Martial Inverse

Chapter 841: Profound Girl from the Ancestral Realm

"Sometimes when luck comes, I really can't stop it, and I don't want to be like this..."

Daoist Baiyu had a very helpless expression, Feng Hao looked on and wanted to hit someone, Yuhua Shenzong had luck, but anyone with a discerning eye knew it was because of him!

At this time, those who were seeking to see outside all entered the main hall with the consent of Taoist Bai Yu.

Just like those Immortal Sect Masters just now, he has a humble attitude. After reporting himself as a family, he flattered Daoist Bai Yu fiercely.

Daoist Baiyu smiled happily when he heard it, and the more he looked at it, the more he admired these representatives of the Immortal Sect.

Although the strength is not high, but it is very appetizing!

They didn't take Feng Hao seriously at first, but they didn't know until they asked who the standing person was...

That young man who was always smiling and didn't say a word turned out to be the fifth emperor of the Ascension God Sect, a celebrity who received the inheritance of the emperor of the ancestral realm.


The representatives of those sects knelt down in shock at that time, and then worshiped, shouting miracles...

Feng Hao was also taken aback by the reactions of these representatives, why did he worship him? What miracle?

"It's unbelievable. We heard that Fenghuang only ascended for a few years, and in a few years... he cultivated from a lower god to the emperor's realm. This is simply a miracle..."

Representatives of several sects were very excited. When they didn't see Feng Hao, they only felt that this kind of person was so unpredictable.

They didn't expect to have such a cordial conversation with them now, and they were flattered.

They thought to themselves... If the Ascension Shenzong became the Emperor Sect in the future, wouldn't their cowhide be able to boast for several generations?

Feng Hao didn't quite understand the feelings of these Xianzong representatives, wasn't a big deal.

He just recovered his cultivation.

I never feel that there is anything to be happy about, of course... If it is a great success, then this is the real thing to celebrate.

After some conversation, the two great Immortal Sects who came to visit also inquired about the proposal of the Lower Yuhua Shenzong to select the Emperor Sect.

Originally, Daoist Bai Yu planned to explain a little bit,

Unexpectedly, the two Xianzong representatives said at the time...whether they agree to the proposal or something.

Daoist Baiyu said with a smile: "This...of course it couldn't be better, have to agree with the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect!"

"To be honest... we are actually the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect!"

"This, this, this..."

Daoist Baiyu shook his head and smiled wryly, and then said: "You guys are hiding too deeply, but... With your support, this Daoist is also full of confidence."

"Then let's withdraw cash to congratulate the Ascension Shenzong, and achieve the position of Emperor Sect as soon as possible..."

The representatives of the two immortal sects slapped Taoist Master Baiyu, Feng Hao and Yuhua Shenzong flatteringly again, and then took their leave and left.

After these people left, Taoist Baiyu looked at Feng Hao helplessly and said, "This time... there are four immortal sects, and the three major divine sects support our proposal, it is stable!"

Feng Hao nodded, but he was not too optimistic about this kind of thing, and said softly: "If the Da Luo Shenzong recruits other immortal sects, there is still no hope..."

Daoist Baiyu said: "Behind the two neutral divine sects, Luo Fu and Huo Yan, there are more than twenty immortal sects... I'm afraid you don't know this!"

Feng Hao: "Ruthless..."

Feng Hao had a toothache at that time, why didn't Taoist Bai Yu say earlier, if there are more than 20 immortal sects behind Luo Fu and Huoyan Shenzong, then this time it is almost really stable.


On the third day after arriving at Da Luo Shenzong, all the representatives of the Xianzong who participated in the Xianhui came together, and then the Tianjiao children of Da Luo Xianzong ran over to inform the representatives of the Xianzong in charge.

Feng Hao and Taoist Baiyu also received the news from the disciples of the Great Luo Divine Sect, and at the same time, led by the disciples of the Great Luo Divine Sect, they rushed to the place where the Fairy Fair was held.

This fairy meeting can be described as a grand event in space. Representatives of hundreds of sects gathered together, and hundreds of bigwigs from the Xuanxian world gathered together to create a fairy island floating above the sea of ​​clouds.

Immortal music was bursting out, cranes were dancing, some fairies with graceful figures were singing and dancing, and delicious food was presented, which opened the eyes of many representatives of Xianzong.

The representatives of the Immortal Sect were chatting with each other, discussing the selection of the Emperor Sect this time, guessing which sect would be favored by heaven and become the first Emperor Sect in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

This is extremely representative and of great significance.

Similarly, some of these representatives of the Immortal Sect were lucky. If luck came... wouldn't they be able to get their hands on the position of the Emperor Sect?

To become the emperor's sect, it must be a hundred sects coming to the court. Even if the sect has no resources, and the immortal order is issued, still worry about not having resources?

It was wonderful.

When Feng Hao and Baiyu Daoist descended on Xianhui Xiandao, they also saw the representatives of Huoyan Shenzong, Luofu Shenzong and Tianxuan Shenzong.

The seats of the top ten god sects in the fairy society are in the middle of the fairy island, forming a circle, followed by the hundreds of sects arranged in alphabetical order of names.

in Apple pie order.

And it is easy to find the respective seats.

In order to hold this fairy meeting, Da Luo Xianzong also dispatched a logistics team of nearly 500 people, and they handled all the small details very well.

Feng Hao and Baiyu Daoist sat down on the seats, Huoyan Shenzong and Tianxuan Shenzong were next to each other, because the first strokes of their sect names were the same.

The Great Luo Shenzong is in the middle of the ring, ranking first.

Yuhua Shenzong was a little behind, anyway, it was still separated from Tianxuan Luofu and Huoyan Shenzong.

Feng Hao glanced at the seat of Da Luo Shenzong, there were only two people, one was Luo Tian, ​​the head of Da Luo, and the other was his adopted son Luo Fan.

Feng Hao was quite speechless about this arrangement of Da Luo Shenzong.

Obviously, Da Luo Shenzong has been wary of their Yuhua Shenzong, and they are very alert.

But... Feng Hao knew that this kind of arrangement was futile, some things really couldn't be changed in the end, just like how the Great Luo Shenzong tried its best to isolate the Ascension Shenzong.

These sects will still support their proposal.


When the representatives of the hundred sects arrived, the originally noisy Xiandao suddenly quieted down at a certain moment without any warning.

Then... the representatives of the Immortal Sect saw patches of snow suddenly falling from the sky.

"this is……"

All the representatives of the Immortal Sect looked up at the sky, and even Luo Tian, ​​the lord of the Great Luo Shenzong, couldn't hide the shock in his heart at this moment.

"This is... the mysterious girl from the ancestral world who has disappeared for tens of thousands of years... the only mysterious girl in the Xuanxian ancestral world who has not joined any sect. It is rumored that he fell in the battle between gods and demons. did he appear?"

Luo Tian had a bad premonition at that moment.

The identity of the Xuannv of the ancestral world is extraordinary. It is rumored that when the world first opened, she already existed, and even existed at the same time as the lord of the ancestral world.

She appeared at this time, what is she doing?

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