Martial Inverse

Chapter 698: Spiritless Demon

After hearing Xiao Qiuqiu's words, the magic dragon leaped into the air, his eyes were like lightning, and he saw the gathered creatures from the demon world...

The magic dragon quickly landed, looked at Feng Hao and said, "It's really a bit tricky, but they are all spiritless demons from the demon world!"

"A spiritless demon?"

Feng Hao frowned, he was not familiar with the demon world, what kind of spiritless demons are not without spirit demons?


After the magic dragon came to his senses, he said, "It's just a group of little demons without souls, they belong to the lowest level of the demon world... They are almost at the level of immortals!"

"Is the level of immortal still at the bottom?"

Feng Hao was stunned when he heard what the dragon said.

Did this magic dragon misunderstand the creatures at the bottom, these four words?

Feng Hao can clearly perceive the creatures gathered from all directions without going to the sky, the number is probably more than 100,000.


Not only did Feng Hao have a headache, more than 100,000 spiritless demons are equivalent to 100,000 angels, which is a bit scary.

Even Feng Hao...wouldn't dare to say that he could fight against so many spiritless demons without using the Pan Gu Divine Axe.

No wonder Xiao Qiuqiu just said that it is not that simple!

The magic dragon said at this time: "It stands to reason that these spiritless demons have their own groups, and it is absolutely impossible for this scale of cohesion to occur. If there is... then there is a possibility that the recovery of the devil emperor is imminent, and they are here to welcome us." The Devil Emperor's..."

Feng Hao said: "Can't you bring some good news?"

The magic dragon thought for a while and said, "The good news is that..."

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu's eyes lit up, and even Feng Hao stared at the magic dragon with great interest...

This time when one hundred thousand spiritless demons appeared, Feng Hao could of course stay with Xiao Hei, Xiao Qiuqiu and the magic dragon, and hide directly in Feng Zhou.

But this is not a long-term solution.

Because... if the Divine Cauldron of Creation revives,

If it is still obtained by the Devil Emperor... then it is estimated that the Three Realms will be finished.

So Feng Hao couldn't get away, he had to prevent the God of Creation Cauldron from being obtained by the Devil Emperor.

On the contrary, he really wanted to bring the Divine Cauldron of Creation into the universe.

The magic dragon said seriously: "The cursed ancient immortals...they have a way to wake up the dead ancient immortals of the ancient immortals and become skeletons like them."

"it is good!"

With Feng Hao's thought, the four black skeletons in Feng Zhou suddenly returned to reality with a dazed expression.

"What's going on? Aren't we in the new world?"

The black skeletons were stunned for a moment, but then, their skulls seemed to wrinkle up.

"Damn spiritless demons... so many!"

The red light in Skull Gu's eyes was blazing, and he directly entered the fighting stance, and the other three skeletons didn't need to tell.

The long-term tacit understanding has made them an inseparable whole.

The magic dragon said at this time: "How can you rely on the four of you? To revive the other ancient immortals who have been sleeping forever, there is still a battle... Otherwise, the three worlds will be destroyed!"

"I go!"

"Is it so scary?"

"What are we going to do?"

The four skeletons looked at the dragon eagerly.

The magic dragon stared blankly at the black skeleton Gu Yi, and said, "If I remember correctly just now, I seem to have told you to revive other ancient immortals who have been sleeping forever..."

Black Skull Ancient One: "..."

Skull Gu didn't think too much at the moment, things have come to this point, no matter how low-key it is, it's impossible.

Following the two red lights in the skull's ancient eye sockets, they suddenly became blazing like a rainbow, shooting towards the dim Nine Heavens of the Demon Realm...

Then... in many places in the demon world, the ground exploded in some places, and ancient corpses jumped out of it.

"I'm going... what the hell is this?"

Xiao Hei saw the ancient corpses revived from the ground, his eyeballs were almost knocked out, and even Xiao Qiuqiu felt a palpitating power from these ancient corpses.

More and more ancient corpses came out, and every one of them had an aura no weaker than that of black skeletons.

A little strong!

The magic dragon looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said: "Did you see that, this is the power of the ancient immortals. In the battle between immortals and demons, the spiritless demons and true spirit demons killed were in a mess..."

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he asked, "Why are you still laughing?"

The magic dragon froze for a moment, then said: "I already feel that I am with you Fengdi..."

Feng Hao was shocked by the high level of awareness of the Demon Dragon. It would be even better if the Demon Emperor also had such a high level of awareness...

However, judging from the current situation, Feng Hao has reason to believe that...

He is still unable to contend against the Devil Emperor.

But...he still has great confidence in taking away the Divine Cauldron of Creation, which is actually Feng Hao's real purpose.

If it wasn't for the Divine Cauldron of Creation, he would have taken Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu to the universe now, why are they still here facing danger?

Fortunately, Gu Yi of the Gu Immortal Clan and the other three skeletons showed their kung fu at pressing the bottom of the box.

The red light in their eye sockets is like a connecting bridge at this time, waking up those ancient immortals who died and slept forever.

Thousands of ancient corpses climbed out of the winding mountains with a radius of thousands of miles. They stood by the pit, each... like a sharp blade that could pierce the sky.

At this time, as thousands of strong ancient corpses of the ancient immortal family revived, those spiritless demons filed in.

Suddenly, it was like encountering some natural enemy.

All stopped.

call out!

call out!

At the same time, rusty and quaint long swords flew out from the pit where the ancient corpses were.

As soon as these long swords appeared... those spiritless demons seemed to be born from a nightmare, from standing still to now trembling all over.

The spiritless demon has no thoughts, it is purely an instinct.

puff! puff! puff……

At the same time, the flying sword that flew out of the ancient corpse pit directly slashed around those ancient creatures.

These ancient swords looked as if they could be shattered at the flick of a finger, but they showed terrifying power when dealing with these spiritless demons who also looked like skeletons.

Wherever the ancient sword goes, there are no living enemies.

"These ancient corpses... I am afraid that all of them have cultivation bases above the Golden Immortals. The Ancient Immortal Clan is really powerful... It is a pity that even in a powerful empire, there will be a day when it collapses!"

Seeing the ancient corpses standing still, Feng Hao thought to himself that once upon a time, these ancient corpses might have been powerful figures who could shake the heavens.

It's a pity... in driving the creatures from the demon world back to the demon world, I paid the price of my life...

At this time, the black skeleton Gu Yi walked in front of Feng Hao, the light in his eyes was like the light of a candle, as if it could be extinguished at any time.

"Fengdi, we tried our best... we can only summon these thousands of senior ancient immortals to resist these spiritless demons, but... the leader of their tribe, the true spirit demons, came later, and we really have nothing to do... ..."

Skull Gu Yi sighed.

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