those strong men in Xuanxian Realm would definitely reject Feng Hao.

After all, Feng Hao had a feud with Zhenlong Immortal just now, and these Xuanxians will definitely look at Zhenlong Immortal's face and refuse Feng Hao and Ju Yi to join the group.

Unexpectedly, he agreed!


I am simply envious of others!

All the golden immortals thought this was unbelievable. Are these Xuanxians so easy to talk to?

In fact, what all the golden immortals don't know is that the Xuanxian Realm is more like the Sanxian Realm than the Da Luo Jinxian Realm.

All immortals, real people, and immortals have no family, and everyone is chasing a higher realm of heaven.

At this level, they no longer disdain to set up a mountain to send disciples, and prefer to fight alone.

Several Xuanxians who have entered the Immortal Demon Record are very clear about the opportunity of the Demon Dragon Labyrinth this time. If they want to successfully find the Emperor Artifact, it is definitely not enough to rely on their own strength.

At this time, everyone needs to hold together a little bit.

Otherwise, no one has any chance.

We are in a group, maybe the opportunity will be his own!

So these Xuanxians all held this idea, and maintained an amazing tacit understanding.


Zhenlong Xianzun stood seven or eight meters away from Fenghao, with a smile on his face, patiently telling all the golden immortals about the beauty of the Xuanxian world.

All the golden immortals were immersed in the dream of the Xuanxian world.

But for them, the Xuanxian world is not far away from them, because they are all golden immortals with seven or eight stars.

If you work hard for tens of thousands of years, your comprehension is strong enough, or you encounter a great opportunity in the road of immortals and demons, basically Xuanxian will be stable.

So this dream can easily come true.

At this moment, all the golden immortals paid respect to Zhenlong Xianzun, just like a torrent of river water,

Just like the flood of the Yellow River is out of control.

At the same time... Zhenlong Xianzun also successfully pushed Feng Hao and Ju Yi out of the ranks of Jin Xian.

Those golden immortals already sneered at Feng Hao and Ju Yi's ignorance of current affairs.

"By the way, isn't this Feng Hao just won the first place in the ladder competition in the Golden Immortal Realm? It's starting to float away?"

"That's right, what a noble status Zhenlong Xianzun is... Didn't Feng Hao just take the first place on the ladder list? What's the big deal?"


Many golden immortals began to chatter, and Immortal Zhenlong felt extremely relieved.

At this time, Zhenlong Xianzun found that he seemed to be overflowing with compassion.

They didn't want these people to be cannon fodder anymore.

What a lovely group of cannon fodder!

If you stay by your side, at least during the time in Xianmo Road, you will feel at ease.

And it's also very good to be disgusted by Feng Hao...

At this moment, Feng Hao just heard several golden immortals mocking him for being number one in the heaven list, and saying that he is amazing.

Feng Hao smiled slightly at this, turned his head to look at Zhenlong Xianzun and the golden immortals floating up, and said with a light smile: "Sorry, the first place in the heaven list is really nothing special, so I can only compete with Zhenlong from the Xuanxian world. Immortal Venerable is just a tie..."


After hearing Feng Hao's words, Ju Yi couldn't help laughing out loud.

She didn't expect Feng Hao to have such a cute side, he is such an interesting guy...



The Golden Immortals were enjoying it at first, but Feng Hao's words made their faces ugly at that time...

It's like swallowing thousands of piles of fly droppings one by one.

They said that Feng Hao was nothing special...but he was able to almost draw with Xuan Xian.

But they can only please and flatter Xuanxian in various ways, which makes them feel like dogs...

It's the feeling of Zhenlong Xianzun's running dog!

That's right, it was this bad feeling that made them look extremely embarrassed.


After hearing Feng Hao's words, Zhenlong Immortal Venerable's face turned red with anger, and a monstrous Xuanxian coercion suddenly radiated out...

He's about to explode!

He is a legendary Daoist in the Golden Immortal Realm, and a famous Xuanxian in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Right now, a young man from the Golden Immortal Realm said that he could tie with him.


This is simply a great shame!

Can't bear it!

Feng Hao didn't expect Zhenlong Xianzun to be so narrow-minded, didn't he just tell a small truth?

Do you need to fight him desperately?

But Feng Hao has never persuaded anyone, just when he mobilized the power of the world and was about to make a move...


All of a sudden, the fluctuations in the Dragon's Labyrinth suddenly changed, and a buzzing sound suddenly rang out.

And this kind of fluctuation gives people the feeling that something has broken free from the seal.



Immediately, Immortal Yuxu, Immortal Changding and other mysterious immortals stood up one after another, persuading them: "Isn't it just a trivial matter? As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you will meet again. Now the opportunity for the magic dragon maze has come." , you don’t want it anymore?”

"That's right, all of them are existences that dominate the Three Realms. What's the point of arguing like a child? If you have the ability to go for the chance, whoever gets it will be the best..."

Xuanxian stood up one by one to dissuade them.

His expression changed from wanting to watch a good show to an impatient look.

Obviously, the opportunity of the Dragon's Labyrinth is the most important thing to them.

What's so good about the show?

How can there be an imperial weapon so attractive?

Immortal Zhenlong glared at Feng Hao fiercely, and then gave up.

Feng Hao shrugged.

To be honest, he really wanted to fight Zhenlong Xianzun, because he found that when fighting Xuanxian, this kind of person whose cultivation base is not much higher than him can maximize his potential.

It made the recovery of the world master who belonged to him faster and faster.

If it weren't for the fact that the Magic Dragon's Misty Cave seemed to be opened, he would have to come back from Zhenlong Immortal Venerable after he said anything.

Immortal Zhenlong looked at the entrance of the Dragon's Misty Cave. The entrance was originally dark, but now there was a faint red light lit up.


The labyrinth has been opened.

But Rao is a Xuanxian, when he looks at the entrance, he has a feeling of being seen through everything.

Slight chill down the back.

Other Xuan Xian also felt this way, but they all looked extremely excited.

The colder the better, it means... this opportunity is powerful!

"It is rumored that a magic dragon is sealed in this labyrinth. This is not something that we can fight alone. Don't resent the past grievances at this time. If the magic dragon recovers, join hands to suppress it... no problem, right?"

Immortal Lord Yuxu looked at all the mysterious immortals, his gaze deliberately stayed on Feng Hao and Immortal Zhenlong for a while.

"I'm fine..." Feng Hao said.

Zhenlong Xianzun nodded, of course he knew who Yuxu Xianjun was talking about...

At the same time, Immortal Zhenlong looked at the golden immortals behind him, and said, "The opportunity for the magic dragon's labyrinth, the time has come... I can take you in, but you must obey the instructions of Immortal Bain, you know? Otherwise...this Immortal Venerable cannot guarantee your safety..."

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