Martial Inverse

Chapter 826 Emperor Zong

Luo Tian, ​​the sect master of the Great Luo, saw the Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong's flattery to the Yuhua Shenzong, his face turned black at that time.

Prior to this, the two Great Divine Sects also said that they would stand on the same front as the Great Luo Divine Sect.

Who knows how long it has passed, and immediately switched to the enemy camp, it's just... talking like farting.

At this moment, Cailian, the master of the Yuhua Shenzong, walked up to Luo Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "Sect Master Luo, this time the chance of being emperor has fallen into the hands of my Yuhua Shenzong. The emperor's choice, when will it be activated?"


Luo Tian was extremely angry in his heart, but his clothes were as plain as water on his face. He smiled lightly and said, "If you want to elect the emperor's sect, according to the rules of practice, when any one of the ten major sects has two and a half step ancestors, three You can start the process of electing the Emperor Sect, but the Emperor Sect may not be your Emerald God Sect!"

Cailian nodded and said: "This sect is also well aware of this, but I just feel that now that I have fulfilled the requirements of becoming a divine sect, then...the birth of the emperor sect is also extremely beneficial to the entire Xuanxian ancestral world, and also We can better unite and fight the demons..."

Luo Tian sneered.

Among the top ten divine sects, the Ascension Divine Sect has met the requirements, so of course they want to seize the opportunity to rise to the top.

But... he, Luo Tian, ​​would never give up the position of the emperor.

The name of this Emperor Sect will be Da Luo Emperor Sect.

After pondering for a while, Luo Tian turned his head to look at the suzerains of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong, and said, "What do the two suzerains say?"

Of course, the Huoyan Shenzong and the Luofu Sect Master had nothing to say.

After a pause, Sect Master Huoyan said: "Then... use the Emperor Sect procedure to select the Emperor Sect of Hundred Sects!"

Sect Master Luofu nodded and said: "This is the rule that has been established since the birth of Xuanxian Realm, and we cannot resist..."

Sect Master Da Luo nodded expressionlessly: "In that case...then our sect will notify the hundred sects to select the Emperor Sect and conduct a solicitation of fairy spirits...At the same time, the top ten divine sects will discuss together how to select the Emperor Sect! "

The Ascension Sect Master chuckled lightly and said, "Okay!"


Luo Tian called his adopted son Luo Fan at that time, turned around and prepared to leave the floating island.

But at this time, Luo Fan said, "Two disciples of my Da Luo Shenzong?"

Luo Tian said in a deep voice: "Now that the chance of being emperor has been obtained by the Yuhua Shenzong, it doesn't matter whether they come out or not..."

call out!

After Luo Tian's words fell, he straightened his body and left the floating island.

Luo Fan glanced at the bronze door above his head, wondering what he was thinking, and then flew up to follow Luo Tian.

Afterwards, the Ascension Sect Master Cai Lian said to the Sect Masters of Huoyan Sect and Luofu Sect: "Since my disciples have come out, then... we will leave first, and I hope your disciples return safely!"

"Thank you!"

"Thank you for becoming the suzerain!"

The two suzerains clasped their fists together.

Then Cailian and Chu Tiannan took Feng Hao into the carriage and left the floating island.

"I thought it would take at least tens of thousands of years to select the Emperor Sect, but I didn't expect... In just a few short years, the Ascension God Sect has made rapid progress, and even has the qualifications to challenge the Emperor Sect..."

Sect Master Huoyan sighed endlessly.

Originally, everyone was on the same starting line, and they agreed to develop together, but who knew that Yuhua Shenzong secretly took a shortcut.

"Yuhua Shenzong and our Shenzong have always been friends, and there is no conflict... Besides, the selection of Emperor Zong is not necessarily Yuhua Shenzong, this is an opportunity belonging to Baizong!"

Luofu Shenzong smiled lightly.

Sect Master Huoyan nodded and said: "That's true, this is also a great opportunity for our Shenzong!"


The two sect masters looked at each other and smiled, and began to look forward to it.


On the carriage, Sect Master Cailian and Chu Tiannan fell in love with Feng Hao the more they looked at him, this was simply their lucky stars for becoming the God Sect.

Chu Tiannan looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said, "What is the trial in the Ancestral World Temple this time? Why is it so fast?"

In the past, when Chu Tiannan entered the Ancestral Realm Temple for trials, it took several years, and he was lucky enough to get it after a narrow escape.

Only those who have experienced trials will understand how difficult it is.

And someone as fast as Feng Hao is definitely the first person in history.

Feng Hao said: "In your opinion, it may only be ten days and half a month, but in the trial... that is the life of an ordinary person..."

Feng Hao thought of the hurdle of the king's trial. He has devoted all his energy to the whole country and the whole people all his life.

It is not too much to live like a year.

But being able to see that the country that was in ruins, has become better because of his arrival... is his greatest achievement.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, this is the eternal truth.

Chu Tiannan nodded.

He agrees with this.

Sect Master Cailian said: "Feng Hao, now you are the fifth emperor of Yuhua Shenzong, what kind of reward should this sect give you?"

Feng Hao said with a smile: "For me, this emperor's perception is already very good, this reward... If possible, give more rewards to Sun Wukong and the others!"

Sect Master Cailian nodded and said: "Sun Wukong and the others are equally talented, but unfortunately they have been practicing in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm for too short a time. Now that the process of selecting the Emperor Sect has started, they... may be about to fight for the Ascension God Sect, so... This reward will definitely not be less...Since this is the case, let the inner sect disciples do the best sprint!"

The last words, Sect Master Cailian obviously spoke to Chu Tiannan.

Chu Tiannan nodded and said: "The affiliation of the Emperor Sect is very important. The disunity of the Hundred Sects has led to the demon clan taking advantage of it. If the Emperor Sect is born, calling for the disciples of the Hundred Sects in the name of the Emperor Sect will definitely make Xuan The Immortal Ancestral Realm has returned to its original peak... Now that the Emperor Sect process has started, it is because I have transformed into the Divine Sect, so... I, a disciple of the Ascendent Divine Sect, must become famous in the Ancestral Realm..."

Feng Hao listened quietly.

He understands what Emperor Zong means.

Isn't it the election of a sect that is the master of a hundred sects?

And the initiation process of the master of the hundred sects is that if there are more than five emperors in a certain sect, they can elect the emperor sect according to the rules of the Xuanxian ancestral world.

But obviously, the affiliation of the Emperor Sect also needs to face various tests.

Hearing what Cailian and Chu Tiannan said, Feng Hao was quite interested in his heart. In this way, the cultivation of Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King and others may get a qualitative leap within this period of time.


Sect Master Cailian's carriage arrived at Yuhua Shenzong, Daoist Baiyu received a voice transmission from Sect Master Cailian, and waited at the mountain gate very early.

At this moment, he is very much looking forward to good news that Feng Hao can bring, for example... In Feng Hao's world, he can bring back A Li who he has been thinking about day and night.

That would be great.

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