Martial Inverse

Chapter 803: The Hand Behind the Scenes

"Let's go and say goodbye. I don't know when we can meet again?"

Zhu Bilie, the elder of Tianpeng, looked at Feng Hao with a smile. During this period of getting along, he went from admiring Feng Hao to thinking that Feng Hao is the dragon among men and the king among immortals.

Feng Hao chuckled lightly and said, "If Tianxuan Sect has nothing to do, you can also visit Yuhua Sect as a guest. I believe Sect Master Chu will welcome you very much..."

"If this is the best..."

Zhu Bilie laughed loudly.

There was hardly any doubt as to whether Sect Master Chu welcomed him or not, and Yuhua Shenzong had no reason to reject a Shenzong's alliance.

How can you not be happy about something that is mutually beneficial?

Feng Hao was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Zhu Bilie and said, "By the way, Elder Zhu, where is the suzerain of your sect?"

Feng Hao has been in the Tianxuan Sect for so many days, and he has not seen the suzerain of the Tianxuan Sect, but the elder Taishang has seen a few.

Zhu Bilie laughed dryly: "The suzerain, the old man, doesn't like to stay in the Shenzong. He often travels around. No one knows where he is, but... Occasionally, he will send a message to ask about some sect affairs..."


Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, not only was he somewhat interested in the suzerain of the Tianxuan Shenzong.

This heart of idle clouds and wild cranes is really rare in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

"That's fine, Elder Zhu, see you in the future!"


Feng Hao left Tianxuan Shenzong, and was not in a hurry to use Fengzhou to hurry, but wanted to see the great mountains and rivers in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

have to say……

The Xuanxian Ancestral Realm is really a fairyland. If it weren't for the ten suns in the sky, I am afraid that the fairy energy would be even stronger.

But these nine suns are suspected of seizing the immortal energy of Xuanxian's ancestral realm, so they hang high in the sky.

Although Feng Hao wanted to destroy the sun, he couldn't do it yet.


Half a month later, Feng Hao arrived in the territory of Yuhua Shenzong and appeared in Juxian Castle.

The words of the Yuhua Shenzong stationed in Juxian Castle saw Feng Hao, and those lower gods who had seen Feng Hao walk out of the yellow sand, couldn't help but sigh.

When Feng Hao came here, he was still a lower god, but now he is the number one middle god, and he is not the number one middle god of Yuhua Shenzong.

It is the number one in the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Even...Jin Hao from Juxian Castle back then was already a disciple of the inner sect and participated in the Hundred Sect Grand Competition, which is really enviable.

Just when the general of Juxian Castle wanted to welcome Feng Hao, he found that Feng Hao had left Juxian Castle directly and went deep into the land of yellow sand.

Feng Hao is actually very curious about the Ascension Platform of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, and what kind of connection he has with the Golden Immortal Realm and the Celestial Immortal Realm.

So after Feng Hao left Tianxuan Sect, he happened to pass by here, so he wanted to take a good look.

However, after going deep into the yellow sand land, Feng Hao found that his field of vision was reduced, and he could not see the scene two meters away at all.

Feng Hao waved his hand, and the power of the avenue manifested. Only then did he disperse the 100-meter range around him, but nothing was found.

Feishengtai is a place similar to an altar, but it has been damaged and broken, and there is no breath of immortal power.

Feng Hao put his hands on the Ascension Platform, infused with the power of the Great Dao, trying to find any remaining traces.

But the ascension platform is like a one-time product, it has completely lost its function since he ascended.

Feng Hao then returned to Juxian Castle.

The lower general of the Yuhua Shenzong received Feng Hao.

But Feng Hao didn't intend to stay long, he asked the general to help find the oldest old man in Juxian Castle, and wanted to ask some questions.

After the city guard general left, half a day later, he brought a white-haired old man who was blind.

The old man hunched over, his life force had almost died, and he just let out a sigh of relief.

"The little god pays homage to the disciples of Shenzong!"

With the support of the city guard general, the old man bowed to Feng Hao.

Feng Hao quickly stood up and said, "Old man, take your seat quickly..."

Under the general's groping, the old man sat down in the hall, his body trembling slightly, appearing very cautious.

"Old man Gui Geng?" Feng Hao said.

The old man raised his head slightly, as if he was lost in memory and thinking, and said after a while, "One hundred and three thousand years old..."

Feng Hao: "..."

Feng Hao was a little confused at that time, this old man is more than one hundred thousand years old, why is he still a lower god?

Feng Hao thought for a while, then asked: "The old man, can you tell me, has anyone ascended to the ascension platform outside Juxian Castle for a hundred thousand years?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Except for two years ago when I heard that someone had ascended, there was no one..."

Feng Hao frowned.

If the Ascension Platform is specially prepared for him, then... this game of chess is too big.

That is to say... He came to this world and was controlled by two behind-the-scenes hands.

The Ascension Platform really looks like a one-off product.

The old man's words also confirmed Feng Hao's guess.

Feng Hao and the old man then talked about some things that happened in the past 100,000 years. In addition to the grievances and entanglements between the major gods and immortal sects, and the sudden appearance of ten suns in the sky, many places in the ancestral realm of Xuanxian were looted by yellow sand.

Even the demon gods invaded from time to time, other than that, there were no particularly major incidents.

And the old man also spoke with dry mouth and tongue, panting, and almost didn't catch his breath.

After Feng Hao knew the answer he wanted, he used the rejuvenation technique to stimulate the last bit of vitality in the old man's body.

Against the sky, he extended the life of the old man by two hundred years.

The old man's mental state immediately improved, and then he knelt down in the tunnel and said, "Little God, I thank the nobleman of Shenzong for continuing his life... Boom! Boom!"

Seeing that Feng Hao had the means to change his fate against the sky, the generals at the side were shocked and speechless.

This method is amazing!

Even if it is the master of Shenzong, I am afraid that he does not have this means!

After all, it's a fight against the sky.


Feng Hao left Juxian Castle and flew directly towards the Inner Sect of Yuhua Shenzong, and Taoist Baiyu, Sect Master Cailian and Deputy Sect Master Chu Tiannan had already sensed his return.

The three also greeted them personally at the mountain gate.

After all... Feng Hao made a name for Yuhua Shenzong this time, and won the title of the number one god in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

He also got the quota to go to the ancestral world.

His achievements in the future will definitely be the greatest hope of the Yuhua Shenzong.

And when the three soul figures of the Shenzong gathered at the gate of the Outer Sect, all the disciples of the Outer Sect erupted.

they exclaimed.

This was the first time they saw the three big bosses of Shenzong. Seeing the three big bosses standing between heaven and earth, like a bright moon in the sky, their hearts were surging and they were very excited.

And Feng Hao...beside the huge mountain gate standing between heaven and earth, he also saw three figures on the cloud platform under the mountain gate.

The whole person couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Do you want to welcome him back so grandly?

The corner of Feng Hao's mouth raised a smile, and his figure fell down on the cloud platform of the mountain gate. When he saw Taoist Baiyu, he was stunned for a moment.

He had thought who this child was before.

It wasn't until I got closer that I turned out to be Daoist Bai Yu. This growth rate is really fast!

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