Martial Inverse

Chapter 829: Emperor’s Law

The elite disciples and elders in the main hall started discussing one after another, the news was really explosive.

Originally, they saw Feng Hao coming back from the ancestral world so quickly, so they were obviously eliminated directly, but they didn't expect...

It's unbelievable that he has already obtained the chance of being the emperor, isn't it!

Because whoever gets the opportunity to be the emperor in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm must have a legendary story, at least it is the experience of the previous years.

It's the first time I've seen someone like Feng Hao.

Feng Hao is used to being talked about, almost... he has grown up in the attention of others for half his life, so his face is very calm.

Seeing that everyone was discussing Fenghao's chance, the Yuhua Sect Master didn't seem to understand what she was talking about at all... You are the one who elected Emperor Zong.

The Emerald Sect Master Cai Lian then looked at the people in the main hall and said, "What is the Emperor Sect? Does the Inner Sect know about it?"

Immediately, the main hall became quiet, and many elite disciples were at a loss.

And even if some elite disciples knew some secrets, they didn't stand up at this time, because the matter of Emperor Zong was a taboo.

This means that the balance of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm will be broken, and the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm will be in another situation.

So be cautious.

The Yuhua Sect Master said: "In a secret incident in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, I mentioned something about the Emperor Sect. Those who are strong in the realm can carry out the emperor's method of governing the world... this is the emperor's method."

"Emperor's law?"

The disciples didn't quite understand.

The Yuhua Sect Master said: "There are hundreds of sects in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. Although there is a Shenzong, it is still not enough to unite. The method of the Emperor that when five emperors are born in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, it can be activated. The process of electing the emperor's sect... that is to say, from now on... the hundred sects will obey the emperor's will, and at the same time set up the emperor's fairy pavilion to handle many matters. Zongzhifa has started starting today...

Among the hundred sects, if one wants to become the emperor sect, one of the most important things is the cultivation base and strength of the disciples in the sect.

I, Yuhua Shenzong, want to compete for the position of Emperor Zong, you...are you willing to fight for Yuhua Shenzong? Become Emperor Sect, Hundred Sects Come to Dynasty! "


The disciples and elders of the Yuhua Shenzong became excited after hearing the words of the Yuhua Sect Master.

Emperor Zong!

Is it possible for them to become Emperor Sect?

Hundreds of sects came to court, this is the Shenzong of Shenzong, how could they miss this great opportunity?

If one becomes Emperor Sect, the cultivation resources will definitely be improved to a higher level.


"We are willing to fight to the end for the sect."

The blood of many disciples was aroused, and their faces flushed with excitement.

Feng Hao has witnessed everything in the main hall, and he knew what Sect Master Cailian was thinking from the time the Ascension Sect Master Cailian proposed this under the gate of the ancestral world.

I want Yuhua Shenzong to aspire to the position of Emperor Zong.

But... Now, even though he has five emperor-level powerhouses, it is obvious that the selection of the emperor's sect is not only based on them, but more on these disciples in the sect.

This is the foundation and cornerstone of a sect.

So... From Feng Hao's point of view, it is obvious that if you want to improve the cultivation of these disciples in a short period of time, it is as the Yuhua Sect Master said before...

We must train these inner sect disciples well.

Naturally, it is inevitable that resources will be tilted towards these people.

Sect Master Yuhua looked at these elite disciples, with a hint of pride in his eyes, and then said loudly: "This sect has decided that from now on, every disciple of the inner sect will receive a Sky Profound Sacred Pill every week. With rewards, at the same time, the Dragon Vein Immortal Qi Formation in the cave will be strengthened...the purpose is to allow you to practice better and prepare for the emperor's you have confidence?"


The Neizong disciples shouted in unison, they were so excited that they almost cried.

This is simply a great opportunity!

One Sky Profound Divine Pill every seven days, together with the strengthening of the Immortal Qi Formation, these are real resources, and they are the most urgently needed resources.

The faces of the elders were also flushed with excitement at this time. Although these elders were not included in the reward, these inner sect disciples were all brought out by them.

They can become stronger, and they have faces when they are elders.

Therefore, they now have enough confidence in the selection of Emperor Zong. If they can become Emperor Zong, their status will definitely rise.

Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian and others finally understood what Feng Hao said before. This is indeed a great opportunity.

After that, Master Uncle Li Chongyang also gave the sect disciples a benefit in this matter, that is, they can ask him for advice if they encounter any troubles in cultivation.

As soon as this remark came out, the entire main hall erupted.

An elder said in a trembling voice: "Uncle Master, I wonder if the disciple can ask for advice?"

The disciples froze for a moment.

Master Uncle Li Chongyang shook his head and said: "You are too old, this opportunity should be given to younger disciples!"


The elder's face turned green at the time, but he had nothing to say.

Yuhua Shenzong really needs new forces to keep up, otherwise, if there is a fault in the future, it will be very dangerous.

As for the affairs of the Ascension Sect Master, that was about the same, and then the meeting ended, and the disciples left the main hall one after another under the leadership of the elders.

Feng Hao took Monkey King and others back to the Inner Sovereign Peak.

At this time, the Yuhua Sect Master did not summon Feng Hao, but not long after, some elders came with Tianxuan Divine Pills one after another.

They were sent to Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King and others respectively.

"I'm going, so fast? I'm not even ready!"

The Bull Demon King looked at the Tianxuan Divine Pill in his palm, smelled it, and couldn't help swallowing wildly at that moment.

Sun Wukong rolled his eyes at the Bull Demon King, and said, "Look at how ugly you are..."

As he said that, Monkey King swallowed the elixir directly, not to mention, at that time, Monkey King had a feeling of breaking through.

"This divine pill is absolutely perfect!"

Sun Wukong let out a strange cry, and then a small clicking sound sounded, which was a sign of a breakthrough in the realm.

Unexpectedly, with only one magic pill, Sun Wukong is about to break through the realm, which is simply too beautiful.

The others didn't expect the effect of Tianxuan Shendan to be so strong, and they all swallowed it one by one.


At the same time, the other divine sects in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm also concentrated on the inner sect's story about the emperor's selection in the first place.

When they learned that their sect had the opportunity to become the first sect in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, or even exist like an emperor, these disciples felt that this was a chance from heaven.

Similarly, these sects also distributed a full amount of Tianxuan Shendan to elite disciples, and everything was based on improving cultivation.

These cultivation resources are their stocks for many years, and now they are finally available, and they don't feel bad about using them, and even feel that this is hope.

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