Martial Inverse

Chapter 685: Competing for the Imperial Weapon

"You are the kind of people who agreed to deal with the magic dragon together, but each of you wants to fight for the imperial weapon, bah!"

Master Changding's face turned red, and his speed soared again.

"You still have the face to say it? Are you still the same?"

The other Xuanxians didn't give Daoist Changding any good looks, everyone was the same, so why pretend to be noble? Who in the Xuanxian world cares about these reputations?

Benefits are the most important.

When several Xuanxians were chasing towards the core light ball of the demon refining pot, the eyes of Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu couldn't help but light up in mid-air.

Don't think about it, you know that this is a rare big treasure.

It even... feels like seeing Fenghao Pangu's axe.


The roar of the dragon coming from the depths of the ground is getting closer and closer. This roar is more terrifying than the previous roar.

Accompanied by the roar, cracks like spider webs suddenly appeared in the remains of a maze of ruins...


With a loud noise from the ground, the ground of the entire labyrinth ruins exploded, and then a black dragon rushed out from the ground.

Immediately, the eyes of Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King Yang Jian and others were completely attracted by this black dragon.

Even Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu were startled.

"What the hell is this?"

Xiao Hei looked at the magic dragon that rushed out, and felt that his whole body was not well, and the magic dragon was just like him, its whole body was shiny black.


The biggest difference between them is that this demon dragon actually has a pair of huge black wings, but the dragon head is somewhat similar to Xiao Hei.

The others... are exactly like the western dragons on Earth.

"hold head high……"

Xiao Hei tried to growl, and this sound was the pure dragon roar, so Xiao Hei felt that the demon dragon was a hairy dragon no matter how he looked at it!



After the magic dragon broke out,

Roaring to his heart's content, at the same time greedily breathing the air of the Demon Realm, looking like he was intoxicated.

At the same time, a powerful coercion enveloped the area.

At this time, the magic dragon heard Xiao Hei's dragon chant, but it cast a contemptuous look and said in a low voice, "Little reptile..."


As soon as the magic dragon's voice fell, his figure rushed directly to the core light group of the demon refining pot. Obviously, for the magic dragon, this imperial weapon that sealed it for thousands of years was its immediate goal.

"What did this hairy dragon just say? It said I was a little reptile? Arrogant... It's just too arrogant!"

After Xiao Hei heard what the dragon said, his lungs almost exploded.

But it seems that he can't fight against the dragon now...

So, Xiao Hei decided to make a strong accusation... At that time, he scolded the dragon.

"What a dog-like thing!"

"If grandpa recovers his cultivation, he can kill you with a breath of dragon breath!"

"What the hell, you even kicked your nose on your face, a hairy dragon..."

Seeing that Xiao Hei scolded so much, Xiao Qiuqiu didn't want to disturb him at first, but seeing that he scolded more and more happily, he felt that it was necessary to dissuade him.

Xiao Qiuqiu said, "Aren't you worried about it coming back suddenly?"


The little black dragon shook his head subconsciously, and then said: "Let him come..."


Plop! Plop!

Almost at the moment when Xiao Hei finished speaking, the demon dragon gave up chasing the core of the demon refining pot, turned around and flew towards Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu...


Xiao Hei was stunned at the time. Is this miscellaneous dragon's mental quality so poor?

Just say a few words and take it seriously!

Xiaoqiuqiu also felt a little tingly, to be honest... the magic dragon can't kill it and Xiaohei, but the key is their current strength, there is no way to beat the magic dragon!

"What a noisy little reptile, today I will appetize you!"

Tired of Xiao Hei's humiliation, the magic dragon finally couldn't help it and wanted to run away. With a flutter of huge wings, the magic dragon came to Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu.

On the claws of the magic dragon, a huge black energy light ball suddenly brewed, and the light ball was densely covered with lightning, containing astonishing energy fluctuations.

"This hairy dragon's cultivation is so high? I'm afraid it smells like an ancient god..."

Xiao Hei didn't even think about it, and ran away immediately carrying Xiao Qiuqiu.

Xiao Qiuqiu murmured in a low voice: "Golden Immortal is a fairy spirit, Xuanxian is an ancient god, and Immortal Emperor is a Dao ancestor... This magic dragon is not an ordinary ancient god..."


Xiao Hei knew that this was a mention of the iron plate. This magic dragon is estimated to be the number one existence in this demon world, right?

If it is placed in the fairy world, it will definitely turn the fairy world upside down.

"Ahaha, I got it, I got the imperial weapon!"

At this time, among the Xuanxians who were chasing the core light group of the demon refining pot, Zhenlong Xianzun was the first to snatch the light group in his hands.

At that time, he was incoherent with excitement.

Imperial weapon!

It represents the immortal emperor, and represents the supreme existence in the fairy world.


The magic dragon originally thought that those mysterious immortals would restrain each other, so he thought of slaughtering the annoying Xiao Hei now.

Who knew that it only came here to chase after it, and the demon refining pot that suppressed it was actually boarded by those mysterious immortals first...

A roar is not enough to vent the anger in the dragon's heart.

The black energy light ball in its hand, under its fury, directly flung it towards Zhenlong Immortal Venerable who was holding the light ball in the distance.

The energy light ball exploded directly on Zhenlong Xianzun's body at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.


Immediately, Zhenlong Immortal Venerable's entire body was blown away, and his life and death were uncertain.

The light ball in his hand also went away.

The other Xuanxians were frightened by the attack of the magic dragon, but when they saw the light ball get rid of their hands, they were jealous, they didn't care about the magic dragon, and rushed directly to the light ball one by one.

"Whoever snatches the artifact from this seat, die!"

The magic dragon stood in the void, and a mighty ball of light was formed on the dragon's claws.

In the distance, Xuanxian, who was holding the core light ball with both hands, stopped after hearing what the dragon said. Seeing the energy light ball on the dragon's claws, they all shrunk their necks subconsciously.

Zhenlong Xianzun is still alive and dead, and the lesson is in front of him...

They knew that even if they got the imperial weapon, it would take time to integrate it, and it was estimated that it would be impossible for the imperial weapon to exert its power in a while.

So... Immortal Yuxu chose to be the first to let go.

Immediately after was Master Changding...

All the Xuanxians let go of their hands, with expressions of unwillingness, but it seemed that they had no other choice.


When the magic dragon saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing wildly at the sky.

But at this moment, all the people present saw the core light group of the demon refining pot hovering in the air, and suddenly hit the face of the dragon...


As soon as the magic dragon reacted, before he had time to cover his head with his wings, he felt a huge force coming.

At that time, its entire body was thrown out.

hum... buzz...

At this moment, the magic dragon only felt his head buzzing, and his eyes were bloodshot looking at Zhenlong Xianzun and the others...

It's so boring!

How dare you sneak attack on it, the majestic Demon Dragon Lord!

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