Martial Inverse

Chapter 843: Demon Proposal

Sect Master Da Luo nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on the representatives of the top ten divine sects in the middle of the floating fairy island.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Sect Master Da Luo smiled, and his eyes fell on a representative of a certain Shenzong.

"Of course I agree!"

The Gods have no reason to refuse, which is beneficial to them, because as long as whoever initiates the proposal first, the approval rate will be higher.

Even the representatives of Xianzong agreed, and their Shenzong had no reason to refuse.


Seeing that the representative of Shenzong had no objection, Luo Tian thought about it, and then tried to ask Xuannv's opinion, anyway...

Xuannv is sitting in the Shenzong representative area, and her status is very unusual, and she is also a member of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, so she cannot be missed.

Besides, Xuannv's strength is also unpredictable, and no one knows what level she is, but judging from the way she appeared just now, it must be not easy.

Xuannv said softly: "You can continue, I'll take a look."

Luo Tian immediately bowed his hands and saluted, and finally his eyes fell on the middle-aged Shenzong representative who spoke first, and said: "Since the Shangyuan Shenzong representative was the first to propose approval, he is also in the front row, so... Let the Baizong representative How about listening to your opinion?"

The middle-aged Shenzong representative stood up with a smile and said: "Shangyuan Shenzong is very concerned about the selection of Emperor Zong this time, and has thought about whether to make a proposal that is beneficial to this sect, but we thought about it afterwards and felt that Emperor Zong The birth is for the benefit of the entire Xuanxian ancestral world, and the emperor's sect must also have enough prestige to be able to call on the heroes. At the same time, the emperor's disciples must also be the arrogance of we have another hundred sects competition and win The three sects with the most number will compete in the final battle... the final winner will be the Emperor Sect!"

After saying this, the middle-aged Shenzong representative sat back down again.

"This, this, this..."

"This proposal is a bit ruthless. In the last Hundred Sect Competition, everyone knew who the top three sects were, Da Luo, Huo Yan, Luo Fu, Yu Hua Shen Sect..."

"Shangyuan Shenzong has clearly been bought by Da Luo. If this proposal is followed, Da Luo Shenzong will definitely be number one!"

As soon as the proposal of the representative of Shangyuan Shenzong came out,

The representatives of the Immortal Sect began to whisper, and the scene suddenly became like a vegetable market, full of hustle and bustle.

There is Xianzong who represents anger, but no matter how angry they are, they dare not show it. If they deny it, if it is true that Daluo Shenzong becomes Emperor Zong in the future, then their life will be sad.

For a while, everyone had a steelyard in their hearts and began to weigh it.

Luo Tian, ​​the Sect Master of the Great Luo, nodded slightly, then looked at the representative of Shenzong who was floating on the Immortal Island, and said loudly: "What do you think about the proposal of Shangyuan Shenzong?"

Now it is only a proposal stage, and there is no need for any Xianzong to vote for the time being.


A Shenzong representative expressed support.

"This method is a good method, support!"

Another representative of Shenzong also agreed.

"Shangyuan Shenzong's proposal is admirable. As we all know, Shangyuan Shenzong does not have too many talents, but it is not for itself, but for the better proposal of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. It is really admirable and supportive!"

There was a representative of Shenzong who supported him, and at the same time he did not forget to flatter Shangyuan Shenzong.


However, Zhu Bilie of Tianxuan Shenzong sneered, and muttered: "Who doesn't know, Shangyuan Shenzong is proposing for Daluo Shenzong..."

Fan Daozhu said: "It's fine to know some things yourself. The Great Luo Shenzong will be criticized for making a proposal that is beneficial to them, but there is no problem if other sects propose it..."

Luofu Shenzong, Huoyan Shenzong, Tianxuan Shenzong, and Yuhua Shenzong did not express anything.

In addition, neither the Da Luo Shenzong nor the Shenzong representative who was silent at the side expressed any opinions on this proposal.

However, Shangyuan Shenzong's proposal has obviously been approved by the two major divine sects, that is to say... already supported by the three major divine sects.

At this time, the representatives of Baizong also probably felt that this proposal must have been passed by Shangyuan Shenzong, but in the end it must be the other Shenzong who benefited.

Since Shangyuan Shenzong's proposal can be passed, it is most likely to mention here that there are definitely only three major Shenzongs who can achieve Emperor Sect.

One is the Great Luo Sect, and the other is the neutral Luofu Sect and Huoyan Sect.

Many representatives of hundreds of sects already have answers in their hearts.

Immortal Sect suddenly became suspicious at this time, if Da Luo Shenzong also supports it at this time, then...

There is no problem with this proposal. Why didn't Da Luo Shenzong support it?

But Luo Tian didn't take it seriously, his eyes glanced at Shangyuan Shenzong and the other two representatives of Shenzong who supported Shangyuan Shenzong's proposal.

Finally, his eyes fell on Huoyan Shenzong.

Because the seat of the Huoyan Shenzong is right behind him, Luo Tian then looked at the representative of the Huoyan Shenzong, and said with a smile: "I don't know what the Huoyan Shenzong immortal friends think about the violation of the law in electing the Emperor Zong?"

The elder of Huoyan Shenzong stood up, first bowed to the representatives of Baizong, and then said: "Since the time is ripe to elect Emperor Zong, as the Shenzong that has always remained neutral, I, Huoyan Shenzong, will also support the selection of Emperor Zong this time. As for how to select the Emperor Sect who truly deserves the name, I, Zhuge Sect Master of the Fire Flame Sect, said: Hey, only the Sect Master who has obtained the demon seed in the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm is qualified to become the Emperor Sect!"



"Heavenly Demon Realm? Is this life-threatening?"

"The abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm, what is that place? The legendary land of immortality... It is difficult to retreat from the Heavenly Demon Realm, let alone go to the abyss to get the demon seeds!"

After the Immortal Sects heard the proposal from the Flaming Sect, all of them were moved.


Leaving aside the dangers, if there are disciples of the sect who can obtain the demon seed and return, then... becoming the Emperor Sect is indeed well deserved.

For the Demon Race, the Demon Seed is the source of strength. If one can be retrieved, it will be a great blow to the Demon Race.


Obviously, Luo Tian didn't expect the Flaming Sect to be so ruthless, as soon as he came up, he confronted their Great Luo Sect.

Shangyuan Shenzong's proposal was actually his opinion, and Shangyuan Shenzong was just a puppet.

Shangyuan Shenzong's proposal is the most beneficial to Da Luo Shenzong, but... Flame Shenzong directly throws out this proposal.

This proposal... almost has huge benefits for many immortal sects.

There's even a certain amount of luck involved.

As long as you are lucky, Xianzong also has a chance to become Emperor Zong.

Luo Tian took a deep breath, looked at the representatives of the various divine sects with a smile, and asked, "What do you fellow immortals think about the proposal of the Huoyan Divine Sect?"

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