Martial Inverse

Chapter 684: The Birth of the Demon Dragon

"If you don't talk about this, I really forgot... What should I do now? The guys below are not kind!"

Xiao Hei looked flustered, his dragon body trembled, and almost shook the little ball on top of his head.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Xiao Qiuqiu scolded angrily: "Would you shake me off?"

Xiao Hei calmed down, and said calmly: "I just stretched my body...can you just stand still?"


Xiao Qiuqiu expressed that he didn't want to communicate with Xiao Hei anymore, since this guy has never done anything serious since he arrived on Earth.

Although it has been there before, it soon lost its way!

At this time, the several mysterious immortals outside the Magic Dragon's Misty Cave also roughly assessed Xiao Hei's strength, and it should be from the world of celestial beings.

Although I don't know why there are black dragons that don't belong to immortals in the world of immortals, but these are not important.

The important thing is that this black dragon will soon be surrendered by them...

After all, this is the world-protecting ancestral dragon of the ancient immortal clan. It is said that eating a mouthful of adult ancestral dragon meat can increase the immortal power for tens of thousands of years.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

"You take this imperial weapon, how about the black dragon giving it to me?"

Immortal Yuxu looked at the other mysterious immortals. From his point of view, there are demon dragons competing for the imperial weapon, as well as the cursed ancient immortal. The chance of him getting it is only a few percent.

But this black dragon is different.

At first glance, it is the kind of existence that is particularly easy to surrender.

So instead of taking the risk to compete for the imperial weapon in the labyrinth, it is better to take a step back and subdue the black dragon... There is no loss, even no risk.

Zhenlong Immortal Venerable cursed secretly, and said, "This black dragon can become the mountain guardian beast of my immortal sect!"

Master Changding couldn't stand it any longer, and said solemnly: "This is an unknown thing, why don't you just let me bear the unknown..."

"Bah! Shameless..."

The Xuanxians couldn't stand it at that time,

Sure enough, trees don't need bark, they will surely die, immortals are shameless, and invincible in all realms...

"This real person is ashamed to be with you!"

Daoist Changding flicked his sleeve robe, then fixed his eyes on Heilong, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it...

But right now we don't know what's going on in the Magic Dragon's Misty Cave. If we rashly capture the black dragon, if something happens in the Misty Cave, I'm afraid we won't be able to react.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to first see the reaction of the magic dragon maze, and then formulate a policy to subdue the black dragon.

Of course, if the black dragon finds that the situation is not good and withdraws, then... Master Changding will definitely give up the opportunity of refining the demon pot and subdue the black dragon.

Master Changding sees it very clearly. In fact, everyone has their own ideas. They are friendly on the surface, but secretly they want to kill each other here.

Every Xuan Xian showed great interest in Xiao Hei, if it wasn't for the Emperor Artifact being born soon, everyone would have more or less a chance.

Maybe he will take action to subdue Xiao Hei now.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu don't know what these mysterious immortals are thinking, but they probably also know...these mysterious immortals want to attack them.

But something seemed to hold them back.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth resounded with the dragon's roar again, accompanied by the dragon's breath gushing out from the tunnel of the labyrinth.

The air was suddenly filled with a pungent fishy smell.

"Hold the grass, what the hell does this shit smell like?"

After Xiao Hei smelled the dragon's breath, he almost vomited out the overnight meal. This is probably the smell that has been fermented for tens of thousands of years.

Xiao Qiuqiu frowned, and said in a low voice: "Don't pay attention to the smell, feel this breath... have you noticed anything?"

The little black dragon mustache trembled, looked towards the magic dragon's maze, and after feeling it carefully, his expression gradually became dignified.

"Hmm... Immortal Demon Road shouldn't be closed now, right?" Xiao Hei said thoughtfully.

"Why are you asking this?"

Xiao Qiuqiu frowned, shouldn't it be time to consider how to deal with the owner of the breath coming from the ruins?

What is the relationship between Guan Xianmo Road?

Xiao Hei said seriously: "If it's not closed, I want to leave for a while, it seems that some things are still left in the cave..."

Xiao Qiuqiu had a toothache at that time, and he finally understood why Xiao Hei would ask questions about Xianmo Road.

This guy is pure cowardly!

He even wanted to run away!


Is this still that Void Dragon?

"Did you stay with that little calf for a long time, and you are completely stupid?"

Xiao Qiuqiu wanted to beat Xiao Hei up, shouldn't he try to help Feng Hao at this time?

What this guy actually wanted was to leave the Demon Realm.

Xiao Hei retorted: "Fart, am I, Xiao Hei, such a dragon?"

Xiao Qiuqiu nodded and said, "It's very similar to..."


Xiao Hei felt that his image of being wise and mighty might collapse at this very moment!

But it's really not his fault.

Because the aura that Xiao Hei felt just now is too powerful, at least even if he joins hands with Xiao Qiuqiu, he will definitely not be able to resist one move and a half.

But at this time, Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King Yang Jian and others felt their knees were extremely soft after feeling the aura from the magic dragon's labyrinth.

There is an urge to kneel down.

The existence of this level is no longer something they can compete with at the level of angels. The wisest choice is to go as far as possible.

But... Although Immortal Master Zhenlong ignored them, he sent out a ray of divine sense, which suppressed them to death.

If there is a slight change, they will definitely be greeted with thunderous means.

So Monkey King and others did not move.

I dare not move!

At this time, Zhenlong Immortal, Yuxu Immortal and other Xuanxians also stood up and waited.

They were all glad that they didn't attack the black dragon at this time.

Otherwise, you may have to miss the scene of the birth of the imperial weapon.


The roar of the magic dragon became louder and louder, shaking the mountain tops, and at this time, the magic dragon obviously had a tendency to completely break through the suppression of the imperial weapon.

The originally dilapidated ruins maze, those stones covered with traces of time, suddenly shattered at this moment, and the entire ruins collapsed directly.


The breathing of several Xuan Xian became rapid, and their eyes were fixed on the magic dragon's maze. Obviously, the collapse of the maze proved that the emperor had fallen into a short sleep.

And at this time, as long as the magic dragon is restrained, then...they can take the lead in snatching the imperial weapon, and whoever snatches it will get it.

"Let's not be in a hurry to fight for the emperor's weapon, how about we all work together to deal with the dragon?"

Master Changding looked at the Xuanxians solemnly.

"it is good!"

"Of course it's no problem, the dragon is immortal, how can we win the imperial weapon..."

"Brilliant plan!"

The other mysterious immortals agreed one by one, and they had great ambitions to fight the magic dragon.

However, at this moment, in the collapsed ruins, a group of light suddenly rushed out of the ruins, and within that group of light, a powerful coercion was being released.

As if that is the only existence in the world, eternal and immortal!

call out!

Almost at the moment when the light group appeared, Daoist Changding, Immortal Yuxu, Immortal Zhenlong and other mysterious immortals all made a move.

Not far away, Sun Wukong and others looked confused: How about dealing with the dragon together? Why are they all chasing the light ball one by one?

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