Martial Inverse

Chapter 695 Unpredictable?

In Feng Hao's view, the emperor's artifact in the Grand Canyon is very unusual, it can affect the surrounding environment, the key is that it is still in a state of eternal sleep...

"Creator's Cauldron"

Demon Dragon said with an extremely dignified expression, even after saying the name of this imperial weapon, his figure was a little shaky.

"So exaggerated?"

Bull Demon King sneered, thinking that Demon Dragon could act better than him...


Even Feng Hao was quite surprised when he saw the body of the magic dragon that was about to fall.

Just now, the magic dragon checked around and was fine. Now when he said his name, why did he behave like this?

Therefore, Feng Hao tentatively asked: "Are you okay?"

After hearing Feng Hao's words, Molong's figure suddenly changed, and his body stopped shaking. He smiled lightly and said, "I'm fine, it's just that after I said the name of this imperial weapon just now, my spirit was a little oppressed..."

"Is there still such an operation?"

Sun Wukong, the Bull Demon King and others couldn't believe it at that time.

Immediately, this word reached Molong's ears, and Molong frowned at that time, looking at Monkey King, Bull Demon King and others.

The Demon Dragon's gaze then fell on the Bull Demon King, and said in a deep voice, "Come and try..."

"Try it and try it!"

The Bull Demon King has long thought that Demon Dragon is a showman.

Now the magic dragon took the initiative to stretch out his face for him to hit. If he didn't know how to do it, then he would really live on a cow in this life...

The Bull Demon King sneered and said, "The Immortal Cauldron of Creation!"

After saying these four words, the Bull Demon King looked at the Demon Dragon with a sneer, and said, "Look, I don't care about anything now..."


The Bull Demon King was only halfway through his words when suddenly his body collapsed on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and his body was twitching slightly at the same time...

Monkey King was shocked at the time: "???"

Really so evil?

Yang Jian, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu,

They all looked at this scene in a daze.

Just saying the name of an imperial weapon can make the bull demon king in the realm of celestial beings foam at the mouth... What kind of ability is this?

Ju Yi also looked at this scene in shock, she frowned slightly, and had her own thoughts in her heart.

She looked at Feng Hao and said, "Feng Hao, do you think this looks like our...unknown power?"

Feng Hao nodded with a wry smile, and said: "I think so too... But no matter what, this God of Creation Cauldron is really amazing, I'm afraid it can't be compared to the demon refining pot..."

After Feng Hao said these words, he had a special feeling at that time, as if there was a wave in the dark, which was directly transmitted from the Grand Canyon to his sea of ​​consciousness.

So much so that the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be pulled by some kind, and it was turbulent for a while.

But Feng Hao thought of it immediately, and the fluctuation immediately disintegrated and disappeared.

It wasn't until this time that Feng Hao really felt the dominance of this imperial weapon... At the same time, he suddenly wanted to get this imperial weapon.

God of Creation!

The name alone is very tempting.

Feng Hao felt... If he could get this imperial weapon, and put it in Feng Zhou, wouldn't it be possible to speed up Feng Zhou's creation?

Thinking of this, Feng Hao suddenly became very interested in the origin of the God of Creation.

Each of these ten imperial weapons has a special ability, such as the Pangu divine ax that splits chaos, and the Xuanyuan sword that cuts demons and eliminates demons between the holy ways.

The demon refining pot is used to refine all demons and evil spirits.

Now this Divine Creation Cauldron... no matter how you look at it, it seems to have the ability to create all things.

So Feng Hao looked at Gu Yi, the black skeleton, and asked, "Do you know something about the divine cauldron, the emperor's artifact that the dragon said just now?"

The body of the skeleton Gu Yi trembled, and then the red flames in the eye sockets danced, and after a while, he said: "I know..."

Feng Hao suddenly became interested.

Similarly, Ju Yi, Sun Wukong, Yang Jian, and Xiao Hei Xiao Qiuqiu also pricked up their ears to listen.

As for the bull devil who was foaming at the mouth, Monkey King just ignored him!

This old calf is a bit stupid!

Demon Dragon was originally surprised that Feng Hao was not affected, but thinking that Feng Hao even created the world, the ability of this imperial weapon may not be able to help Feng Hao.

Gu Yi said: "It is inconvenient for me to say the name of this imperial weapon, I am worried that the consequences will be the same as this brother Niu..."

Sun Wukong and Yang Jian smiled awkwardly.

In the final analysis... the Bull Demon King is their brother, and it feels very uncomfortable to be looked down upon so much.

They look down on brotherly love to do this.

It would be a bit of a slap in the face for an outsider to say that!

Skull Gu Yi then continued: "This emperor weapon has a great origin. He is the empress of the ancient immortal clan, and also the natal emperor weapon of the heavenly empress at that time..."

When talking about this, Gu Gu Yi was silent, and then continued: "If I say... Our ancient immortal clan originated from this divine cauldron, would you believe it?"

"I believe you ghost!"

The dragon said at the time: "In our demon world, this tripod is not the natal imperial weapon of the empress of the heavens, it is an imperial artifact that was born by the heavens and the earth after the ancient god Pangu split the chaos with his axe, but the empress of the heavens Comprehending the law of life is compatible with this imperial weapon... As for whether you are derived from this divine cauldron, I half believe it!"

Feng Hao always had a strange feeling in his heart when he heard the names of Pangu and Shenaxe from the mouth of the magic dragon...

Isn't this talking about his previous life?

According to this, there is still a high chance of obtaining the God of Creation Cauldron.

Moreover, Gu Yi said that this cauldron of creation seems to have the power to create life.

At this time, Feng Hao couldn't help but think, could it be that... the legendary Nuwa created man with this divine cauldron?

"Great goodness!"

Feng Hao became more and more excited. Before that, he was still thinking about how life appeared in Feng Zhou. Now he can only make Feng Zhou come alive by throwing people from this world into it.

Demon God Chi You, Yao Shuai Li Renchou, and Immortal God King are the most primitive beings.

But if there is a God of Creation Cauldron, then... the matter of the origin of life in the universe, wouldn't it be possible to solve it?

Feng Hao doesn't know what it will be like when there are indigenous life in Feng Zhou, but thinking about it makes people a little excited.

This is a new experience.

Skeleton Gu Yi continued: "If it's correct, the one suppressed under the Divine Cauldron should be the Demon Emperor Fa Wutian who was suppressed by the Empress himself!"


"The Devil Emperor..."

Sun Wukong, Yang Jian and others were a little shocked at the time. A magic dragon almost capsized everyone. If the devil emperor recovers...

Everyone's done!

But at this time, everyone suddenly looked suspiciously at the magic dragon that had transformed into a bald man.

After all... this place was brought here by the magic dragon.

At the same time, Xiao Hei quickly looked at the Demon Dragon with a gloomy face, and said to Feng Hao: "Feng Hao, I said it before, this miscellaneous hair dragon has ulterior motives, if this revives the Demon Emperor... if they join forces, I'm afraid something will happen." It's tricky!"

Demon Dragon shrugged helplessly and said: "It looks like this...but I am definitely not this kind of person!"

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