Martial Inverse

Chapter 830: Demon Seed

Before the emperor's selection method came out, all the sects who heard the news began to spare no effort to use their sect's resources to train elite disciples.

Anyway, this is the best choice.

This major decision to determine the selection of the emperor's sect must refer to the overall strength of the disciples of each sect. After all, these talents are the future of the Xuanxian ancestral world.

At the same time, when each sect held a mobilization meeting for disciples, Luo Tian, ​​the master of Daluo, also thought twice, and initiated the emperor's selection of immortals.

Only people above the Emperor Realm can participate in this fairy meeting, and of course you can choose to come or not to come voluntarily.

After receiving the letter from Luo Tian, ​​the Yuhua Shenzong decided that Baiyu Daozu and Feng Hao would participate on behalf of the Yuhua Shenzong.

Master Uncles Li Chongyang and Chu Tiannan, as well as suzerain Cailian stayed behind to sit in the sect and supervise the cultivation of the disciples and elders.

As the initiator of the Emperor Sect Immortal Association, Da Luo Shenzong once again assumed the responsibilities and obligations of the organizer.

It can only be said that Da Luo Shenzong is rich and powerful.


In the Yuhua Shenzong, while Feng Hao was practicing at the main peak of the inner sect, he also kept an eye on the practice of Sun Wukong and others.

Since the cultivation resources are sufficient now, the intensity of cultivation will be unprecedentedly strong, Feng Hao does not want these people he brought to have any danger or unforeseen crisis.

"Feng Hao!"

At this moment, outside Haoran Zhengqi Cave, the familiar voice of Taoist Baiyu sounded.

Feng Hao put down what he was doing, walked out of the cave, and saw the white feather Taoist who had grown a lot taller, looking like an eighteen-year-old boy.

The brows are more heroic.

"Master Baiyu, why don't you give me back this awe-inspiring righteousness cave, and run here every few days... I can't even practice with peace of mind."

Feng Hao said with a smile.

Daoist Baiyu was in a low mood, and hadn't recovered from the lovelorn feeling that Ah Li told him not to read, but at this moment he forced a smile and said, "I don't want to anymore, didn't the sect decide that you and I will go to Daluo Shenzong to participate in it?" Is the Emperor Zong Xianhui? It is related to the specific process of selecting the Emperor Zong to discuss... So before that, we need to go to a few places and win some allies!"

"Putting votes?"

This word appeared in Feng Hao's mind, and then he looked at Taoist Bai Yu with a smile and said, "Is the election of Emperor Zong so simple?"

This is obviously not right!

If it's that simple, why spend so much resources cultivating these disciples?

Just use the Tianxuan Divine Pill and resources to attract allies!

Daoist Baiyu blushed, shook his head and said: "Of course not, this fairy meeting is to discuss how to select the Emperor Sect of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, and our Sect also has a proposal that is beneficial to us, so contact us first Other Shenzong representatives, take a breath..."

Feng Hao nodded.

If this is the case, it is a good way to ventilate in advance. In this case, there is a greater chance that more sects will support their proposal.

However... This proposal obviously needs to be approved by the allies Zongmen. If it is not good for them, they will definitely not accept this proposal.

Feng Hao asked: "What is this proposal? Then the sect we are going to ventilate must be a proposal that has advantages for them, right?"


Daoist Bai Yu said: "According to the reliable information we have received,

There are three major sects that agree with our sect's let's visit these three sects in advance. "


Feng Hao nodded. It is also a good thing for him to be able to become Emperor Zong.

Daoist Bai Yu said: "Then why are you still standing there? Let's set off... On the way, I will tell you about the sect's proposal and who I want to visit."


Feng Hao then changed into a long robe, followed Taoist Baiyu to the gate of the mountain, got into a carriage that Taoist Baiyu had obviously prepared earlier, and left Yuhua Shenzong.

On the way, Taoist Bai Yu said: "This time the sect is vigorously cultivating the disciples of the inner sect because it wants...the key point of deciding to choose the emperor's sect is on these disciples of the inner sect. To deserve the name of the sect, the most suitable way is to go to the Heavenly Demon Realm and obtain the demon seeds of the Heavenly Demon Realm!"

Feng Hao said: "I think this proposal is very good. There should be no sect who would refuse it? If you want to deserve your name, you must make some achievements. The number of emperors alone is not enough to convince the public..."

Daoist Baiyu nodded and said: "Of course we think this proposal is good, because our resources are enough to cultivate a group of excellent disciples, and there is a great advantage in obtaining demon seeds, but other sects may not agree, they will definitely propose The referral method that suits them..."

Feng Hao thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Will the Great Luo Shenzong reject this proposal?"

This is the key point. The Da Luo Shenzong is deeply rooted in the hundred sects, and there must be no sect that would disagree with their proposal.

Daoist Baiyu said: "I think Xuan, their Da Luo Shenzong is the gathering place of Tianjiao, if they propose to use Tianjiao's strength to determine the Emperor's sect, then...we have no chance, but if we propose to obtain the demon seed, then ...their advantage will be reduced a lot immediately, and our chances will be greater, so... allies are crucial!"

Feng Hao looked a little dignified.

According to this, this fairy meeting is extremely important, and the affiliation of Emperor Zong can basically be seen in this fairy meeting.

Feng Hao then asked: "What is this monster?"

Daoist Baiyu said sternly: "A fire seed in the abyss of the demon world is also the root of the demon world. If you get the demon seed, the demon race will lose the ability to regenerate!"


After Feng Hao heard Taoist Baiyu's words, he was a little speechless at that time. This kind of demon is so important, it must be very important.

Needless to say, the guards are strict, but if their sect sends disciples, isn't that courting death?

Just like a strong man from the Demon Race came to the temple of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm and cast a chance, this is impossible to achieve.

"This is very difficult..." Feng Hao said.

Daoist Baiyu said: "Outside the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm, there are strong demons guarding it, but... as long as you enter the abyss, the strong demons cannot enter, but our fairy gods from the Xuanxian Realm can..."

At this time, Feng Hao finally figured out that the biggest risk in going to the Heavenly Demon Realm lies in how to enter the abyss and how to get out after obtaining the demon seeds.

This is the most critical place.

Feng Hao then asked: "If the time comes to go to the Heavenly Demon Realm, will the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm also go?"

Taoist Baiyu looked at Feng Hao with a smile and said, "Of course, this is what we must strive for... After all, besides the disciples of the inner sect, you are the most important thing..."

Feng Hao knew that... this fox who transformed himself into the Divine Sect was playing tricks on him again!

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