Martial Inverse

Chapter 817: Heading to the Temple

"The members of the Ascension God Sect have arrived..."

At this time, several old men in purple Taoist robes and jade crowns walked towards the carriage of Yuhua Shenzong.

"Sect Master Huoyan!"

"Sect Master Luo Fu!"

Sect Master Yuhua smiled and looked at the two Sect Masters and their Deputy Sect Masters who were approaching.


Not far away, Luo Tian, ​​the lord of the Great Luo Shenzong, snorted coldly, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Sect Master Huoyan and Sect Master Luo Fu smiled slightly, but they didn't take it seriously. After all, even if the relationship between Shenzong was hostile, at this juncture, it should be harmonious.

At least that's how it looks on the surface.

They also greeted Da Luo Shenzong Luo Tian and others just now, so they have the idea that no one will be offended by the rain and dew.

If the Yuhua Shenzong didn't have young people like Feng Hao and the return of Taoist Baiyu, they might...wouldn't have been so enthusiastic!

Ascension Sovereign Cailian looked at Feng Hao and said, "Go and get to know those senior brothers..."

Feng Hao looked at a group of young disciples from Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong, and walked over with a smile.

Among these young descendants, he knew who the two people who got the places in the ancestral world were, and in his state, those who hadn't shown their talents at the beginning would actually become passers-by.

"Junior Brother Feng!"

"Junior Brother Feng!"

The disciples of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong, seeing Feng Hao approaching, raised their fists together and saluted with a very humble attitude.

But humility is not enough, Feng Hao can become the number one middle god, this qualification is extremely rare in the entire Xuanxian ancestral world.

In the future, he will undoubtedly be the first person to practice to the upper god.

"Hello, senior brothers!"

Feng Hao returned the gift, and now he is still a disciple of the Yuhua Shenzong, so he still needs to be polite.

Then everyone introduced each other, and Feng Hao also knew the names of the two high-ranking gods Tianjiao of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong.

A Yan Hao.

A Julie.

And it seems that the relationship between Yan Hao and Zhu Li is quite good.


Sect Master Da Luo saw that his side was empty, and the disciples of Yuhua Shenzong, Huoyan Shenzong, and Luofu Shenzong were talking happily, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Fan'er, will you regret not being able to go to the ancestral realm this time?"

Luo Tian diverted his attention, he felt that only adopted son Luo Fan could comfort him.

Luo Fan chuckled and said, "Why would you regret it? There is no need for the emperor's chance, and before long, I will surpass the emperor..."

Luo Tian's eyes lit up and said, "Okay! That's great!"

Although Luo Fan is not his own son, Luo Tian regards him as closer than his own son. At this time, he does not have the domineering arrogance of a hero.

Some are just an ordinary father who is proud of his son's achievements.


Sect Master Da Luo was sitting on the sidelines, watching the clown jump, turned his head to look at the two disciples who had obtained quotas, and said, "After going to the ancestral realm, do something on the road. If you go to the temple, you will have no chance..."

"Disciple understands!"

"Disciple understands!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of the two disciples,



Soon, the auspicious time came, and Sect Master Da Luo was the first to stand up, and his figure directly lifted into the air on the floating island.

call out!

The Suzerain of the Flaming God Sect, the Suzerain of the Luofu Shenzong, and the Suzerain of the Yuhua Shenzong also all vacated directly at this time.

The deputy suzerains immediately sat down cross-legged on the spot, making seals with their hands.

With the four great god sect lords in the void, they present a corresponding formation.

At the same time, formations emerged, connecting everyone together, and the last beam of light was born from the central point where the four major sect masters were located.

Then go straight to nine days!

woo woo...

Then a golden beam of light above the sea of ​​clouds, a bronze door slowly emerged from the golden light.

** Thick, stalwart boundless.

The moment Feng Hao saw this door appear, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity at that time, as if... such a bronze door could be established between his Feng Zhou and this world.

"This is the entrance to another world!"

Feng Hao's mind moved slightly, wondering if this ancestral world is a world?

With the joint efforts of several major sect masters, including the cooperation of the major deputy sect masters, the bronze door that was originally closed was slowly opened at this time.

Immediately, a fairy energy visible to the naked eye spewed out from the golden gate, Feng Hao was astonished.

The immortal energy of the ancestral world is too pure.

It is ten times, more than a hundred times stronger than the immortal energy of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

At the same time, the four major sect masters all looked at the five disciples who had obtained the quota to enter the ancestral realm, and said loudly: "If you don't enter the ancestral realm at this time, when will you wait..."

The golden gate seems to be closing, but the four major suzerains and the major deputy suzerains are doing their best to deal with it.

call out!

Without saying a word, Feng Hao was the first one to soar into the air and rush into the bronze gate.



Afterwards, the Huoyan Shenzong, Luofu Shenzong and the four members of the Daluo Shenzong also rushed in with Feng Hao.

The bronze door slammed shut tightly.

At this time, the masters of the four great god sects sat down cross-legged in the void, closed their eyes, and held the mysterious seal formula in their hands.

Make the closed door impossible to disappear.


After Feng Hao entered the bronze gate, he was pleasantly surprised by the first breath of immortal energy he breathed.

If you can practice here for a few years, how difficult is it for the half-step Taoist ancestor?

"The ancestral realm is still different from Fengzhou. This is just an independent small world, not a realm of its own."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

"Junior Brother Feng!"

"Junior Brother Feng!"

Then the disciples of the Fire Flame Sect and the Luofu Sect, including the two disciples of the Great Luo Sect, also appeared on the platform behind the bronze gate.

Like Feng Hao, they took a breath of immortal energy and felt the urge not to leave.

Afterwards, Feng Hao began to look at the ancestral world.

The territory of the ancestral realm is vast and boundless, and the spread of Feng Hao's divine sense is not far away, within a range of about ten kilometers.

In his spiritual thoughts, he outlined some outlines of the ancestral world.

There is no sign of any animals here...

But at a place ten kilometers away, Feng Hao sensed several powerful auras, and the same... When Ye Lan's spiritual sense probed past, the other party followed Feng Hao's spiritual sense to chase after him.

Suddenly... a voice sounded in everyone's hearts: "Those chosen by fate, we are waiting for you in the temple..."

Feng Hao and the others looked at each other.

And the two disciples of Da Luo Shenzong were also stunned for a moment.

They could guess who the voice came from, it was nothing more than the guardian of the temple...

But now the guardians are paying attention to them, if they take action against Yan Hao of Huoyan Shenzong, Zhu Li or even Feng Hao of Luofu Shenzong, wouldn't they be known by the people of the temple?

Know what will be the consequences?

Feng Hao stretched out his figure, and plundered away from the location he was investigating with his divine sense.

Then Yan Hao and Zhu Li also chased after him.

"Wait and see, look for the right time..."

A disciple of Da Luo Shenzong said, and the two also chased after them.

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