Martial Inverse

Chapter 839: Emperor Da Luo

"These people came really early..."

Daoist Baiyu in the carriage smiled. He was in a good mood at this time. The people from Shenzong came early, which meant that they had not discussed at all.

In this case, their proposal to transform into a divine sect would occupy six seats among the top ten divine sects. As long as these sects don't all support the Da Luo Shenzong, their proposal will be 100% stable.

The Yuhua Shenzong took out all the inventory, and asked these elite disciples of the Inner Sect to cooperate with Feng Hao to enter the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm in one fell swoop, and then obtain the demon seeds.

Feng Hao saw the smile on Taoist Master Bai Yu's lips, and his wandering eyes, so he probably knew what he was thinking.

"Master Baiyu, if the Yuhua Shenzong becomes the Emperor...what do you plan to do?" Feng Hao asked.


Daoist Baiyu was stunned at the time, as if they hadn't thought about this question either.

Taoist Baiyu thought for a while, and said: "Isn't it still uncertain whether the Emperor Sect is our Yuhua Shenzong, so... I haven't thought about that for the time being. If the Emperor Zong is not the Yuhua Shenzong, then thinking about it is useless."

Feng Hao cried and laughed helplessly.

Even if it is not necessarily the Ascension of the Divine Sect to become the Emperor Sect, since the proposal of obtaining the Demon Seed is proposed, think about it... what to do after becoming the Emperor Sect.


After the carriage came to a complete stop, the representatives of Yuhua Shenzong, Tianxuan Shenzong, Luofu Shenzong, and Huoyan Shenzong all stepped out of the carriage.

At the same time, under the leadership of the eight Da Luo Tianjiao, they entered the main hall of Da Luo to report, and then allocated a floating island for rest.

There are not many other things in Da Luo Shenzong, but there are many floating islands for cultivation, and they are full of immortal energy, which is even better than that of Dongtian Paradise.

In the main hall, Luo Tian, ​​the master of Da Luo who was informed by his disciples, was waiting in the main hall with his adopted son Luo Fan. When he saw the eight representatives of the four great sects, his heart was slightly moved.

Daoist White Feather!

Daoist Fan!

Ouyang, Murong...

There are also representatives of the Huoyan Sect and the Luofu Sect. These people... are all at the level of Taoist masters, and their cultivation bases are also existences between the half-step Taoist ancestor and the emperor.


Daoist Baiyu is an exception. He used to be a strong man who had just glimpsed the ancestral realm of the half-step Dao. Now that he has recovered, his cultivation has not yet recovered.

But its own status is also extraordinary.

What shocked Luo Tian the most was that the Huoyan Divine Sect and Luofu Divine Sect even sent representatives with important positions in the sect to come over this time.

Obviously...the Fairy Fair attaches great importance to this event.

Even Luo Tian had reason to suspect that Huoyan and Luofu, the two neutral sects, were going to compete for the position of emperor sect this time, otherwise it would be impossible to send these people over.

"It seems that it has been brewing for a long time. What I have been waiting for is this opportunity. It really is ginger or old..." Luo Tian whispered in his heart.

On his face was a smile like a spring breeze.

"Welcome to the representatives of Shenzong..."

Luo Tian got up and greeted them, giving enough face, after some pleasantries, he asked his disciples to arrange a floating island for the four great gods to rest.

And these disciples also understood what Luo Tian meant, and separated the Yuhua Shenzong, Tianxuan Shenzong, Huoyan Shenzong, and Luofu Shenzong.

It seems to prevent them from conspiring.

Luo Tian saw the four of them coming at the same time,

I vaguely felt that something was wrong, but... Just in case, I still try to isolate their four great gods as much as possible.

While exchanging greetings, Feng Hao looked at the aloof Di Luo Fan in the hall, with a smile in his eyes.

Luo Fan didn't say anything, but considering that both Yuhua Shenzong and Tianxuan Shenzong might be his allies, he forced a smile on his face.

Sect Master Da Luo's last eyes fell on Feng Hao, and he smiled lightly: "Congratulations to you for this ancestral trial... Unexpectedly, there will be a white feather Taoist master in Yuhua Shenzong, and now... I'm afraid there will be another one Daoist Feng Hao!"

Feng Hao said: "Sect Master Luo is absurdly praised, it's just that luck is better!"

"Luck is also a part of strength..."

Sect Master Da Luo smiled, but anyone with a discerning eye knows... Sect Master Da Luo is just a professional smirk, not a smile on the surface.

Then... After the greetings, everyone left the main hall, and led by the geniuses, went to the arranged floating island.

The representatives of the four major divine sects were separated, and they were also very helpless... But before they left, everyone looked at each other and smiled, and everything was kept silent.

It's okay to separate.

Everything has been settled long ago.


In the main hall of Da Luo, Luo Tian looked at Luo Fan and said, "Feng Hao has now obtained the opportunity of being an emperor, and his cultivation base is higher than yours, what do you think?"

Luo Fan said: "No matter how high the cultivation level is, it doesn't belong to him, but the boy has cultivated himself. With the speed at which the boy is comprehending the Dao, he will soon be able to stabilize the realm of the emperor... It doesn't take long before he can achieve half of it." Padaozu."

"Good! Great!"

Luo Tian's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "If you, Faner, become the half-step patriarch, and Da Luo Shenzong also becomes the Emperor Sect, then the adoptive father will make you the emperor of Da Luo, and fight for the adoptive father in the world of heaven and demons, sweeping away the Liuhe. , swept across the wilderness..."

Rowan nodded.

But he felt it was funny in his heart, Emperor?

He wants to become the lord of this Xuanxian ancestral realm, and be the emperor of heaven, because he is the Dao, and the Dao is the sky.

Of course...he will not hurt Luo Tian, ​​and there will be the gentlest way to reach this point.


The floating island arranged by Feng Hao and Taoist Baiyu is a bit remote, and there is no Shenzong on the surrounding floating islands.

All are representatives of Xianzong.

Taoist Master Baiyu almost died of anger when he learned about it, he stomped his feet and said, "This Luo Tiangou said that our Yuhua Shenzong is called an ordinary immortal sect..."

It is reasonable to say that Shenzong should be close to the main hall, and they will also be close to each other.

But their Taoist Baiyu was placed at the end of the Xianzong. This was simply deliberate. It looked like a dog, but it was actually a beast with a human face!

Feng Hao smiled and said: "Don't you think this is pretty good? Isn't there a few representatives of the Xianzong outside here to visit?"

As soon as Feng Hao finished speaking, several voices rang out outside the floating island hall.

"Yunluo Xianzong

The Heavenly Mandate Immortal Sect seeks an audience..."

Daoist Bai Yu understood Feng Hao's meaning, his eyes lit up at that time, and he smiled and said: "Interesting, Luo Tian is probably going to shoot himself in the foot with a rock!"

Daoist Bai Yu quickly stood up, then left the hall with Feng Hao, and greeted him personally outside the hall.

Taoist Master Baiyu saw four representatives of the Immortal Sect coming, and greeted him with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "My fellow immortals, you are welcome, enter the palace quickly..."


"Okay, okay... Daoist Bai Yu, please first..."

The strong representatives of the four immortal sects were taken aback by Taoist Baiyu's polite attitude, and became a little cautious for no reason.

This is the Daoist of the Ascension God Sect among the Ten Great God Sects, who was once famous in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Although he fell in some kind of battle, but...he came back alive again, his strength is simply amazing...

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