Martial Inverse

Chapter 693: Sword Formation

The magic dragon carried Feng Hao out of the magic dragon's labyrinth, and the four black skeletons also looked bewildered...

What a mess!

How does it look like Feng Hao has forgotten them...

The imperial weapon, the demon refining pot, was taken away, why didn't they take them away?

"Gu Yi... the master identified by the demon refining pot is unreliable!" Skeleton B said.

"How can it be unreliable?"

"Yeah, I think it's very reliable. The magic dragon has become his mount, just for this... There is no one in the whole heaven who is reliable..."

"I agree!"

Skull Guyi and Skull Bingding felt that Feng Hao was simply too reliable.

Skeleton Gu looked at Skeleton B and said: "And you saw Feng Hao told his partners, do you want them to follow?"

The red light in Skeleton B's eyes flickered, he shook his head dully and said, "It doesn't seem like..."

"Isn't that right... Do you need Feng Hao to tell us about this kind of thing... Hurry up, dear?"

As soon as Skeleton Gu put on a motherly look, it made the other skeletons feel cold...

Then the four skeletons followed quickly.

"Is this... the real sage of the ancient immortal clan?"

Several Xuanxians who witnessed this scene with their own eyes in the distance seriously doubted the legends they had heard.

"Don't worry about it so much, the emperor's weapon in the Dragon Labyrinth has nothing to do with us..."

A Xuanxian said angrily.

At this moment, another Xuanxian couldn't help but said: "It's like the next emperor's weapon, and it seems to be destined for me..."

Several other mysterious immortals: "..."

At that time, the Xuanxians felt depressed to death.

They came here steadfastly, thinking that by virtue of their strength and status, the chances of being recognized by the Emperor Weapon are much greater than those of the Golden Immortal and Xuan Immortal.

Even for them, first get the first imperial weapon together, and then start preparing for the next imperial weapon.

Who knew that this first imperial weapon had already taken the initiative to recognize others as the master without even seeing what it looked like.

If you think of them as powerful Xuanxians, that's all...

No matter how bad it is, even if it is a magic dragon, Tarn will recognize it!

But this Emperor Artifact actually recognizes a Golden Immortal as its master, and even the kind that takes the initiative to send it to the door...

The more the Xuanxians thought about it, the more angry they became.

"No, this second chance, I have to try whatever I say... No matter how bad it is, let's spend ten thousand years of life to jointly perform the Zhuxian Sword Formation..."

At this time, a Xuanxian with a square face suggested.


The other Xuanxians hesitated at that time. The Zhuxian Sword Formation was an ancient sword formation that they had practiced in advance for this trip to the Immortal Demon Road.

It is rumored that this ancient sword formation is so powerful that even the emperor can temporarily seal it, but it can't last long, and the cost of casting the ancient sword formation is very high.

Wannian Shouyuan is just the beginning.

Don't look at all of them are Xuanxian, claiming to live the same life as the world, but they are all fake, if they really live the same life as the world.

Then Daoist Changding and the others wouldn't die so miserably.

Those sages of the ancient immortal clan would not end up disappearing in the long river of history.

At this time, Immortal Yuxu, who hardly spoke anymore, spoke again: "I want to wash away my shame... Isn't it just Wannian Shouyuan, I can fight it!"

"That's right... We are also heartbroken for the humiliation of the demon dragon to the fairy just now, isn't it the longevity of ten thousand years? What if we are blessed this time and get the emperor's weapon?"

The other Xuanxians were also aroused to be bloody.

Before this critical moment, their years of self-cultivation have almost smoothed the edges and corners... so much so that they don't know that there is still such a trace of madness in their bones.


Immortal Yuxu thought that before, he knelt down to the dragon and begged for mercy. The anger in his heart was so burning that he could hardly breathe.

At that moment, he was the first to chase in the direction where Feng Hao and the others left.

"We will catch up with Immortal Yuxu..."

At this time, the other Xuanxians also flew straight up, catching up with Immortal Yuxu, and flew towards the depths of the Demon Realm...


Feng Hao doesn't know how big the Demon Realm is, but he does know that the Demon Realm is called the Demon Realm, and there is still a little reason for it.

Along the way, he stood on the head of the demon dragon, and saw many demon creatures below him, almost all of them were following a certain law...

That is the law of the jungle.

Fights are everywhere, the weak are directly eaten away by the strong, and after becoming stronger, they continue to challenge the next one.

And the creature who can survive to the end in that small group is the most powerful king...

However, there was a magic dragon opening the way along the way, not only did the creatures on the ground not stop Feng Hao and the others, even these creatures from the devil world knelt down and kowtowed.

"Emperor Feng, have you seen it? As the Supreme Being of the Demon Realm, even in the past hundreds of millions of years, they still recognize me in their bones...haha!"

Molong is in a good mood. Ever since he knew that Fenghao has his own world, he feels that being with such a strong person... is at ease!

That’s right, it’s down-to-earth!

This feeling was something that the Devil Emperor hundreds of millions of years ago could not give him.

Unexpectedly, after breaking the seal, I met Feng Hao.

It must be a special fate.


Not long after flying all the way to the west, the magic dragon looked at the dinner mountains in the west, and a look of reminiscence appeared in his eyes.

A round of red moon hangs over the demon world, yes, this land reveals a strange red.

And at this moment, Feng Hao finally felt a faint wave coming from the mountains dyed red by the moonlight...



At the same time, Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian and others all felt this place one after another, but they were all out of breath.

The chest is similar to pulling the wind.

In order to catch up with the magic dragon, they almost exhausted their strength of drinking milk.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu are pretty good, and Molong doesn't give way too much compared to their speed.

Afterwards, Feng Hao and Ju Yi jumped down from the top of the dragon's head, and the dragon lowered his head and said to Feng Hao: "Feng Emperor, I will go and check first, if there is any sign of the seal being loose, I will immediately Come back and tell you..."

After explaining this sentence, the magic dragon moved forward, fluttering its huge wings, and swept towards the winding mountains in the west.

"Feng Hao, aren't you worried that this miscellaneous dragon will get the imperial weapon and come over to fight?" Xiao Hei looked at Feng Hao and said.

Feng Hao smiled and said: "No, if it really had the courage, it wouldn't choose to follow me..."


The corner of Xiao Hei's mouth twitched.

Sun Wukong and the others were sitting cross-legged, and at this moment, the four black skeletons who came afterward also had their skeletons trembling, and they put their hands on their knees not far from Feng Hao, bending over and panting.

Skull Gu said: "Finally caught up...Feng Hao, you took the demon refining pot, you should help us lift the curse...We are also very strong, not weaker than the magic dragon!"

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