Martial Inverse

Chapter 697: The Eve of Recovery

Yuxu Immortal Zungang was still thinking that it would be a good thing if he could become friends with the supreme demon dragon, the hero of the demon world.

After all... There is no need to worry about life safety at all.

Even, under the care of the magic dragon, it is not a problem at all to walk sideways in the devil world.

However, Feng Hao's words made Immortal Yuxu stunned in place.

He woke up suddenly at this time, just now, he also said that Feng Haoda was rebellious and was in the company of the magic dragon.

It has only been less than a few minutes now, and he took the initiative to say thank you to the magic dragon, still secretly happy.


Immortal Yuxu's face turned red, and he couldn't say a word, but seeing Feng Hao's questioning eyes, Immortal Yuxu said after a while: "There is no difference between good and evil in the world, the key is what you have done. ..."

"Said it right!"

Feng Hao nodded, and then asked: "Then do you think the magic dragon is evil?"

At this time, the magic dragon was also staring at Immortal Yuxu very curiously. In the past, everyone said that he was heinous, and he was even a devil in the eyes of the ancient immortals.

At this time, he chooses to follow Feng Hao, is he a good person?

If his body looks like a monster...then that long black dragon looks like it too...

But what also ascended was the Celestial Immortal Realm.

Immortal Yuxu was left speechless by Feng Hao's question, if the magic dragon is evil... wouldn't it be true that he also dances with the devil?

But if the magic dragon is right, then what he said before Feng Hao is against the law is to pour dirty water and prove that he is not worthy of Yuxu Immortal Junde.

"It's both good and evil..."

Immortal Yuxu thought for a long time, and finally felt that the answer was quite satisfactory.

Feng Hao smiled, and it can be seen that Yuxu Xianjun still has a strong desire to survive. In order to survive, he basically lost his integrity...

Regarding this, Feng Hao didn't say anything more, but warned: "This place is still too dangerous, let's all leave..."


Immortal Yuxu and several other immortals,

I was dumbfounded at the time...

They are the Xuanxians of the Xuanxian Realm, and they are able to enter the Immortal Demon Road.

Emperor Xuanxian also had very high expectations for them to enter the Demon Realm this time and obtain the Emperor's Artifact.

If you leave now, how do you go back to do business?

Besides... even golden immortals and heavenly immortals can stay in this place, why are they not qualified to be Xuanxian?

"Yes, leave!"

Feng Hao nodded affirmatively.

"You have already waited for the Demon Refining Pot, why do you want to get your hands on this imperial weapon? One person can handle two imperial weapons alone, which has never existed since ancient times..."

"That's right, Feng Hao, we know that you have a strong hole card, but at this time, I hope you can figure it out a little bit, so we can meet each other in the Xuanxian world..."

After a few Xuanxians finally rushed over, they also knew that the revived emperor's weapon might be the emperor's weapon of the ancient fairy clan's empress.

God of Creation!

With it, it is only a matter of time before he dominates the heavens!

Feng Hao said: "I never thought that I would meet you in the future..."


Immortal Yuxu's beard almost broke off, he felt that Feng Hao was bullying others, why couldn't their Xuanxian get their hands on this imperial weapon?

Only officials are allowed to set fires and people are not allowed to light lamps?

How can there be such a reason?

"It's so noisy!"

Feng Hao was irritated when he heard that, the magic dragon was ready to make a move at this time, but Feng Hao just tossed his wide sleeves, and the Xuanxians hadn't reacted yet...

They disappeared one by one!


When Molong saw this scene, he fell silent at that time. He knew that Feng Hao took advantage of these Xuanxian's still in a dazed state, and directly received Feng Zhou.

This time... it is really called "every day should not be done", and the ground is not working.

Molong looked at Feng Hao and said: "Fengdi, since you have long wanted to take them in, why do you still talk nonsense with them?"

Feng Hao said: "I'm a reasonable person, I should be courteous before fighting!"


The magic dragon fell silent at that time.


At the same time, the fluctuation in the canyon became more and more intense, and at this the demon world, many powerful creatures seemed to sense the recovery of the devil emperor, and began to gather in the direction of the canyon...

Suddenly, a monstrous coercion was brewing in the demon world.

The Devil Emperor is the eternal guide for the creatures of the Devil Realm. With the Devil Emperor present, the Devil Realm thrives...

The powerful races of the demon world who originally competed for each other's territory in the demon world also began to let go of their past grievances and welcome the return of the devil emperor...

Everyone in the canyon began to feel overwhelmed.

Xiaoqiu said: "This sealed guy, I'm afraid he has awakened a little bit..."

Xiao Hei looked at Xiao Qiuqiu and said: "This is a ruthless character, at least you and I can't handle it..."

Xiao Qiuqiu glanced at Xiao Hei, as if need to say this!

Blind people can see it!

In the canyon, the Xuanxian who fell earlier was also thrown into Feng Zhou by Feng Hao who fell from the canyon.

Now in the Grand Canyon, only Little Black Ball and Sun Wukong are left, and of course there are four black skeletons with red eyes and bright lights.

Facing the coercion from the Devil Emperor's recovery, who knows how much pressure they have endured.

At this time, the Bull Demon King woke up in a daze. He rubbed his head and said with a blank face, "Who am I? Where am I?"

Just when Monkey King was about to say something, the Bull Demon King's eyes lit up and said: "I remembered, I seem to be talking about something related to the God of Creation..."


The Bull Demon King's Creation God Cauldron had just uttered the words, then rolled his eyes, and fell down again...

Sun Wukong: "..."

Yang Jian:"???"


Feng Hao has completely convinced the Bull Demon King, is this guy just here to make a joke? At that moment, Feng Hao also pulled the Bull Demon King into Feng Zhou.

Afterwards, Feng Hao saw that the coercion was getting bigger and bigger, so he said to Sun Wukong and others: "Go to Fengzhou together!"

"Okay, Fengdi, you can arrange it!"

Of course Sun Wukong and Yang Jian had no objection, so Feng Hao took them into Feng Zhou temporarily.

Just when the four black skeletons wanted to ask if they had any arrangements...

Molong said at this time: "Do you want to arrange for these four guys?"


Feng Hao didn't say anything, and he didn't allow the four black skeletons to resist, and he was directly taken into the world of Feng Zhou...

At this time, Feng Hao thought of Chi You, the demon god who often yelled about loneliness and emptiness in Feng Zhou, and saw so many people coming at this time.

I'm afraid... I shouldn't be lonely!

Of course, who can communicate and who can't... Feng Hao is strictly restricted.

This point, Demon God Chi You can tell.

Molong then looked at Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, and said, "The two of them... I think it's safer to go to Fengzhou..."

But at this moment, Xiao Qiuqiu shook his head and said: "It's not that simple anymore, there are already many creatures coming here..."

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