Martial Inverse

Chapter 808: Lone Cliff Peak

A powerful man who came out halfway just now shocked the Bull Demon King.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

The Bull Demon King was very curious that there was such a powerful existence in Tianmo Mountain, and wondered if this powerful person went outside.

Isn't it like turning your hands into clouds and covering your hands as rain?

Co-author because you can't get out of this place?

But no matter how the Bull Demon King looked at it, it didn't look like he couldn't get out of the Tianmo Mountain, because when he came in, he didn't see any enchantment or anything...

But the Bull Demon King is also a lazy person, he thinks that if he can't figure it out, he won't think about it, he might as well lie in the carriage and sleep for a while.

to be frank……

The Bull Demon King misses the days in the Four Seas Dragon Palace so much. Watching the mermaids dance every day, that life is really enjoyable.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yang Jian and the big black dog who were sitting cross-legged in the carriage.


The big black dog barked when he saw the Bull Demon King's eyeballs looking at him.

Yang Jian stretched out his hand to comfort the big black dog, and said, "Be polite to Brother Niu!"


The big black dog lowered its head and continued to lie down.


The corner of Bull Demon King's mouth curled up, looked at Yang Jian with a smile, and said, "Xiao Yang, you said that in the future, the world of wind and universe will become big, and I will become a big demon king, do you think it is feasible?"

Yang Jian wondered, "Why do you want to be the Great Demon King?"

"Great Demon King, you can do whatever you want!"

Niu Mowan began to look forward to it. In the future, he will be a big devil and ask ten goblins to sleep with him, and then marry a princess.

From time to time, I take the little brothers to show off.

On that day, it was exciting!

Yang Jian thought for a while and said: "It's better to be like Fengdi and create a world, that's really doing whatever you want..."


The Bull Demon King had a toothache at that time, if he had that ability, would he still need to flirt here?



The three carriages were speeding over Tianmo Mountain. During this journey, countless spiritual thoughts locked on them, and every time it was Taoist Baiyu who went out to report his family name.

The divine sense just disappeared.

Later, Taoist Master Bai Yu disliked walking back and forth inside and outside the carriage, and his whole body was annoyed, so he sat directly in front of the carriage.

With a divine thought, he immediately said in a loud voice: "Baiyu Daozu of Yuhua Shenzong, come to visit Master Uncle..."

"Bai Yu Dao Patriarch of the Feathering Divine Sect, come to visit Master Uncle..."

Taoist Baiyu didn't tire of the trouble, his mouth was almost numb.

Feng Hao was also helpless in the carriage.

I thought to myself that it is fortunate that Taoist Baiyu came this time, otherwise... maybe even Tianmo Mountain would not be able to enter.

Of course... the premise is not to enter the wind universe.

And those great powers who cultivated in seclusion seem to think that this is the only way to show that they are still alive, regardless of whether their cultivation is high or low.

Anyway, the divine sense has to come and lock it once.

As a result, the three Pegasus horses became irritable, and they reckoned that if they could speak out, they would be able to scold their mothers.

Until the troika entered a group of cliff-like peaks,

Only then did the speed slow down.

These peaks are not like ordinary mountain peaks, with a sharp top and a wide bottom, but are shaped like pillars.

It is also covered with vegetation and there are climbing stone steps.

"The Lonely Cliff Peak has arrived..."

After Bai Yu Daoist said this, he let out a long breath, and even couldn't help wiping the sweat off his forehead.

What a miserable trip.

Feng Hao saw the towering peak on the ground through the window of the carriage, and at the same time... felt several powerful auras.

The immortal energy of this Guya Peak is much purer and richer than any place it has passed through before.

Obviously, to be able to occupy the great power here, the cultivation base is not ordinary high.

At the same time, it can also be seen that the cultivation of the great uncle of the Yuhuashen master is probably one of the few existences in the entire Xuanxian ancestral world.

The troika landed on the ground, Taoist Bai Yu, Feng Hao and others, including everyone in the carriage behind, also jumped off.

Lone Cliff Peak!

The reason why it is called Guya Peak is because the peaks here are isolated, not continuous mountains.

At the same time, the mountain also looks like a cliff.

Hence the name of Guya Peak.

Taoist Baiyu obviously came to this place quite a few times, he took Feng Hao and others with ease, and plundered towards one of the mountain peaks.

"There are a lot of great powers in this Lonely Cliff Peak, and none of them are easy to provoke. Although they are not good at embarrassing us, it is not impossible if they want to make a small joke... So, don't say anything, don't look at it, Follow me!"

Taoist Bai Yu solemnly exhorted.

"it is good!"

Feng Hao nodded.

But... just when Taoist Bai Yu led Feng Hao and others through a mountain peak, a thought came down suddenly.

"I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, leave the girl behind!"

The appearance of this idea made Taoist Bai Yu's face ugly at that time.

As soon as I said these words, trouble came!

Ju Yi looked ashamed and angry. Among them, she was the only woman, and it was obvious that she was the one who was able to say.


Dare to be angry and dare not speak out is the most painful thing.

These great powers are all existences at the level of half-step Taoist ancestors. If they are placed outside, they are all great figures who have shaken the ancient and modern.

Feng Hao prepared the worst plan, as long as the unscrupulous power made a move, he would immediately take Ju Yi away.

In the universe, your half-step Taoist ancestor is useless.

Daoist Baiyu clasped his fists together and said, "Senior Tianshan, it's me... Bai Yu, this time I brought the sect disciples to pay respects to my uncle..."

"The old man knows it's you, you have so many disciples of the Ascension God Sect, so what if you give me a girl doll?"

The voice sounded again, and the tone was broken with displeasure.

Taoist Baiyu said: "He is a disciple of my Yuhua Shenzong!"


The voice soon became a little impatient, and said: "You doll also don't know good from bad, the old man has said twice, the doll stays here, you go, don't you understand human speech?

What if you don't understand? Do you want me to teach you? "

After listening to these words, Taoist Master Baiyu frowned, and there were even signs of the power of the Great Dao on his body.

And Feng Hao is also ready to sacrifice the power of Feng Zhou.

Xiao Qiuqiu and Xiao Hei are also on alert.

Sun Wukong's golden cudgel is also in his hand. Although he is lost, he would rather fight to the death.

Only the Bull Demon King, panicked to death at this moment, had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter a fighting stance.

A big black bull snorted, as if it wanted to rush out and smash the world.


At this moment, the voice sounded again: "Are you guys going to fight this old man? Are you willing to fight this old man for the sake of a low-ranking goddess? Xiao Baiyu, are you sure you want to do this?"

Although Taoist Baiyu looked like a child, his eyes were still sharp, and he said: "Since the senior wants to make things difficult for the junior, the junior has no choice but to become a disciple of the Ascension God Sect. The only option is to fight to the death and not to live!"

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