Martial Inverse

Chapter 804 Reunion

Taoist Master Baiyu stood with his hands behind his back, looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said, "I thought you would stay in the Profound Sky Sect and never come back..."


Feng Hao glanced at Taoist Bai Yu with a wry smile, and said, "I've only been here for a few days!"

Daoist Bai Yu said: "If I don't return after today, I will go to the Tianxuan Sect to ask for someone!"

Feng Hao thought that Taoist Master Bai Yu was so young, after passing by, people might think it was someone's child.

Feng Hao said with a smile: "It seems that the disciple came back in time..."

"Feng Hao, this time you have raised the prestige of my divine sect, this sect deserves a reward, do you have something you want?"

The suzerain Cailian looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said: "Also, your partners are waiting for you, go back!"

Now that Feng Hao has got the quota to go to the ancestral world, he has become the number one god in the ancestral world of Xuanxian, and the prestige of the Yuhua Shenzong is now in full swing!

Therefore, Yuhua Shenzong is still very grateful for Feng Hao's dedication.

It's just that they couldn't go to Da Luo Shenzong to watch the battle, which was a bit regretful.

But at this time, Feng Hao's partners have now completed the remodeling of the Xuanxian body, and they are asking Feng Hao when he will come back all day long, causing headaches for Cailian Sect Master and Bai Yu Taoist Master.

Now that Feng Hao is back, of course, let Feng Hao go back first.

Other things can be discussed later.

After hearing the words of Sect Master Cailian, Feng Hao thought for a while and asked, "Where are you going?"

Sect Master Cailian glared at Ye Lan, and said, "Where else did Master Baiyu promise you?"

Sect Master Cailian did not expect that the agreement between Taoist Master Bai Yu and Ye Lan was to give up the Inner Sect Master Peak to Feng Hao and his partners.

If she had known earlier, she would definitely...

However, after thinking about it, if Feng Hao can really become the number one middle god, and then get the quota to go to the ancestral world, what is a main peak?

It's a big deal to set up another god formation.

The main peak can be absent, but disciples like Feng Hao cannot be missing.

Therefore, Sect Master Cailian didn't say much in the end, and acquiesced to the agreement between Feng Hao and Taoist Bai Yu!

"Ha ha!"

Feng Hao laughed at this time, then clasped his fists together and said, "Thank you suzerain, thank you dao lord!"

Taoist Bai Yu waved his hands and said, "After all, I am a very trustworthy person!"

Feng Hao: "..."


The news of Feng Hao's return to the sect spread throughout the entire Yuhua Shenzong, and many disciples were spreading the praises of Feng Hao's deeds.

Now there are only Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King on the Inner Sect Master Peak.

The news basically cannot be uploaded to them.

"This Yuhua Shenzong is full of lies, saying that they will participate in the Hundred Sect Grand Competition, and I don't see any signs of the entire Inner Sect."

The Bull Demon King didn't see Feng Hao during this time, so he was panicked to death.

Especially, now that they are already in the body of Profound Immortals, living and dying with Yuhua Shenzong, no matter how they look at it, they feel uncomfortable.

After all, many Shenzongs in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm were destroyed.

If one day the Ascension God Sect is destroyed, then there will be a feeling of crying.

If Feng Hao was around, they wouldn't panic at all.

But now, Feng Hao is gone.

Sun Wukong nodded and said: "These days we have approached the head of the Yuhua Shenzong many times, and every time it was perfunctory, my old grandson has had enough, I can bear my violent temper until now, and I have already given her face."

Ju Yi said at this time: "Can you still take the suzerain of Yuhua Shenzong?"


Sun Wukong was speechless at that time, and his heart was pierced, little sister-in-law.

The four unfamiliar faces in the main peak cave looked at Sun Wukong with a smile at this time and said, "The master of Yuhua Shenzong reshaped the body of Xuanxian for us, just for this, we have to trust them, with Fengdi's means, I am afraid there is nothing we can do." His people have not yet been born..."

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and said, "What you said makes sense!"

"Who is right?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the cave.

"This skeleton brother..."

Monkey King said subconsciously, but before he finished speaking, Monkey King suddenly turned his head to look at the entrance of the cave, and then stammered: "Feng, Feng, Fenghao?"


Immediately, everyone in the cave looked at Feng Hao after hearing Monkey King's words.

Xiao Hei and the little uncle rushed towards Feng Hao, wagging their tails!

The Bull Demon King said: "Fengdi, is it really you? Just now we were discussing that if you don't come back, we will go and destroy the Ascension God Sect."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "If you overthrew the Ascension God Sect, wouldn't it be over for you too?"

Everyone: "..."


Ju Yi looked at Feng Hao and said, "Feng Hao, where have you been during this time? Sect Master Cailian said that you went to participate in the Hundred Sect Grand Competition, but there is no sign of the Ascension Shenzong."

Feng Hao nodded and said: "Yes, I accidentally got the first one back."



Sun Wukong, Ju Yi and others were completely dumbfounded at the time.

What does it mean to accidentally take the first place?

The Bull Demon King said: "The Emerald God Sect is number one?"

The Bull Demon King knew that Feng Hao was powerful, but Feng Hao had only ascended to the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm not long ago, so how strong could this be?

Even if Feng Zhou is used, it is unlikely to sweep the entire Profound Immortal Ancestral Realm.

Feng Hao chuckled and said, "Of course it's the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm!"



Feng Hao's words scared everyone to death.

Is there such a pervert?

Now that Feng Hao is number one in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, wouldn't they be able to walk sideways in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm?

Feng Hao then said: "It's just that the middle god is the first, it's nothing..."


Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Feng Hao didn't speak clearly just now, and almost scared them to death.

After their Xuanxian bodies were reshaped, they became more aware of the cultivation bases and realms of the Xuanxian ancestral realm.

The middle god is nothing, there are upper gods above, and then the realm of the king, the realm of the emperor.

The last is the Taoist.

It can only be said that self-willedness has a long way to go.

Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, and Yang Jian all felt that with Feng Hao's ability, it would not be difficult for the median god to be number one.

But what they don't know is how extraordinary the Tianjiao of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm is.

Feng Hao then asked everyone how they felt after the transformation of the body of Xuanxian.

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help being moved.

one word.


The body of the Xuanxian fits the heaven and the earth, and even breathing is so comfortable that it will die.

Let alone practice!

Moreover, the adequacy of absorbing the immortal energy of the main peak is much stronger than when it first came.

Feng Hao nodded slightly. They were all smugglers before, and there would still be rejection between heaven and earth.

But reshaping the body of the Xuanxian is equivalent to being recognized by the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. Can the cultivation speed be fast?

"Brother Feng Hao!"

When night rewarded, a disciple of the Inner Sect appeared outside Haoran Zhengqi Cave Mansion.

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, he has become a senior brother!

"Is there a problem?"

Feng Hao appeared outside the cave, looked at the young disciple, and asked softly.

"The suzerain invites all brothers to go to the suzerain peak, saying that there is a task to order..." the disciple said.

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