Martial Inverse

Six hundred and ninetieth chapters good intentions

If the four black skeletons had tears, at this moment, they would like to shed two tears for Feng Hao to see...

How miserable!

Immortals are not immortals, demons are not demons, human beings are not human... It's really fun to live like this!

Feng Hao looked at the four skeletons, but didn't say anything... Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian and others all stood up and stared at the four black skeletons coldly.

When Kuku Gu saw this scene, he froze for a moment.

Want to fight?

Skull Guyi then looked at Feng Hao and said, "Feng Hao, what do your partners mean? You know... If we make a move, your partners will have no way out!"

Skeleton Gu Yi didn't hold back on these words.

To be honest... when they were in the Dragon's Labyrinth, killing Jinxian was as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

Even those Xuanxians were too scared to enter the tunnel.

Do you think they have the same strength?

Feng Hao was in a good mood at first, thinking about helping to lift the curse of the four skeletons when he left the demon world.

But now, the words of the four skeletons clearly meant to threaten him.

Now, Feng Hao is not happy!

To be honest, the demon refining pot recognized Feng Hao as the master, and the four skeletons didn't help at all, but they played a key role in attracting Feng Hao into the demon refining pot.

However, at that time, the four skeletons also lured Feng Hao into the dragon maze to break the curse.

It wasn't that the four skeletons were kind enough to invite Feng Hao in.

Feng Hao was silent for a moment, his eyes fell on the black skull Gu Yi, and said indifferently: "You can give it a try..."


The black skeleton Gu Yi was taken aback at that moment.

They are still half spirits of the demon refining pot, so they naturally feel the unhappiness in Feng Hao's mood.

The skeleton Bingding was so frightened that the skeleton was creaking.

How powerful Feng Hao is, they can see it even if they are blind.

"No, that's not what I meant!" Skull Gu Yi panicked.

Feng Hao's expression softened a lot, and he said, "What does that mean?"

"It's's just meaningless!"

Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King and others were stunned when they heard the conversation between Feng Hao and the skeleton...

what do you mean?

God knows what it means!

Feng Hao waved his hand, Monkey King, Bull Demon King and others took the initiative to disperse, and Gu Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really exciting just now!

He felt that Feng Hao was about to regard them as enemies, but luckily he reacted quickly enough!

"Feng Hao, we are really tormented by the curse. You have already got the demon refining pot, so let's break the curse for us..."

When Gu Yi finished speaking, the other three skeletons also nodded.

Feng Hao shook his head and said, "I can't help it!"


The black skeletons were shocked at the time, how could there be no way?

They became like this because they sacrificed to the demon pot and became half spirits.

Now the Demon Refining Pot recognizes its owner again... As the new owner of the Demon Refining Pot, there is naturally a way to break their curse.

"How could there be no way?" Skull Gu said.

"What the Empress said in person... If the Demon Refining Pot finds a new owner one day, our curse will be broken..."



The other skeletons almost knelt down to Feng Hao.

To be honest, it was unprecedented for them to beg for help in such a humble manner as the ancient immortals of the heavens.

If they hadn't been cornered, how could they be like this?

Feng Hao said softly: "I said there is no way. It's not that I can't help you, but... the curse of this demon refining pot needs to go to the fairy world to break it."


Gu Yi said in surprise.

Feng Hao said: "Just now you also said, your empress said that as long as the demon refining pot finds a new owner, the curse will be broken.

But now the curse has not been broken, which means that when the empress asked you to sacrifice, she was worried that the demon refining pot would fall into the hands of the demon world in the future. If you break the curse, you will surely die.

As long as the demon refining pot lasts for one day, you will live the same life as the emperor's weapon...

If the demon refining pot absorbs the immortal energy of the fairy world, then the wish of the empress will be fulfilled, and your curse will naturally be can be reborn as immortals! "

"Empress... Woohoo!"

"The empress is really hardworking!"

The four black skeletons burst into tears after hearing Feng Hao's words.

The skeleton Gu Yi slapped himself even more, and said to Feng Hao: "Emperor Feng, I Gu Yi wrongly blamed you."



Seeing that Gu Yi was so ruthless, Feng Hao was afraid that this guy would take his head off, so he quickly raised his hand to stop him: "It doesn't matter, I will take you back to the fairy world after the matter in the demon world is settled."


"thank you!"

The four black skeletons quickly bowed their thanks.


At this time, the magic dragon that had just left not long ago flew back with its huge wings, turned into a shirtless, bald man, walked up to Feng Hao, knelt down on one knee and said:

"Emperor Feng, I have already found out that this imperial weapon has already received the traction of the Qi machine when the demon refining pot was born, and it will be revived and born soon..."

After Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu heard what the dragon said, their eyes lit up immediately.

And the black skeleton Gu Yi also said with great joy: "This is a good thing... If this emperor weapon can recognize a new owner, then my ancient immortal clansmen who also sacrificed to the emperor weapon will also be able to break the curse... Reborn as a fairy!"

Feng Hao looked at Molong approvingly.

He didn't expect that the demon dragon, who was as strong as the supreme demon in the demon world, would be tamed and submissive. Feng Hao suddenly felt that he was very talented in this area.

No... powerful existences one by one, whether it's the Yaoshuai Li Renshou, or the demon god Chi You... all gathered by his side to solve his problems.

"Then should we wait here now, or go to the place where the emperor weapon is revived?" Feng Hao asked.

The magic dragon said in a serious voice: "It's all right, I see that Emperor Feng is happy! Of would be even better if I were allowed to study in the universe of Fengdi!"

Feng Hao looked at the magic dragon with a smile and said: "It's nothing, let's go... Then go to the place where the emperor's weapon is recovered first, and you can go to Fengzhou to stay for a while."

"Fengdi is mighty!"

The dragon grinned.

When the four skeletons saw this scene, their teeth chattered more and more. They were truly terrifying golden fairies.

Even the Supreme Demon Dragon of the Demon Realm...has completely fallen.

No wonder the Demon Refining Pot couldn't wait to take the initiative to recognize its owner.


Under the leadership of the magic dragon, Feng Hao and his party landed in a large canyon in the black mountains.

But in the scorched air in the canyon, there is a cool breeze blowing, which makes people feel like they are suddenly in the fairyland.

The magic dragon smiled and said: "I feel it, Emperor Feng, the emperor's weapon has shown signs of recovery..."

Feng Hao asked curiously: "What is the name of the emperor's weapon suppressed here? And what existence in the demon world is suppressed by the emperor's weapon?"

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