Martial Inverse

Chapter 825 Unstoppable


"I rub it..."

When the old man saw the jade hairpin in Feng Hao's hand, he couldn't help but swear, his eyes almost popped out.

He was stunned!

This is the jade hairpin of their palace master A Li, the kind that has never been away from him, who knew that he would give the jade hairpin to Feng Hao?

What does it mean?

The hall master's aloofness that rejects others thousands of miles away, what exactly did Feng Hao do to make her make such a decision in this short quarter of an hour.

Feng Hao said: "I don't know if the other Shenzong disciples have finished their trials?"

"It's the same whether it's finished or not, anyway, the emperor's chance is just like this..."

The old man was still thinking about the jade hairpin in Feng Hao's hand all the time, so he really couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Feng Hao continued to say: "In this case, let me leave the ancestral world first!"

"it is good!"

The old man nodded, but when he took Feng Hao away, he couldn't help asking: "Can you tell me...why did the Palace Master give you the jade hairpin that is close to you? Do you know the Palace Master?"

Feng Hao shook his head with a smile and said: "I didn't know each other before, but now I do... As for why you gave it to me... Maybe it's fate!"


The old man Sulza's mouth twitched slightly, but in the end he didn't ask any more questions, and at the same time... took Feng Hao outside the temple.

The young guardian of the temple saw Uncle Suercha and Feng Hao coming back, so he greeted him and said, "I came back so soon, did I fail to meet the temple master?"

The young man said with a smile: "Hall Master has such a personality, it is basically impossible to see her..."

"Cough! Cough!"

However, Sulcha coughed at this time, reminding the nephew not to be ashamed.

But he was obviously one step too late, the young man mocked Feng Hao for not being able to see the lord Ali, but Feng Hao directly took out the jade hairpin that had not been put away.

"I wipe..."

The young man's eyes popped out at that moment, his face flushed red, and even his breathing became heavy: "This... this..."

Feng Hao said: "Come on, your hall master is very good, by the way, if there is nothing else, I will be able to leave the ancestral world now!"

"You have obtained the opportunity of the ancestral world, and you can go to the exit at any time..." Sulca said.

Feng Hao glanced at the closed stone gate of the temple, then apologized to the young man and the old man Sulza, and then moved towards the direction he came from.

In an instant, the figure disappeared from the sight of the old man and the young man.

"The emperor's chance...the fusion is so perfect...just after getting the emperor's insight, he is already able to use the emperor's strength so skillfully. I don't know...I thought he was the emperor himself..."

The old man Sulza murmured in a low voice.

The young man on the side was also slightly absent-minded, feeling the ton of critical blows from Feng Hao.


Feng Hao didn't wait for Yan Hao, Zhu Li and others in the temple. Now that he had obtained the opportunity to be the emperor in the ancestral realm, his cultivation had returned to the realm of the emperor.

There is nothing to linger in here either.

It's better to go back early, stabilize your cultivation, and improve Feng Zhou at the same time.

By the way... give this jade hairpin to Taoist Master Bai Yu, after all, it is a token of love between Bai Yu and the master of the temple, Ah Li.

Feng Hao came to the entrance, and there was a huge copper door erected in the void, filled with a simple and simple atmosphere.

Feng Hao stepped forward and pushed open the bronze door.


A strong immortal energy rushed from behind him to the Xuanxian Realm outside, and at the same time, the golden glow covered...

"Someone came out!"

Before Feng Hao crossed the ancient bronze door, he heard a voice.

When he walked out of the bronze door, the golden light gradually faded away, and at this time Feng Hao saw the suzerain Cailian, the deputy suzerain Chu Tiannan, and other suzerains of the Shenzong waiting on the floating island.

"It's Fenghao!"

Chu Tiannan's eyes lit up, and joy appeared in his eyes.

Even Cailian... couldn't help smiling at this time, Feng Hao returned safely, which meant that he didn't encounter any danger.

This is much stronger than those disciples who entered the trial in the temple of the ancestral realm but stayed in the realm of trial.

Luo Fan looked at Feng Hao, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Relying on his innate Dao body, he could tell at a glance that Feng Hao's current cultivation was no longer a high-ranking god, but a real emperor.

It is equivalent to the elder of Shenzong, almost... a half-step Taoist ancestor.

This speed is faster than him!

At this time, Luo Tian, ​​the lord of Da Luo, said softly: "Usually those who come out so quickly are not even qualified to enter the temple..."

But... deep down in Luo Tian's heart, he is more willing to believe... Feng Hao escaped.

The disciples of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong were presumably killed by his Daluo disciples.

Luo Tian was not worried about Feng Hao's complaint.

Who is to blame for being inferior to others?

Feng Hao landed from the bronze gate suspended above the sea of ​​clouds, looked at Chu Tiannan and Cailian with a smile, and said, "Fortunately, the emperor has a chance!"




The suzerains of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong, including Luo Tian, ​​the suzerain of Daluo Shenzong, felt their heads buzzing at this moment.

"How could it be so fast?"

Sect Master Huoyan was wearing a fiery red robe, and his body under the robe was trembling slightly. His expression was astonished, full of disbelief.

"How many days have passed? There has never been such a short record. The difficulty of the trial, a little slack, is a place of eternal doom... We... are all experienced!"

The suzerain of Luofu Shenzong also couldn't believe it.

They have cultivated to the current state, they have all entered the temple, received the opportunity given by the world lord, and know the difficulty of the trial.

Feng Hao passed the trial so quickly, got the opportunity of being the emperor, and perfectly integrated, and then came out... definitely the first person in history.

Luo Tian's eyes flickered...

He knew...the rise of the Yuhua Shenzong is already unstoppable, the master uncle Li Chongyang, the half-step ancestor Cailian, the emperor's peak Baiyu, the emperor's middle-level Chu Tiannan, the emperor's elementary level Fenghao...

Among the four peak powerhouses in the Xuanxian world, Yuhua Shenzong has four of them alone. With this background, Da Luo Shenzong must be somewhat afraid.

Sect Master Cailian's eyes sparkled, she looked at Feng Hao and said: "Okay, okay, you are indeed a disciple of my Ascension God Sect, you did a great job!"

Chu Tiannan smiled and said: "It seems... I insisted on promoting you as a disciple of the Inner Sect, and I didn't make a wrong choice. Congratulations!"

The Yuhua Shenzong now has a new addition, Feng Hao, a powerful emperor, and with the return of the great uncle Li Chongyang, this time the Emperor Sect of the Xuanxian Ancestor Realm must be their Yuhua Shenzong.

At this time, the Huoyan Shenzong, Luofu Shenzong and others who were relieved also stepped forward to congratulate, no matter what...

The rise of the Yuhua Shenzong is unstoppable, and they are one of the top ten Shenzong... It is a wise move to show their favor at this time.

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