Martial Inverse

Chapter 840 Luck

The representatives of the four immortal sects entered the hall, acting quite cautious, while Feng Hao stood aside, watching Taoist Master Baiyu entertain the representatives of the two major immortal sects.

Yunluo Immortal Sect and Tianyu Immortal Sect, Ye Lan has never heard of their names, and they are also the immortal sects that rank very low in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

These four representatives of the Immortal Sect are not very powerful, they are just kings.

This kind of strength is equivalent to the elders in Shenzong.

Daoist Baiyu looked at the four representatives of the Xianzong with a smile, and asked, "I don't know what the names of the immortal friends are?"

"Under Yunyi, I am the deputy suzerain of Yunluo Xianzong, and the person next to me is my senior brother... Yun Xiao is the suzerain of my Yunluo Xianzong..."

An old man wearing a cloud pattern fairy robe introduced at that time.

The old man beside him smiled and nodded slightly, obviously he was the suzerain of Yunluo Xianzong.


Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, the representative of the Xianzong actually dispatched the suzerain and deputy suzerain directly... What a shortage of people!

Even Daoist Bai Yu was stunned for a moment.

Yun Yi and Yun Xiao blushed.

Then Deputy Sect Master Yunluo said: "I made Dao Master Baiyu laugh... Ten thousand years ago, I was fortunate enough to meet Dao Master at the Baizong Fairy Meeting. At that time, I was astonished as a heavenly man. See you now... Dao Master's demeanor has not diminished." Back then..."

Daoist Baiyu said: "That's all in the past. Now there are many talents from various sects, and there are many strong ones. This Daoist is just a broken body now..."

"Where, the Taoist master just recovered and returned, and it's only a matter of time before he returns to his peak..." Sect Master Yunxiao said seriously.

His eyes were full of reverence.

Daoist Baiyu smiled, it was very comfortable to hear...

"Taoist, Hu Bujin is the suzerain of Tianyu Xianzong, next to me is Xinghe, the deputy suzerain of my Xianzong..."

People from Tianyu Xianzong also introduced it.

Taoist Master Baiyu cupped his hands and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Hu Bujin was flattered and said: "You are too polite..."


Daoist Baiyu was also a little confused. Why did the representatives of the two great immortal sects treat him so well? Didn't they see... a floating island where Shenzong was placed in this position, obviously isolated.

"Who is this?"

At this moment, Sect Master Yunxiao set his sights on Feng Hao, so the four representatives of the two great immortal sects turned their attention to Feng Hao.

They had never met the suzerain, and Feng Hao looked very young, standing aside, like the personal servant of Taoist Baiyu.

But if you want to continue the topic, you must find a topic, so... Feng Hao became a breakthrough.

Feng Hao arched his hands and said with a smile: "Feng Hao, the fifth emperor of the Emerald Shenzong..."





After hearing Feng Hao's words, the representatives of the four immortal sects all changed their countenance, especially Yun Xiao, who thought Feng Hao was an immortal servant, was so frightened that he almost fell off his chair.


This is Feng Hao who has a hot reputation in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm?

The one who became the first place god,

Obtained the quota to enter the ancestral realm, and in less than half a month, finally got the opportunity to be the emperor and became the fifth emperor of the Yuhua Shenzong.

Thus started the era of the emperor's sect, and now the Da Luo Shenzong's fairy meeting was also initiated because of the fifth emperor of the Ascension Shenzong.

They didn't expect that the young man in front of them was the Lord.


The suzerain and deputy suzerain of the two great immortal sects walked towards Feng Hao eagerly at that time, extremely excited.

And Feng Hao looked excited when he saw them approaching, just like those businessmen on earth who flattered high-ranking officials.

Feng Hao stretched out his hand subconsciously.

The four Xianzong representatives were stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Feng Hao meant by reaching out his hand, but they saw Feng Hao reaching out, so... they also reached out.

Then Feng Hao shook hands with them one by one.


The representatives of the Four Great Immortal Sects were shocked at that time, and there was a huge wave in their hearts. They actually had intimate contact with the fifth emperor.

This is an honor they never had.

The corner of Daoist Bai Yu's mouth twitched, he found that these people were more excited when they saw Feng Hao than when they saw him, which made him feel like a toothache.

Then the representatives of the four great immortal sects all eagerly chatted with Feng Hao. From the past to the present, they had a great time chatting.


Daoist Baiyu couldn't stand it anymore, so he coughed twice, and then woke up the four excited Xianzong lords.

What are you doing?

Didn't you see him, the White Feather Daoist, here? In the past, at any rate, he was also a half-step Dao ancestor...

Is co-authorship not as powerful as an emperor?

"Uh...Actually, the two sects of us came here this time just to find out...what advice does your sect have for the selection of the emperor's sect..."

Yunxiao, the master of Yunluo, said sternly.

They almost forgot what they were here for.

After all, they were excited when they met the legendary celebrity who had been promoted from a lowly god to an emperor in a few years. They might be able to find a shortcut.


Hu Bujin, the Sect Master of Tianyu, also nodded.

Daoist Baiyu smiled and said: "There is a suggestion, but I am worried that no matter how good the suggestion is, there is no support from Xianzong..."


Sect Master Yunxiao laughed twice, looked at Sect Master Hu Bujin, and said, "Actually, we have always felt that this Emperor Sect is none other than the Ascension God your proposal, we must fully support..."

Daoist Baiyu's eyes narrowed with a smile, and he couldn't help but want to laugh at this moment, laughing at Da Luo Shenzong's bad intentions and throwing a dragon alone into a pond full of fish.

It's no wonder these fish don't cater to them.

Daoist Baiyu said sternly: "If there are two Immortal Sects' support, this Daoist believes...the Emperor Sect belongs to the Yuhua Shenzong with absolute certainty!"


The four celestial sect masters couldn't help but gasp at that moment.

They also understood the meaning of Taoist Baiyu, the four of them looked at each other, and they all clasped their hands together and said: "Yunluo, Tianyu Xianzong, only Yuhua Shenzong is the leader!"

Daoist Baiyu was in a good mood, and at that time, he made some polite words and promises... the suzerains of the two great immortal sects also inexplicably looked forward to it.

Feng Hao listened on the sidelines, smiling wryly.

It seems that the luck of the Yuhua Shenzong is really a bit scary, if the Daluo Xianzong does not place the Yuhua Shenzong on the edge of this fairy sect.

It's not like there are two more supporters.

Feng Hao estimated that there are thirty or forty immortal sects on the fringe... If these people also join in, then the Ascension Shenzong will really be unstoppable.

Luo Tian of the Great Luo Shenzong was afraid that he would choke to death on a mouthful of old blood.

Afterwards, the suzerains of Yunluo Immortal Sect and Tianyu Immortal Sect bid farewell and left. Not long after they left... Another representative of Immortal Sect came to visit on Suspended Island...

Daoist Bai Yu looked at Feng Hao and said, "This, this... unstoppable luck!"

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