Martial Inverse

Chapter 835: Luofu

The flying boat driven by the six sons of Luofu carried Feng Hao and others close to the flying boat in the main hall, and then on the huge and unparalleled flying boat, a door that could accommodate their flying boat opened.

The small flying boat that Feng Hao was in flew directly into it.

After entering the flying boat in the main hall of Luofu, the six sons of Luofu led Feng Hao, Daoist Baiyu, Huoyan Shenzong, Tianxuan Shenzong and others to climb the spiral staircase on foot.

It has to be said that the interior of this flying boat is also extremely spacious, with magnificent decorations, the level of luxury is even higher than that of the Huoyan Sect.

Feng Hao couldn't help but think to himself, how can this neutral Shenzong do so well? Anyway, it is the like of Yuhua Shenzong...

Can only practice in the cave?

Feng Hao looked at Daoist Baiyu, and said, "Master Baiyu, why is the gap between Yuhua Shenzong and Luofu even bigger!"

Taoist Master Baiyu was very embarrassed, and then said with a dry smile: "This... Luofu Shenzong's history is several times that of Yuhua Shenzong, just get used to it... Don't look at the whole grandeur, it's just the appearance... the inside is what it is. ..."

Daoist Baiyu just said this, and then compared with the picture they saw just now, it was more luxurious and magnificent. At that time, Daoist Baiyu seemed to be strangled by the neck...

Can't say a word.

"This, this, this..."

Daoist Bai Yu was also dumbfounded. He admitted that the Luofu Shenzong really had a big family and a wealth of more than billions, and at the same time, he was also very ordinary and wealthy...


Feng Hao was also shocked. This flying boat in the main hall was definitely the most luxurious palace he had ever seen from the outside to the inside.

The floor tiles laid on the ground seemed to be ground out of fairy crystals, and those coiling dragon pillars were made of frozen real dragons.

Luxury is everywhere.

Feng Hao originally thought that the Huoyan Shenzong had a deep foundation, but he didn't expect...the Luofu Shenzong is even more powerful than the Huoyan Shenzong.

Daoist Baiyu looked at Feng Hao faintly: "You can't just look at appearances. Although our Yuhua Shenzong is a little worse than this Luofu Shenzong...but we are ordinary!"


Feng Hao stared blankly at Daoist Bai Yu, could it be a source of pride? Then he laughed and said: "I didn't say that the Ascension Shenzong is worse than the Luofu Shenzong... Everyone has a ruler in their hearts, and I think the Ascension Shenzong is quite good."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Daoist Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Hao smiled.

Why did he feel that Taoist Baiyu was afraid that he would switch to other sects?

Feng Hao thought to himself that he is not the kind of person who starts to mess up and ends up giving up!


The six sons of Luo Fu led Feng Hao and his party, and after walking in the main hall for a while, they saw a huge golden gate in the distance.

And as they went deeper, the golden gate opened automatically.

Behind the giant golden gate is also a large hall.

In the main hall, there were rows of Luofu disciples standing straight, each of them carrying a long sword, like a peerless sword fairy.

On the main seat of the main hall, there are three golden dragon chairs.

There were three old men with white hair and childlike faces sitting on the chairs.

When the Luofu disciples in the hall saw the representatives of the Yuhua Sect, the representatives of the Tianxuan Sect and the Huoyan Sect, they all started whispering.

the eyes of most of them,

It all fell on the youngest-looking Feng Hao and Bai Yu Taoist.

"Who is Feng Hao who got the chance of being the emperor?"

"It should be that white robe, because I heard that Taoist Master Bai Yu came back from recovery, and he was still just a child... It's been so long now, and it should also look like this young boy now."

"It makes sense!"

The disciples of Luo Fu are very curious about Feng Hao, after all, he is the one who got the opportunity of being the emperor in the ancestral world.

As for the disciples who went to the Luofu Divine Sect, it is now unknown whether they are alive or dead.

"Welcome Shenzong friends who came from afar, and give me a seat!"

After Feng Hao and others entered the main hall, the old man who looked like a fairy in the main seat waved his hand.

Immediately, chairs flew from all sides of the hall and landed behind everyone.

Feng Hao was slightly startled, such a movement without a trace, like the power of the Great Dao, a thought that moves the wind and thunder, and everything obeys with a thought.

"Eathering Shenzong

Fire God

The Profound Sky Sect...has seen Sect Master Yang Chen! "

Feng Hao and the others saluted, except for Feng Hao, everyone else had seen Sect Master Luofu, so they would not admit their mistake.

Yang Chen chuckled and said: "Haha, your arrival has made my Luofu Divine Sect flourish..."

Feng Hao pondered... You Luofu Divine Sect is already flourishing.

After some courteous greetings, Yang Chen, the suzerain of Luofu, asked: "But I don't know... all the gods have visited Luofu, why?"

There was a smile on Yang Chen's face.

Obviously...he somehow knew something, but he didn't reveal it.

Elder Murong of the Huoyan Shenzong said: "I don't know if Luo Fu...has he prepared for the selection of the Emperor Sect?"


Yang Chen nodded and said: "Luo Fu definitely can't stay out of such a big event."

Elder Murong looked at Taoist Master Baiyu. This time, their Huoyan Shenzong only seconded the proposal of Yuhua Shenzong, so...

This win over Luofu Shenzong must also be the matter of Taoist Baiyu, he just started off very well.

Daoist Baiyu then proposed the proposal of becoming a god, that is, to go to the Heavenly Demon Realm to obtain the demon seed, as a method to select the Emperor Sect.

Then the disciples of the Luofu Divine Sect and the elders of the suzerain began to whisper to each other.

After a while, Sect Master Yang Chen sat down, looked at Fan Daoist of Tianxuan Sect, and said, "Fan Daoist, do you Tianxuan Sect support this proposal?"

Taoist Fan cupped his fists and said, "Yes!"

"En!" Sect Master Yang Chen nodded, then looked at Elder Murong of the Huoyan Sect, and said, "Elder Murong, is the same for the Huoyan Sect?"

Elder Murong clasped his fists in response: "This is the meaning of the suzerain, this fairy meeting...we will also follow the suzerain's instructions..."

"Benzong understands!"

Sect Master of Luofu, Yang Chen looked at Daoist Bai Yu with a smile and said, "It's a good way to go to the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm to obtain demon seeds, but... this sect doesn't understand why the Yuhua Shenzong sacrificed its own advantages to create opportunities for other sects ?”

Yang Chen didn't quite understand.

In terms of background, in terms of disciple qualifications, in terms of various aspects... Yuhua Shenzong ranks quite low among the top ten divine sects.

As for Yuhua Shenzong's proposal, the most beneficial thing is that Luofu and Huoyan Shenzong basically have nothing to do with Yuhua Shenzong and Tianxuan Shenzong.

So... what is the purpose of Yuhua Shenzong doing this?

Is it really just for the sake of the common people?

When Yang Chen was thinking, his eyes fell on Feng Hao subconsciously. The reason why the emperor's selection was opened this time was because... Feng Hao became the emperor.

So... this time the Da Luo Shenzong opened the Immortal Association, and made the last discussion for the launch of the Emperor Sect.

But it's okay if you don't look at it, after looking at it... Sect Master Yang Chen saw the string of rosary beads on Feng Hao's wrist, and his heart was shocked...

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