Martial Inverse

Chapter 807: Heavenly Demon Mountain

"Tianmo Mountain!"

Taoist Baiyu looked at Feng Hao with a smile, and said with emotion: "This beautiful!"


Feng Hao thought to himself that the scenery was really beautiful, but it shouldn't be worthy of such emotion from a Taoist master.

Because summer nights on Earth, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, can be such a charming sight.

Sun Wukong glanced at the scene outside, was stunned for a moment, then looked at Taoist Baiyu and said, "Does the Taoist have any misunderstandings about beauty?"


Daoist Baiyu was stunned for a moment, because the night of Yuhua Shenzong could not see such a scene, nor was it so peaceful.

"It's very ordinary, the night, the moon, the mountains... nothing special."

Sun Wukong has seen better night scenes, but in his opinion, this Tianmo Mountain is very ordinary, at best it is a bit beautiful.

Not at all beautiful.


Daoist Baiyu thought that Sun Wukong and Ye Lan had ascended from the Golden Immortal Realm. Maybe the night in the Golden Immortal Realm was more charming than the Heavenly Demon Mountain.


The troika continued to go deep into Tianmo Mountain, and they didn't encounter any danger along the way, but the deeper they went, the dark and eerie tranquility brought by Tianmo Mountain made people feel chills.

"Why is this place so strangely quiet? But... this place is used for cultivation, it must be very good..."

Feng Hao experienced the world of Tianmo Mountain, and found that besides the strong immortal energy, there is also some mysterious Taoist rhyme.

If it is used for cultivation, it must be beneficial without any harm.

But what surprised Feng Hao was, why didn't the major sects rush to come here in such a holy place for practice?

Taoist Baiyu nodded and said, "Without those ten fire demons, it is indeed a holy place for practice."

The Fire Demon refers to the ten suns in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Hearing Taoist Baiyu's words, Feng Hao also took advantage of the situation and asked: "Since this is the case, why don't the major gods set up cultivation caves here? For those with outstanding talents, or those who have made contributions to the sect to come and practice?"

Feng Hao felt that the major sects arranged reward and punishment measures, and this day the Demon Mountain could be used as a reward.

Because... the most rare thing in practice is dao rhyme, which happens to be found here.

"You think so beautifully!"

Daoist Bai Yu smiled.

Feng Hao: "???"

Daoist Baiyu said: "This day, the Demon Mountain really thought that people from outside would come here whenever they wanted. This place... is the place where gods are buried!"

"The place where the gods are buried?"

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, then panicked a little at that time, co-authoring that this place is accompanied by a powerful crisis?

Feng Hao glanced at Monkey King at this time, and said: "The meaning of the cemetery mountain..."


Sun Wukong froze for a moment, then understood.

Taoist Baiyu then said eloquently: "This Tianmo Mountain has always been the place where the powerful people above the emperor level of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm are buried after death, and it is also called the cemetery of gods and demons.

As the name suggests, many powerful ancestors of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, the masters of the major gods, and the masters of demons are buried here, so this place looks quiet, and at the same time... the heaven and the earth contain the rhythm of Taoism.


Feng Hao said: "Then Master Uncle?"

Feng Hao thought to himself, could it be that he wanted to carry back the coffin of the great-uncle of Yuhua Shenzong?

This is a bit of a bullshit!

"Do you think we came here to carry the coffin?"

Taoist Master Baiyu saw Ye Lan's expression and knew what he was thinking.

Feng Hao nodded.

Daoist Baiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Why is our master and uncle still alive, don't worry. Although Tianmo Mountain is the place where gods are buried, just as you said, this place is suitable for cultivation, quietness, and all the major Some veterans of Shenzong and Xianzong will choose to practice here...

At the same time, some sect powerhouses who sensed that their lifespan is approaching will choose to change their fate here against the sky, and if they fail, they will be ashes. "


The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and if he didn't succeed, he would be ashes.

After thinking about it, Taoist Baiyu was right. Since this place is the place where the gods are buried, only those top experts would stay here.

No wonder...

Feng Hao was in the Tianxuan Sect and the Daluo Sect. Apart from seeing the major suzerains, among these Shenzongs, there were no too powerful masters.


Those bosses have all come to the Heavenly Demon Mountain?

Sun Wukong's face turned a little ugly at this time, this place is full of such strong people, why are their lower gods coming to join in the fun?

Send a head?

It can even be buried here.

And at this moment, suddenly, in the depths of the originally quiet mountain, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared from the void.

Like catching the moon, directly set the troika in mid-air.

Tianma struggled, and the carriage shook violently.

At this scene, the Bull Demon King and the four underdogs in the carriage behind were so frightened that their scalps went numb.

"what happened?"

"It's over!"

The bull devil's face was ashen at that time, the force outside was so strong that he felt like an ant.

Feng Hao was wondering, and was going to take the troika to Fengzhou immediately when he found out that something was wrong.

But Taoist Baiyu waved his hands and said, "No problem, I'll come!"


Only Taoist Baiyu, who was as big as a child, could still move his body freely under the force of confinement.

He stepped out of the carriage, stood in front of the carriage, and looked down at a white-haired old man in the mountains.

The old man sat cross-legged on the hilt of an epee, closed his eyes and meditated.

Taoist Master Baiyu clasped his fists and said loudly: "Senior Seven Swords, this junior is going to Guya Peak to meet Master Uncle, I hope we can let him go."

The old man opened his eyes, raised his head slightly, and a bright light flashed across his eyes. When he saw clearly that the person who came said Bai Yu Daoist, he was also slightly taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "You... Bai Yu?"

Daoist Bai Yu nodded and said, "It's the junior?"

The old man said: "Aren't you already dead? Why?"

The old man was obviously a little confused. As a rising star in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, Daoist Baiyu was unparalleled in the world in terms of strength and aptitude.

In one fell swoop, he promoted the Yuhua Shenzong from the Xianzong to the power of the Shenzong, and his reputation has shaken the ancient and modern.

But He Tian is jealous of talents, and has died after participating in the battle between gods and demons...

Taoist Bai Yu said: "Cause and effect!"

"A word of cause and effect, it seems that you are as arrogant as you are, but you also have a plan, the old man admires it, please..."


As the old man's voice fell, the troika that was fixed on the void immediately returned to its original state.

The three pegasus breathed out their noses, obviously a little annoyed by the old man's attack just now.

Imprison them if they disagree.

No injustice or enmity.


Daoist Bai Yu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Seven Swords!"

"You're welcome, go see your master uncle!"

Then the old man closed his eyes again to rest his mind, and immediately entered the state of practicing meditation.

Taoist Baiyu then re-entered the carriage, and with a single thought, the three heavenly horses strode forward again in the void.

The Bull Demon King let out a long breath at this time, and murmured in a low voice: "The old cow is scared to death!"

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