Martial Inverse

Chapter 683: Demon Refining Pot Spirit

The four black skeletons looked at Ju Yi in astonishment, obviously a little surprised that Ju Yi, a mediocre little golden fairy, knew the history that should have been sealed up.

"Little girl, you have covered a lot..."

The red flames in the eyes of the boss skeleton were a little bit interested in Ju Yi, and then he said in a serious voice: "You are right, our ancient immortal family was once the master of the fairy world..."

The red flames in the eyes of the boss of the Black Skull spread out, and he fell into the dusty past for a long time...

"a long long time ago……"

The boss of Black Skull was about to brew a bit of power and grandeur, but Feng Hao interrupted directly: "Speak human words and pick the key points, or I will leave!"

Skeleton armor: "..."

Skeleton B: "..."

Several skeletons looked at Feng Hao, shouting in their hearts: Are you a devil?


The boss of the black skull coughed violently, the red light in his eyes dimmed a bit, as if he felt extremely resentful towards Feng Hao.

After sorting out the language for a while, the boss of the black skull said solemnly: "A long time ago, ten artifacts were born in heaven and earth. As members of the ancient clan of the fairy world, we were born to protect the artifacts. The heaven was cut open, and that group of damned demons came from hell, carrying death and decay, devouring everything in the heaven..."

"They are powerful, they are vicious, and they are trying to get their hands on the artifact. I... Gu Yi, the guardian of the artifact refining pot, sacrificed my life to protect the heaven and the artifact. One became the spirit of the demon refining pot and suppressed the evil black dragon...but because of this, he was cursed with immortality, and experienced the ravages of reincarnation in the eternal years..."

The other three ancient immortals mentioned by the black skull are obviously the aggrieved skeleton Bingding beside him...

Ju Yi couldn't help muttering, wouldn't it be good to live forever?

Is there such a curse?

As long as she doesn't become a skeleton and keeps her current appearance forever, she can ask for a dozen of these curses...

Feng Hao can understand the state of mind of the black skull.

In his opinion,

When a person has been living in pain, and suddenly one day tastes the sweetness, then he will try his best to live on, just for the only little sweetness.

Perhaps in the hearts of these black skeletons, they have suffered for so many years, but it is precisely because they know that the curse will eventually be shattered one day.

And the happy immortal life will come again eventually, this may be their biggest expectation.

It was also the reason why these skeletons lured him here.

"However, this curse is not unbreakable... We need to find someone who can be recognized by the artifact, and then the curse on us will be lifted..."

After the black skull finished speaking, its eyes stared at Feng Hao, and the red flames in its eyes blazed.

The same goes for the other three black skeletons.

Looking at Feng Hao with pleading and hope.

Feng Hao didn't speak, and Ju Yi on the side suddenly exclaimed: "That is to say... Feng Hao is the person recognized by Emperor Qi? The world master you mentioned before?"

Feng Hao looked at Ju Yi in a daze: "..."

Can you be so direct?

Those black skeletons didn't expect that Ju Yi would speak so directly, shouldn't they be more tactful?

After all... they just think that Feng Hao is the master of the world.

But it doesn't mean that Feng Hao is really the master of the world...

Everything depends on whether the final artifact is the master or not.

Ju Yi saw that everyone fell silent, and even the air seemed to be condensed, so she fell silent immediately.

After a while, the black skeleton nodded and said, "That's right... We think he is the one who is most likely to be recognized by the divine weapon among the immortals who entered the Demon Realm this time..."

Feng Hao didn't know how these skeletons were so confident... Then he asked in confusion: "How do you know that I am the most hopeful?"

The black skulls said in unison: "Because we think you are different from other immortals..."

"We are different, everyone has a different situation? You are here, waiting for me here?"

Feng Hao suddenly thought of a song from Earth, and hummed subconsciously.

And then...the air was suddenly dead silent.

The four black skeletons looked at Feng Hao in bewilderment...

What the hell!

Do you dare to be serious?

Their curse is still waiting to be broken... What does this singing mean?

Finally, the boss of the black skeleton said straightly: "You are right, we have indeed been waiting for you, waiting for you in this artifact..."

After hearing the black skull's words, Feng Hao froze for a moment, frowned and said, "You mean...we are inside this imperial weapon now?"

Feng Hao knew that the artifact mentioned by the skeleton was also what they called the imperial weapon.

And...Feng Hao thinks that the names of the top ten artifacts of the ancient fairy clan are very coincidental with the culture of the earth.

God is in sync!

His Pan Gu ax is also recorded in Earth Huaxia.

In the Great Xia World in the land of mist, the Haotian Pagoda, the emperor's weapon in Tianzi Mountain, once again belonged to the civilization of the earth.

Now Feng Hao heard about the artifact of the demon refining pot again.

He was stunned.

Is this a rush to collect the top ten artifacts?

The black skull nodded and said: "The magic dragon's labyrinth you are talking about is actually transformed by the demon refining pot... But now after thousands of years, our ability has gradually weakened, and the demon refining pot is no longer able to suppress the demon dragon... ...But as long as you get the approval of the Demon Refining Pot, you can restart the Demon Refining Pot, suppress the demon dragon, and remove the curse on us by the way..."

The skeleton Bingding nodded again and again, the red flames in his eyes showed anticipation, and he just looked at Feng Hao eagerly.

Feng Hao looked at the black skull with a smile, and said, "This thing is too dangerous, I still don't do it..."


Those black skeletons were about to cry at that time, can you stop saying such scary words? elder brother!

Ju Yi also nodded seriously: "This is indeed too dangerous, Feng Hao, you'd better stop doing it..."

Skeleton A, B, C, and Ding were almost shaken to pieces, and then the boss of the skeleton quickly said: " can be done, although our strength is much weaker now, but we are still half spirits of the demon refining pot...we will help you The one who got the demon refining pot."


Skeleton Bingding also nodded quickly.

After Feng Hao heard the words of the skeleton boss, the corner of his mouth raised even more. He pretended to be incredulous: "Since the senior skeletons are so fond of you, then... I will do it reluctantly! What do I need to do now? "

"Thank you! We thank your whole family..."

A few black skeletons were excited to step forward to hold Feng Hao's hand, their excited eyes were red, flashing like police lights and jumping for joy.


When Feng Hao heard what the skeleton boss said, his whole body was in a bad mood... God damn thank you to your family.

If it wasn't for the sake of the demon refining pot, he would have turned his face now!

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