Martial Inverse

Chapter 816: Temple Guardian

"When to set off?"

Feng Hao is also somewhat interested in this trip to the ancestral world, if he can get the opportunity of the emperor...

Maybe he can use this to restore a higher level of cultivation.

But specifically... how much benefit the chance of the emperor can bring him is still unknown.

Daoist Bai Yu said: "I came to look for you so early, of course I'm leaving now."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment.

I thought that Taoist Baiyu could transmit sound completely!

"The Taoist came here just to tell me this?" Ye Lan asked suspiciously.


Taoist Baiyu carefully looked around, and whispered: "There is one more thing I want to ask, can meet a woman named A Li in the ancestral world...please say hello for me, if you can It would be great to bring her out..."


Feng Hao was startled when he heard Taoist Baiyu's words.

Is there anyone else in the ancestral world?

Even...or the concubine of Taoist Master Baiyu?

Feng Hao suppressed his laughter and said, "How can there be such a good luck to meet... I am not looking for someone specially! What if the opportunity is robbed of finding someone for you, the Taoist master?"

Daoist Baiyu said anxiously: "The ancestral world is not very big, so why can't we meet it? Because A Li is one of the guardians who guard the temple of the ancestral can probably meet it."

Daoist Baiyu is also a little uncertain, because there are not many guardians of the ancestral world temple. What if this time Feng Hao passes by, there is no A Li among the people on duty?

Feng Hao chuckled lightly and said, "The Taoist master is not sure! But... If we can meet, let me say hello for you! As for whether I can bring it out, if she doesn't want to, I have nothing to do..."

In Feng Hao's view, the guardian of the ancestral realm's temple is probably above the emperor's realm, and if she resists this person's cultivation realm.

With his current Feng Zhou's ability, he can't take it away by force.

Taoist Master Baiyu looked at Feng Hao, took out a dragon-shaped jade pendant from his bosom, and said with a smile: "With this token, she will definitely be willing..."

Feng Hao stared blankly at Taoist Baiyu, and asked, "Has Taoist been to the Ancestral Realm?"

Taoist Bai Yu said: "Of course, what's wrong?"


Feng Hao finally understood, it seems that Taoist Bai Yu still has a romantic history in the ancestral world!

He actually hooked up with A Li, the guardian of the ancestral world.

There are even tokens of love.


It is really high.

"Cough! Cough!"

Feng Hao looked at Taoist Bai Yu with a smile and said: "No, just ask casually, but...if there is a token, then Ah Li is not willing?"


Daoist Bai Yu's eyes were deep, revealing a trace of bewilderment, then he gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't want to... then forget it!"

After saying this, Taoist Baiyu turned and left.

It seems to have been hit by something.

Feng Hao was stunned at the time, wondering if he had said something wrong? But at this moment, Feng Hao remembered one thing, and said: "Master Taoist, you haven't said when to leave..."

The voice of Daoist Baiyu came from afar: "Now,

Immediately, immediately... at Neizong Mountain Gate, Cailian and Chu Tiannan are waiting for you..."


Feng Hao then sent a voice transmission to Sun Wukong and others who were practicing in the Dongfu of the Inner Sect Master Feng, telling them that he was going to the ancestral world.

Afterwards, Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu, who were clamoring to go too, were brought into the wind universe, and they swept towards the entrance of Nei Zong Mountain.


At the gate of Neizong Mountain, Taoist Master Baiyu appeared beside Sect Master Cailian and Chu Tiannan.

Cailian glanced at Daoist Bai Yu, frowned and said, "Junior Brother, is something on your mind? Feeling a little lost..."

Daoist Bai Yu said: "You guys are going to sit at the entrance of the ancestral world, I... can't bear it!"

Cailian's face turned red, she glared at Daoist Bai Yu, and said softly: "Xiao Chu is here, what are you talking about..."


Daoist Baiyu stared at Cailian in a daze, and panicked for no reason.

What kind of look is this?


"I'll go..." Daoist Bai Yu was in a daze at the time, why does it seem like Cailian is in love with him?

Chu Tiannan said at this time: "Master Taoist, I haven't heard anything, and I'm a little deaf recently!"

call out!

And the whole time, Feng Hao had rushed over.

Only then did the three of them regain the majesty and temperament that the superiors had.

Sect Master Cailian nodded and said, "Here we come!"



"All right!"

Sect Master Cailian asked Feng Hao for a question and answer, Daoist Bai Yu gritted his teeth anxiously, and interrupted: "Since people have come, of course they are ready, you should hurry on your way early, don't let other Shenzong people wait too long, Don't say that our Yuhua Shenzong doesn't keep the time!"


Sect Master Cailian chose to listen to Daoist Bai Yu, and then made a move, and within a colorful cloud in the Inner Sect, a pink Pegasus came galloping, dragging a delicate pink carriage.

"Fan girls?"

After Feng Hao saw the colors of the horses and carriages that day, he felt a sense of ruin.

This is the suzerain of the Yuhua Shenzong.

A boss who has lived for countless tens of thousands of years actually... likes this girly style.


Seeing Master Cailian and Chu Tiannan jumping up, Feng Hao thought about whether he should go up, Taoist Bai Yu said: "What are you doing in a daze? Don't waste time!"

Feng Hao decides to sacrifice himself once and jump into the carriage...

Suddenly a burst of fragrance hit, Feng Hao couldn't bear it, and he also found that it seemed that Chu Tiannan and Taoist Baiyu didn't express anything at all.

It's like... it's a matter of course.

Feng Hao then closed his eyes and practiced in the carriage.

Sect Master Cailian sat on the soft cushion, pointed at Feng Hao, and said to Chu Tiannan: "This is the demeanor that a fairy god should have."

"The suzerain said so!"

Chu Tiannan smiled lightly.

Sect Master Cailian said: "No wonder Master Uncle said that we can't compare with Feng Hao, we can't accept it..."

Feng Hao: "..."

Although Feng Hao closed his eyes, he couldn't hear Sect Master Cailian's words, so...he knew that Cailian said that on purpose.

This is being miserably cheated by Li Chongyang.

Sure enough... what happened to Li Chongyang in Feng Zhou made him feel a little grudge.

This is taking revenge on him!


Half an hour later, the carriage seemed to land, and then Sect Master Cailian said: "It's here!"

Only then did Feng Hao open his eyes.

During this journey, his ears were almost calloused, but he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

The conversation between Cailian and Chu Tiannan, the two of them sang together and praised him in various ways, made Feng Hao feel extremely depressed.

Fortunately, the two of them can be thrown away soon.

Feng Hao jumped off the carriage with Sect Master Cailian and Chu Tiannan, and at this time... on this huge floating island suspended above the sea of ​​clouds.

More than a dozen carriages have already parked.

Not far away, a group of god-like Sect Masters gathered.

Among them are Luo Tian, ​​the suzerain of Da Luo who Feng Hao is most familiar with, and... Luo Fan!

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