Martial Inverse

Chapter 842: Fairy Fair Begins

There were bursts of whispers on the floating fairy island, and all the representatives of the sect who knew the identity of Xuannv couldn't hide the shock in their hearts at this moment.

Those who didn't know, became known at this time.

The appearance of Xuannv is like a character who only exists in history and suddenly appears in reality. This feeling is quite shocking.

"Mysterious girl?"

Feng Hao looked at the woman with snowflakes on the stage, and was quite curious in his heart. The woman's temperament was dusty, like a green lotus blooming in the iceberg.

After she landed on Xiandao, everyone held their breaths and concentrated, and there was no sound on Xiandao.

At this time, Luo Tian, ​​the Sect Master of the Great Luo, stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Xuannv is here, and Luo is far away to welcome me. I hope Xuannv is no wonder..."

Xuan Goddess looked indifferently, glanced at Luo Tian, ​​and said softly: "Sect Master of Da Luo Shenzong?"


Luo Tian nodded.

Xuannv said: "This time the Emperor Sect Immortal Meeting, but you Da Luo Shenzong presided over it?"

Luo Tian didn't understand the meaning of Xuan Nu's words, but he was indeed the host, so he nodded and said, "Yes!"

Xuannv said at this time: "Is there a place for my Xuannv?"


Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, he had no idea that Xuan Nu would come over, so he had no intention of becoming Xuan Nu at all.

After thinking for a while, Luo Tian said, "How about giving up the nuances of our sect to Xuannv, how about this sect stand up and preside over it?"

"No need!"

Xuannv waved her hand and said, "It's enough for me to sit with this young emperor."

Xuannv pointed at Feng Hao.


The people on the entire floating fairy island suddenly burst into an uproar, and everyone looked at Xuannv in shock.

This, this, this...

Among the Xuannv, hundreds of strong men from the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm,

It is really appalling to pick Feng Hao directly and want to sit with Feng Hao.

Even Feng Hao, the person involved, was a little puzzled. He was sure that he had never met Xuannv and had never met her, so the other party chose to sit next to him out of hundreds of people, which was really confusing.

At this time, Xuannv didn't care whether Feng Hao agreed or disagreed, she already walked lightly in front of Feng Hao, and said, "Can I sit here?"


Feng Hao froze for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes!"

Feng Hao stood up and gave Xuannv the subtlety that originally belonged to him. The white feather Taoist at the side was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "It's"

Daoist Baiyu was a little confused. What Xuannv said just now was that she wanted to sit next to Feng Hao, not that... she wanted to take Feng Hao's seat.

However, Feng Hao gave up his seat.

When the Xuannv saw Feng Hao standing up, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, especially when Feng Hao walked out from the subtle and asked her to take a seat...

A look of astonishment appeared in Xuannv's beautiful eyes.

At this time, the representatives of the Immortal Sect on Suspended Immortal Island also whispered, because Feng Hao's behavior of getting up and abdicating seemed to dislike Xuannv.

Just when everyone was about to see how Xuannv would react, Xuannv also said at this time: "Why did you give up your position to me?"

"This is your request, Xuannv!" Feng Hao said.

Xuannv said, "I'll just be by your side."

With a wave of her hand, a white futon suddenly appeared beside Feng Hao's seat out of thin air, and then sat down cross-legged while pinching the corner of her skirt.


Seeing this, Feng Hao had no choice but to sit down again.

He didn't know why Xuannv chose to sit next to him, but there must be a reason. There has never been love and hate for no reason in the world.

Just like Xuan Nu would never choose to sit next to Feng Hao for no reason.

Luo Tian, ​​the master of Da Luo, was also amazed by Xuannv's choice. What's not good, why is it chosen by Yuhua Shenzong, and Feng Hao, the fifth emperor of Yuhua Shenzong?

Saying that Xuannv doesn't know Feng Hao, I'm afraid no one present will believe it.

There is absolutely no such coincidence in the world. Among hundreds of people, one can suddenly pick a celebrity in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Luo Tian vaguely felt that today's fairy meeting might not be as smooth as he expected, and there would definitely be more or less obstacles.

But... Luo Tian is bound to win the Emperor Zong, and he will never allow the Emperor Zong to fall into the hands of other sects.

"Before the fairy meeting was held, this sect wanted to say something, that is, the ancestral realm of Xuanxian is now in decline. As early as tens of thousands of years ago, the appearance of the emperor sect was needed. Unfortunately, at that time, we could not violate the ancestral precepts. Without a The Emperor Sect cannot appear until there are five emperors and powerhouses in the sect.

Now, Tianjiao Fenghao, who has only ascended to the throne of Shenzong for several years, has achieved the status of emperor in one fell swoop, which means the end of the era of Shenzong...

The Xuanxian ancestral world will also usher in a new era, that is the era of Emperor Zong. "

Luo Tian spoke with full of air, every sentence was clearly spread to every corner, and every representative of Xianzong could hear it clearly.

The representatives of Xianzong nodded frequently. This sentence is correct. The Shenzong era has been going on for so many thousands of years, and it is time for a change.

When the Emperor Sect appeared, it was the era of the Grand Alliance of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Luo Tian knew that many immortal sects had been humiliated for too many years, and they all wanted to take this opportunity to stand up, let alone become emperor sects.

But as long as the sect they support becomes the Emperor Sect, they will definitely usher in the time to change their fate against the sky.

Luo Tian paused for a moment, and then said in a loud voice: "Today the Emperor Sect Immortal Assembly is held, thanks to all sects, it is a great honor for us to appoint the Immortal Assembly in our Great Luo Divine Sect...

As the convener of the fairy meeting, this sect will definitely vote on the proposals put forward by each sect in accordance with the principle of fairness and justice, and implement them at the same time. Please supervise each sect! "

Luo Tian, ​​as the organizer, of course can't let their Great Luo Shenzong be criticized, so of course he has to show a little generosity.

"it is good!"

"Thank you, Sect Master Luo!"

After speaking, Luo Tian also received applause from the representatives of the sect present, and the support was endless.

Feng Hao, Taoist Bai Yu and others also applauded to express their support.

Then Da Luo Shenzong said: "This fairy meeting is mainly to discuss the feasibility of the method of electing Emperor Zong. First, the representatives of the ten major Shenzongs will take the lead in making a proposal to see if there is support from the sect. The sect with the highest support rate, the one he proposed The proposal will become the method of selecting Emperor Zong, do the sects understand?"

"To understanding!"

"To understanding!"

The representatives of the various sects have long known the general content of the fairy meeting, and now it is just a formality.

What really matters is yet to come.

That is Shenzong's proposal, which sect's proposal will win the support of Baizong.

But no matter what... If the sect's proposal has the most support, it is more likely to become the emperor's sect.

Some Xianzong believe that it is Da Luo Shenzong.

Some believe that it is the Ascension God Sect.

Others think it is Huoyan and Luofu Shenzong, or other sects.

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