Martial Inverse

Chapter 834 Favor

"Time and fate!"

Feng Hao nodded slightly after hearing Sect Master Zhuge's words, recalling his journey to the universe.

It seems that in the dark, it is really destined.

After he entered this plane world from the land of mist, he immediately encountered the undead god king breaking the seal, and then the way of heaven was revived.

Then you can fly to heaven.

That is the Golden Immortal Realm.

In the Golden Immortal Realm, he encountered the opening of the Immortal Demon Road, and he also climbed to the top of the list all the way, and has the qualifications to go to the Immortal Demon Road.

In the fairy road, I got the artifact again and met some people.

From then on, there was this moment of ascension to the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

And then...the Hundred Sect Grand Competition in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, who got the opportunity to be the emperor, and the present because the Yuhua Shenzong gathered five emperors, and thus started the big event of the emperor's selection.

Was it fate, or... really just an accident.

Feng Hao didn't know.

The closer you get to the way of heaven, the more you can explore the laws, but... the more so, the more terrifying you feel the way of heaven.

Feng Hao felt that he might be able to comprehend all this only after Feng Zhou Dacheng.

Really detachment.

Daoist Baiyu chuckled and said: "What should come will eventually come. There is no emperor sect in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. Now...the demons are strong, and the Xuanxian Realm is also plagued by Dao disasters. First, the ten rounds of scorching sun were in the sky, and then the immortal sand eroded... Everything needs to be changed, and the emergence of the Emperor Sect is the clue to solve all this, why don't Sect Master Zhuge seize the opportunity together, for a better tomorrow of the Huoyan Shenzong?"

"Ha ha!"

After Zhuge Sect Master heard Taoist Baiyu's words, he laughed loudly at that time, and said: "This sect admits that there is nothing wrong with the appearance of Emperor Zong, and also agrees with what you said... But this sect doesn't understand, this Emperor Sect's choice , isn’t it necessarily you who transformed into the Divine Sect, why are you so painstakingly lobbying?”

Daoist Baiyu said in a serious voice: "If you fight for it, you will have a chance. If you don't fight for it, you will lose all opportunities! The way of heaven is to fight!"


Sect Master Zhuge sat on the main seat of the main hall, tapped his fingertips, and after a long time, seemed to have made some kind of decision, and said, "Shen Huo Yan Sect supports your proposal to transform into Shen Sect..."


Daoist Bai Yu was stunned for a moment.

Even Feng Hao was quite surprised, Zhuge Sect Master didn't ask them what their proposal was.

Did you just agree?

"Sect Master Zhuge, why don't you ask?" Taoist Bai Yu said.

Sect Master Zhuge smiled lightly: "No need, this sect knows what proposals you need to become the Ascension Sect..."

As he said that, Zhuge Sect Master looked at the rosary bracelet on Feng Hao's wrist with a smile and said, "Take it as repaying someone's favor!"

Taoist Bai Yu looked at Feng Hao suspiciously.

And Feng Hao... naturally could feel Zhuge Sect Master's gaze, and wondered in his heart, could it be... Zhuge Sect Master could still know the wife of the temple and the world master?

Taoist Baiyu then said respectfully: "Thank you, Sect Master Zhuge!"

"Stay here first. After the banquet, let Elder Murong and Elder Ouyang accompany you to attend the Fairy Fair."

Sect Master Zhuge got up and left the main hall with his hands behind his back.

At this moment,

Elder Murong and Elder Ouyang also walked over with a smile, cupped their hands and said: "Congratulations, our suzerain gave us the instruction before, to remain neutral, unexpectedly... now I am willing to support you!"

Taoist Master Baiyu replied, "Thank you so much!"

"Let's go... let's take a seat!"

Afterwards, Sect Master Murong and Elder Ouyang took Taoist Master Bai Yu, Feng Hao, Taoist Fan and Zhu Bilie to the hall where the banquet was held.


On the second day, Feng Hao, Taoist Baiyu, Taoist Fan and Zhu Bilie were originally a team of four.

Now there are two more people.

The two elders of Sect Master Huoyan, Ouyang and Murong.

Six people, three carriages, continued to the next Shenzong, Luofu Shenzong.

This was at the banquet yesterday, and they discussed it unanimously.

The Luofu Divine Sect... is considered to be the longest-existing Divine Sect in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, and it is also a sect that has never shed the title of Divine Sect.

The background can be described as extremely deep.

For someone's favor, Sect Master Zhuge was willing to vote for the decision to transform into the Shenzong, and now there is still a key sect.

That is the Luofu Shenzong who also maintains neutrality.

Luofu Divine Sect, Yang Chen, the suzerain, is a half-step Taoist ancestor. He has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, and now he is sprinting towards the Taoist ancestor realm.

That is the realm of the ancestors.

However, he was unable to step out of the door, just like the way of heaven, erecting a wall directly in front of him.

No one can step over.

From Huoyan Shenzong to Luofu Shenzong, the three carriages took several days.

As soon as she entered the Luofu Shenzong's territory, Ye Lan felt a mysterious Dao law flowing in the heaven and earth within the Luofu Shenzong's territory.

This is Daoyun.

Not long after entering the territory of the Luofu Divine Sect, a flying boat galloped over from a distance and hovered in front of the representatives of the Immortal Society of the three major sects.

After that, six youths carrying the long sword got down from the huge flying boat, and they cupped their hands and said, "Six Luofu, I pay my respects to all the seniors of Shenzong!"

Fan Daozhu said: "It turns out that it is the six sons of Luofu, Sect Master Yang has a heart!"


Elder Ouyang and others also nodded with a smile.

The six sons of Luofu are among the disciples of Luofu Shenzong, they are the most important people besides the suzerain.

To become one of the six sons of Luofu, the difficulty is comparable to that of becoming an emperor.

Although they are not the capital of the emperor, the Luofu Six Sons God Formation, which the six sons cultivated together, is the first joint attack formation in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

The previous Baizong Grand Competition was also because only one person could participate. If the six disciples of Luofu could fight together, it would definitely be the first team of disciples in the entire Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Afterwards, the six sons of Luofu took Feng Hao, Taoist Baiyu and others into the flying boat and flew towards the main hall of the Luofu Divine Sect.

Feng Hao was on the flying boat, looking at the sea of ​​clouds below the flying boat, there really a chance to become a god?

At the very beginning, when he was in Tianxuan Shenzong, Feng Hao still felt that there was a chance to become a descendant of Shenzong.

Because the Tianxuan Shenzong's population is too thin, even though they have the profound background of the Tianxuan Shendan, the chances of competing for the Emperor's sect... are still slightly smaller than those of the Yuhua Shenzong.

But after knowing that Feng Hao came to Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong, he discovered... Yuhua Shenzong and Tianxuan Shenzong are simply younger brothers...

There is Dao Yun in Luofu Divine Sect, which is like a divine help to those who practice in it.

It's like Dao is naturally friendly.

Comprehension and breakthrough will be stronger than those of other sects.


The main hall of the Luofu Divine Sect is floating in the sea of ​​clouds. It is said to be the main hall... But in Feng Hao's view, it is more like a huge palace built on a flying boat.

This huge monster moved with the movement of the flying boat. This kind of moving palace must be said to be extremely majestic.

They were on the flying boat, and when viewed from a close point, they felt that they were as insignificant as ants.

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